My resistence band broke!


I was doing some delt work with the band and it snapped right in half! Fortunately I have another one that I got with a yoga tape I never used. Have you ever had a band break?
Yes, mine has snapped off twice on me - a piece came off the end when I was doing leg presses and I kept using it and then it broke again. The green bands don't seem as sturdy as the heavier bands with more resistance.

Hi all,

Most of you probably already know this but just in case, I wanted to "chime in" about caring for the resistance bands.

The bands are latex and need to be cared for in a very specific way to prolong their "life". After a good ol' Cathe sweat fest workout, the bands are most likely somewhat wet. That, coupled with the continued stress on the bands during the workouts, is going to result in the band breaking prematurely. This becomes more of an issue as we get stronger and place more pull in the band.

The bands won't last forever but wiping the bands off (even if you don't see any visible moisture) and then powdering them lightly will help them to last longer. I use corn starch but talc would probably do just as well. Definitely don't fold the band while it has moisture on it. Even a little sweat will start to deteriorate the integrity of the band and every fold will be a stress point.

Petroleum jelly is bad for latex as well, so using Vaseline to prevent moisture from getting to the band is out of the question. (I learned this the hard way with a red band I was using for physical therapy a few years back.)

I store my bands in a plastic bag with a little corn starch sprinkled in it. After my workout I place the bands in the bag and shake it so the bands are lightly coated with the corn starch. My bands are 3 years old and still going strong!
Mine broke a few weeks ago...I ordered a new one but it is really too short. I will have to try again to get a longer one. Thank you for the tips on how to store them! Karen ;)
Thanks for the care of a band advice! i just ordered several last week because I know the one I have is starting to look like it is on its last leg!

Hopefully now the new ones will last a lONG time!!:) :)

It's also possible to buy non-latex bands, which aren't as picky about care (ie: they don't need to be powdered to prolong their usable life).

YOu can also buy long lengths of bands on a roll, to be cut to any length you need. A good idea if you intend to do a lot of band workouts.
Mine broke the first time I did LIC barbell bicep curls with the band....scared the bejeepers out of me. Another one broke when I was doing leg presses with the band...luckily they didn't snap me when they snapped...I've read a couple of posts about getting hurt when the band snaps......just what we need in our workouts..the element of danger}( :+

Take Care
Add mine to the list of band casualties. I was doing leg press w/ it this am and SNAP!!! Just ordered replacements, I'll have to take better care of them this time! Thanks for the advice.

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