Hi everyone..
Well, as you know, I earlier this week to tell you all that I was to see a personal trainer for the first time. I indicated that I was going to concentrate on lifting as heavy as I can in a rep range of 8-12.
I was suprisingly impressed with this trainer!! And I am not impressed easily! He had me supersetting back and chest. I did bench press/pull ups (assisted), lat rows/incline dumbell press, seated row/push ups on a bosu, seated rows on a stability ball with a resistance band (didn't care for that one), t-bar rows, one arm bumbell rows......I think that is it.
It was suprisingly very challenging to use the same poundages I would use for S&H, but at a 3 set 12 rep count. There was a big difference benching with poundages 65/75/95 for 3 sets of 12 at a semi fast pace than doing Cathe benching at 40lbs max on my barbell. For any of you seeking "the pump", 3 sets of 12 at that higher poundage produces a pump 5 times that of S&H!! It was so bad at one point during the workout that I seriously thought something may be wrong!!!
However, I was VERY STUPID this week and came back to exercise after being sick with a huge, proving to be way too huge, BANG!! I did tri/biceps S&H on Wed, S&H legs lunchtime Thurs, treadmill for 1 hour on 15% incline at 3.2 miles per hour for an hour before my session Thur night, and then finally, the personal training session working back and chest!!!!!
Well, we all know that bi's and tri's are recruited for back and chest and I tell you, I have never felt such a huge "pump" in my muscles!!! While I was not sore from bi/tris, I had that lingering "tired" feeling that S&H can bring. I NEVER should have done chest/back the day after. I could actually tell that I was doing more harm than good and by the end of the session I could barely move my arms!! I hadn't eaten since 1pm that day (it is now stupid!) and when I got home my arms continued to ache. I even had to put a heating pad on them!! Well, needless to say, I was so sore that night(and now) that I couldn't even sleep right. I couldn't even find a comfortable position to be in. And when I awoke the next morning, after approx 4 hours of solid sleep, I could barely get out of bed. And right now I can barely walk!!!
I think this is the sorest I have ever been possibly in my life. I even had to think about calling off to work on Friday on account that I couldn't move!! I am sure SOMEONE here can relate to this kind of pain. I was free falling on the toilet all day yesterday and STILL today!!
The lesson to be learned here is do not do sit and stands attached to S&H with 60lbs when you have not worked your legs in two weeks!!!
You WILL be sorry!!
The trainer was great however. I have a nice, yet not debilitating soreness in my lats today!! Also can feel my chest. I purchased more sessions, maybe not for me, but definitly for my hubby, who is crying in constant pain now as well. YEAH!!!! I told him, " Now you know how I feel 5 days out of 7 of every week". LOL!!!!! He is loving it and hopefully he will get some good results!!
I will be lucky to be 100% by Mon. The soreness is almost worse today. I am sure some here can relate to soreness that is so bad you almost feel physically ill. That's me, right now. I told the trainer that I was going to come back next week at 100% recovered and "clean house". He laughed.
Just wanted to share my pain with you all...
Well, as you know, I earlier this week to tell you all that I was to see a personal trainer for the first time. I indicated that I was going to concentrate on lifting as heavy as I can in a rep range of 8-12.
I was suprisingly impressed with this trainer!! And I am not impressed easily! He had me supersetting back and chest. I did bench press/pull ups (assisted), lat rows/incline dumbell press, seated row/push ups on a bosu, seated rows on a stability ball with a resistance band (didn't care for that one), t-bar rows, one arm bumbell rows......I think that is it.
It was suprisingly very challenging to use the same poundages I would use for S&H, but at a 3 set 12 rep count. There was a big difference benching with poundages 65/75/95 for 3 sets of 12 at a semi fast pace than doing Cathe benching at 40lbs max on my barbell. For any of you seeking "the pump", 3 sets of 12 at that higher poundage produces a pump 5 times that of S&H!! It was so bad at one point during the workout that I seriously thought something may be wrong!!!
However, I was VERY STUPID this week and came back to exercise after being sick with a huge, proving to be way too huge, BANG!! I did tri/biceps S&H on Wed, S&H legs lunchtime Thurs, treadmill for 1 hour on 15% incline at 3.2 miles per hour for an hour before my session Thur night, and then finally, the personal training session working back and chest!!!!!
Well, we all know that bi's and tri's are recruited for back and chest and I tell you, I have never felt such a huge "pump" in my muscles!!! While I was not sore from bi/tris, I had that lingering "tired" feeling that S&H can bring. I NEVER should have done chest/back the day after. I could actually tell that I was doing more harm than good and by the end of the session I could barely move my arms!! I hadn't eaten since 1pm that day (it is now stupid!) and when I got home my arms continued to ache. I even had to put a heating pad on them!! Well, needless to say, I was so sore that night(and now) that I couldn't even sleep right. I couldn't even find a comfortable position to be in. And when I awoke the next morning, after approx 4 hours of solid sleep, I could barely get out of bed. And right now I can barely walk!!!
I think this is the sorest I have ever been possibly in my life. I even had to think about calling off to work on Friday on account that I couldn't move!! I am sure SOMEONE here can relate to this kind of pain. I was free falling on the toilet all day yesterday and STILL today!!
The lesson to be learned here is do not do sit and stands attached to S&H with 60lbs when you have not worked your legs in two weeks!!!
The trainer was great however. I have a nice, yet not debilitating soreness in my lats today!! Also can feel my chest. I purchased more sessions, maybe not for me, but definitly for my hubby, who is crying in constant pain now as well. YEAH!!!! I told him, " Now you know how I feel 5 days out of 7 of every week". LOL!!!!! He is loving it and hopefully he will get some good results!!
I will be lucky to be 100% by Mon. The soreness is almost worse today. I am sure some here can relate to soreness that is so bad you almost feel physically ill. That's me, right now. I told the trainer that I was going to come back next week at 100% recovered and "clean house". He laughed.
Just wanted to share my pain with you all...