My weird dream


So here's the dream I had this morning right before my alarm went off:

I dreamed that STS arrived via UPS. The UPS guy wouldn't leave until I let him watch it too. For some reason, it was on VHS instead of DVD. And it was soooo dated 1980s-looking sets and lame music, loud colors. But the absolute worst part of the dream? Cathe's form was terrible! I couldn't believe it!

Then there were these people talking through the whole thing, which was of course the radio on my alarm clock, waking me from this bizarre dream!

So weird! Anyone do dream analysis? Does this mean I am anxious about STS?

i'm not touchin' that one with a ten foot pole! well, maybe on friday when we've had a margarita or two (WITH CATHERINE!!!)...
>So weird! Anyone do dream analysis? Does this mean I am
>anxious about STS?

It means you have long-repressed desires to don lycra-spandex leotards and fluffy legwarmers whilst Sweatin' to the Oldies... with your UPS man. ;)
Jodi, I say we have a viewing party when STS comes out...and you can invite the UPS man. Umm, only if he's hot! }(
Hysterical! I thought only I had crazy-weird dreams. I only recently started having weird dreams like I used to, after years of no fun dreams. I don't know why they stopped then started up suddenly again (diet?) but I'm glad they're back because I love them.

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