My Tummy is going down !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi All,

Had a good inspection in the full length mirror this morning, and I can't believe it, after 3 weeks of Cathe's Wedding video, I have noticed my post-pregnancy bulge around my lower abs has gone down ? My butt looks firmer, and my bicep extends down to my elbow, which is great, I have never seen my bicep so elongated ? Just wish I could clean up my eating, properly ! x(

WOOHOO! That's great for you! :-jumpy It's so motivating when you actually the results of all your hard work pay off. Keep up the good, hard work and and stay fit ;)

I am so pleased for you nothing motivates you more than seeing actual results with your own eyes.

You go girl flex those biceps :-jumpy

Good work, Anna!

Give it time with the "clean eating". I think you'll find that, with time and continued intelligent exercise programming, your appetite will naturally gravitate to healthier "cleaner" foods will less mental effort on your part.

Say goodbye to Bubble And Squeak . . . Toad In The Hole . . . chips and crisps (what we Yanks call French Fries and potato chips) . . .

Annette Q. Aquajock :)
Thanks everyone for all your kind words :) I am tucking into my salad sandwiches, made with wholemeal bread, and low fat salad cream, yet, alas (Annette how did you guess ?) I have had a crisp blow out today - it just kind of happenned. I guess that post-pregnancy pooch will be popping back before I know it x(

Anna :)
RE: Planks will defeat crisps

Hey, Anna - from a fellow crisps lover -

If you're not doing planks (both face-down in a push-up position, and face-up) start doing them. Pregnancy totally stretches out all of the abdominal muscles including the cummerbund-like transverse abdominus, which is the deepest ab muscle, and traditional crunch ab work will NOT re-strengthen the transversus because the transversus has no motor or spinal flexion function. Planks recruit the transversus by forcing it to stabilize the spine and hold in the internal viscera against the gravity of the position, and THAT'S what can start flattening your tum-tum even more. Aesthetically it's great, and health-wise it's of first importance.

If this isn't the first time you've heard this, sorry for the repetition!

Annette Q. Aquajock

(P.S. Do you guys have Cheez-Its in England?)
RE: Planks will defeat crisps

Hi Annette,

Thanks for that info, I had no idea about the benefits of planks. I think they are in the Circuit Max video I have ordered, so I will look forward to those. They look a little hard to me :-hmmm

No, we don't have Cheez-Its in the Uk, but we have Wotsits which are cheesey (and prawn cocktail flavour, and barbecue beef flavour). They are like small sausage shaped puffy things, the cheese ones are bright orange. My children love them ! :D

RE: Planks will defeat crisps

Oh don't get me started on crisps cheesy wotsits yummm.

Hi Aqua can I just thank you for your help with my abs I am doing planks and a special ab day holding the planks for about 30 seconds (that hurts) my tummy is a lot better and seems to be heading in the right direction. This is "fat week" for me so I can't tell how much of an improvement I will try and measure next week.

I'm still sending out vibes until you hear about the job I have been on so many interviews I'm 35 and the longest I have been in a job is 5 years (so I have done more than my share of interviews), so until I hear the results sending out "give her the job vibes" to your potential employers.

Yes, planks are great. I have been trying for the abs of steel for quite a while. My youngest is 11 years old. I have been doing planks for a couple of months now and can see my ab muscles!!:) I saw on one of your posts that you are into Bruce Spingsteen. I have been a fan for a long time...saw him New Years Eve...1975..Tower Theatre in Philly. Hard to believe it is that long ago! You've got some good looking men in your parts, that Simon Cowell is too sexy for words!
Actually, Bubble and sqeak is not an unhealthy food. I disagree with you on this one. I love it and it's a good way to get collards (greens) into kids.

My Mum always served Toad in the hole with 3 different vegetables, and so again, I think this makes for a well-rounded meal. Sorry. I don't think these foods should be seen as enemies in themselves, if you like them. If they are part of a balanced diet, then I say, eat a little of what you fancy.

They also are traditional foods that people use to stretch that food dollar (or pound) in large families without too much cash, which mine was growing up. Don't forget, it actually costs more to eat well. Check out the price of vegetables versus a pound of beef at your local supermarket!

RE: Planks will defeat crisps

Annette, you have no idea how such a valuable information you have provided. I don't know much about anatomy, but have always wondered if crunches miss "something" inside that prevents us from getting a flatter tummy. Thanks for clarifying this! Planks will definitely be a must in my workouts. My Mommy Tummy thanks you as well.
Hi Lisa !
I ADORE The Boss ! And don't you just love it at the end of the Born In The USA video, he is standing with his back to the camera, and he turns round and at that point my legs turn to jelly, because we not only get to see that lush butt, but his sexy face too. Sheer heaven !
Lisa, you won't believe this but Simon Cowell over last Christmas was the most hated man in Britain ! He was Mr Nasty Pop Idol judge ! I hear he did the judging on American Idol, too !

Wow, :-wow I can't wait for circuit max to arrive when I can try out planks, looking forward to my bulge disappearing for good !
Does it help to be able to do a full push up when attempting planks or does that have nothing to do with it ?


RE: A Plank-Plug for Ab Hits DVD / video

Cathe's newest release, the Ab Hits DVD or video, has several plank sections (CTX-Kickbox, CTX Power Circuit, Slow and Heavy something-or-other, and Power Hour). These sections are of longer duration than the very brief Circuit Max plank section, and also offer other core stability work such as face-down "Supermans" that complement the plank work with face-down spinal hyperextensions.

I'm a s-l-o-o-o-w woman with a dollar, and I truly don't buy any product lightly, but this offering is a must!

Also, while you're considering planking it, don't forget push-ups!

Annette Q. Aquajock
Thanks Annette

Annette, I did not know that planks worked that great! Thank you for posting that information...MY mommy tummy thanks you also! :)

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
There are very few things I hate more than abdominal work but you have actually inspired me to buy Ab Hits and actually DO IT! I had pretty much resigned myself to the mommy pouch but now I believe there is hope (I am so interested to see what "planks" are--sounds ominous...)! Thanks!!!

Ariel :)
RE: Planks will defeat crisps

I love your explanations...I have become a plank addict. they are such a test of your core strength. I always enjoy your posts.
I think it all helps, plus mentally, if you know you can do straight leg pushups, I think it helps endure the plank....just think, I am strong.....
Hi Lisa,

Just re-read your previous post, and I am so jealous, you saw Bruce LIVE WOW ! :-wow I bet that was so cool. I would love to see Springsteen live in concert ! Tell me, did his butt look as good in'75, as it did in '85 ? Sorry, just curious !
Which is your favourite Bruce Springsteen album ? I think mine is 'THE WILD, THE INNOCENT AND THE E-STREET BAND '.


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