My tax dollars at work


Ok, so this prob just ticked me off because I was tired, hungry, and stuck in some major traffic today, but what the heck is going on?? I was stuck in bumper to bumper traffic moving at a whopping 5 mph and I see a State Trooper on the side of the hwy with is radar gun out the window and a holier-than-thou I'm going to get someone look on his face. Um, 'scuse me - We aren't moving!!!!!!! Who are you going to pull over? The ants on the side of the road are moving faster then the traffic. Wouldn't it make more sense for the police to be running radar and writing tickets where people are moving? Like maybe the inbound lanes on the other side??? I understand it's his job and he possibly got stuck there by his boss, but wouldn't it make sense for him to actually be doing some work?? Had to vent, b/c somethings make no sense.

LOL i just got this vision in my head that he might be so bored that he would have gotten out of the car and followed the ants with the radar gun!! yeah they can work down here. we have this one house where a bunch of ppl hnag out morning noon and night(i know b/c i pass the damn house morning on the way to work, afternoon on the way home from work, and night when i have to run up to the store) and i know that there is NO bus stop there. so if the boss can't find something for him to do send him Here LOL. police presence speaks volumes that this city is tired of drug dealers.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Annette Bethel

Musta been a SC Trooper :D....! Actually there was one today watching traffic while the Sheriff's Patrol was directing traffic at the intersection. Meanwhile, there is no one directing or watching traffic at the middle school. Hmmmmmm, go firgure.
In my neighborhood, the police often stage a police car on the side of the road with a "dummy" sitting in the front seat pointing a radar gun. The car will sit there (on a road on which many people tend to speed) for hours. You can tell it's a dummy when you stop at the cross-stop. Another week it may well be a real live cop. This is to deter speeders. Maybe that's what your situation was. Deb
Reminds me of California's attempt of putting cardboard statues of CHIPS next to their motorcycles. People started posing nude with the cardboard cops and were posting pictures all over the place.

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