My Latest Sheroes!


Good morning all! Just wanted to cyber-applaud 2 women about whom I read in the weekend editions of the Star Tribune here in Mpls/St. Paul:

Nancy Goldstein, age 62, competitive power lifter who can bench press 89 pounds

Carol Peebles, age 81, 5K, 10K and 25K marathon runner (wears out 2-3 pairs of running shoes per year, and began running at the tender age of 57)

It just makes my day when I see stuff like that!

Annette Q. Aquajock
41-Year-Old Babe In The Woods
WOW! Now that's impressive AND motivating!

It really gives me some hope for the future, and the future of my own fitness.

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I love these kinds of stories. It makes the thought of getting elderly bearable!

To borrow your term, my shero lives next door to me. She is 75 years old does step on an 8" step at a club plus at home (Power Step Reebok, Kathy Smith, Gilad etc), lifts real weights, and plays tennis. She looks and acts fabulous.

She stopped teaching step on her 72nd birthday and now "just" works out for fun.

I love it.

When I realize that I have more than 30 years to go of exercising with Cathe I get kind of scared. She keeps pushing us to new limits. Imagine where we will all be when we are in our 70's!

Take Care
Debbie Russo
Thanks for posting those! Stories like these really stick in my brain. I am still thinking about the 90-year-old dead lift champion who does 30 push-ups a day. She was discovered when she "crashed" a push-up contest among her grandsons...

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