My modified Cathe 12 wks to lose 20-30 lbs...what do you think?


I've taken Cathe's 12 week plan she wrote up for someone else some time ago and tweaked it a bit. I'd like opinions please!

Weeks 1-3 1 hr cardio + PS series (done twice a week)
Weeks 4-6 1 hr cardio + Gym styles (done twice a week)
Weeks 7-9 1 hr cardio + Slow and Heavy series (done twice a week)
Week 10 1 hr cardio + PH and ME (done twice a week)
Week 11 All Cathe circuit dvds + SS + PP
Week 12 CTX as is plus Imax 1 and 2 (done nonconsecutively one time each)

The only thing I changed from the original rotation was instead of doing SH twice I did the gym styles.

The way I saw this plan, the basic formula is to build muscle initially and then lean it out by doing endurance based workouts only, and then of course doing cardio daily for an hour. Does this seem about right to you guys?
That is a lot of cardio. Have you thought of alternating your cardio days w/ your PS series? Kind of like what P90X does? THat way you could do 3 days of interval cardio work and 2-3 days of strength training. Are you also looking to build muscle or increase flexibility? I would love to hear what the CAthe experts say :)
Good luck on your weightloss, I wish I could push the plate way that is my downfall :(
I'm looking to mostly lose some weight and get a bit more toned/muscular. This rotation was written by cathe herself so I didnt mess with it much and I'm giving it my all for 12 weeks. I figured after 12 wks I'd ease for 2-3 weeks after to recover and then hit it again in reverse....go from heavy endurance to strength.
I saw that rotation when she posted it, it is a doozie!!! Good luck and please let us know how it goes, maybe I will try it sometime :)
Take care :)
Hi, Cbelle. I can't really recall the details of this plan, maybe you can give me a link. My main thing is that maybe the weight work before the cardio will be beneficial. When I lost some major fat & got cut, I always did my weights before cardio, & no, cardio never suffered. Reason being, is the theory that you burn your glycogen stores(immediately available energy) while doing weights. So when you get to your cardio, it won't be long at all before you start burning your fat stores. I always thought this was just an extra boost for me, because, of course, you'll always burn calories if you're exercising.


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