Hi guys!
I created a new rotation earlier today (FitnessFreak's Muscle Building & Cardio Rotation), saved it to my calendar and uploaded it for other people to use it.
When I logged on now the rotation is gone both from the list of available rotations and from my calendar...
EDIT: When I saved the rotation this morning, it showed on the list (along with my avatar and everything). Also, in the calendar I could see the little DVD-cover icons marked with "Rotation".
Now, I only get a green little icon with "Rotation" on top in some days, in a few others a couple of DVD covers (without the "Rotation" mark) and when I click on any of the dates (the ones that either have the green icon or a DVD icon) I don't get anything scheduled for that date... Weird, huh?
I created a new rotation earlier today (FitnessFreak's Muscle Building & Cardio Rotation), saved it to my calendar and uploaded it for other people to use it.
When I logged on now the rotation is gone both from the list of available rotations and from my calendar...
EDIT: When I saved the rotation this morning, it showed on the list (along with my avatar and everything). Also, in the calendar I could see the little DVD-cover icons marked with "Rotation".
Now, I only get a green little icon with "Rotation" on top in some days, in a few others a couple of DVD covers (without the "Rotation" mark) and when I click on any of the dates (the ones that either have the green icon or a DVD icon) I don't get anything scheduled for that date... Weird, huh?
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