My toddler loves Cathe, too


I was previewing Circuit Max while my daughter was playing. Next thing I know, she's dragged out my step platform, picked up a wooden toy that looks like a dumbbell and is going up and down on the step yelling "exercise!!"

A mini-Cathe in training? :)

LOL--my dd is the same way. She dances to the music and carries my three pound dumbbells around. She calls Cathe "muscles" and says good bye to her at the end of the cool down :)

My 2 children(5&2) love to watch her also! They really like CardioKicks and try to follow along.My daughter says"She's pretty Mommy!" And that she is..
I had to buy them each a 1# pair of dumbbells so they could try to weight train with me. They look so cute when they're "concentrating on their form!";-) Stay healthy, Susan
My Children Love Cathe too!

My 5 year old daughter loves to jump around the step when I am previewing a step tape and my son says "hey, that's Cathe!" He is six years old.

I have always taught my kiddos about fitness...and now, it is second nature to them to see "Cathe" pop-up on the TV screen! :-jumpy

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
My older son (now 3 1/2) has been a Cathe fan since he was just over 1. He frequently gets out a Cathe video and plays it for his own entertainment. He loves Cardio Kicks also. He will ask me when I work out at home if I will be doing a Cathe video. Whenever I do a weight training video, he loves to get out my lightest dumbells and join me. I am hoping he and my 7 1/2 month old son will both grow up to enjoy fitness.
Same here! My son (almost 2 and a half) loves Cathe. He's a stong one too, he does deadlifts with an 8 pound dumbell... Sometimes, when I'm lying on my back doing whatever types of weights you do on your back, he comes by with a 10 pound dumbell (or under) and attempts to drop it on my belly saying : "here" (but in french cuz he's mostly french speaking).
My children our 12 and 14 now but when I first started exercising they were just walking. They would spent their time racing around the steps timing it just right according to the routine I was doing. As they grew all their friends would know not to bother Amy and Scott's mom during "exercise" time. They would gather on the porch and look thru the window as this strange woman jumped and leaped over a bench.

I am proud to say that now both my children are superb athletes who know the benefits of regular exercise and healthy eating.

I miss the days of them running around the step!

Karen-proud momma of Amy and Scott

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