Ok, so this prob just ticked me off because I was tired, hungry, and stuck in some major traffic today, but what the heck is going on?? I was stuck in bumper to bumper traffic moving at a whopping 5 mph and I see a State Trooper on the side of the hwy with is radar gun out the window and a holier-than-thou I'm going to get someone look on his face. Um, 'scuse me - We aren't moving!!!!!!! Who are you going to pull over? The ants on the side of the road are moving faster then the traffic. Wouldn't it make more sense for the police to be running radar and writing tickets where people are moving? Like maybe the inbound lanes on the other side??? I understand it's his job and he possibly got stuck there by his boss, but wouldn't it make sense for him to actually be doing some work?? Had to vent, b/c somethings make no sense.