My vids are here wooo hooo!!!!!!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-02 AT 07:13PM (Est)[/font][p]I'm soooooo excited! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy I found a sweet surprise today!!!! My little package of Cathe videos!!!! YAY!!! I got CTX, Circuit Max, Rhythmic Step, Power Max, and Body Max. I think my collection almost complete now. I'm on a S&H rotation this month, but I'm planning a CTX rotation for February (training my body parts twice per week). I still don't know how to incorporate the other videos, but I'm sure I'll find ways to do it in March or later. Any suggestions???
Isnt it great when your new tapes finally arrive!!! Opening up the package and previewing them all is almost as fun as doing them!!


I like to do CTX for 3 weeks, then go into longer tapes, then maybe back to CTX for another 3....which is what I intend to do this rotation. I usually go 6 weeks on and one week off with exercise, but I want to go longer (9 weeks), so I'm going to see if slipping in more CTX will help. It seems easier to do them even if they are intense....30 minutes of cardio seems like child's play.

Is this what you were looking for? I try not to get real carried away with weeks and weeks of long involved rotations.
Hello Honeybunch! HMMMM 3 week rotations what a great idea! LOL!!! I can rotate CTX for 3 weeks and then add a "Circuit training and step" week for my week #4 and I can use the new videos. I usually rotate videos for 4 weeks because I like variety, but if I feel or see the rotation is working I usually stick with the rotation for 2 more weeks. I never thought about doing my rotations for 3 weeks, but hey the possibilities are endless so thanks for the suggestion.

My biggest issue is lack of time, but at the same time I'm trying to lose weight (trying to lose the last couple of pounds is a b@#$h x( !!) I hope CTX doesn't slow down my already hard earned progress. My cardio sessions are longer than 30mins, but that was back on Christmas vacation when I did cardio in the morning and weights during the evening. I still try to follow that format, but sometimes I end up not exercising because it takes too much time so I think CTX would be the solution.

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