My latest motivation!

Sorry, guys. I wanted to give you the bitmap version, but picturetrail must have converted it to jpg, which you can't use for wallpaper. You have to save the jpg file as a bitmap file to use it as wallpaper, but don't use picturetrail for this. At least that is what my DH the computer engineer tells me. Sorry to confuse you with this post.

Those 6-pack abs just DO IT FOR ME!!
Very nice pic - did you find it on her site?

It almost makes me wanna go workout again!!! work off that footlong subway i just ate!! I was starving after Cardio Kicks!!

Gosh, I feel like a pig! But I'm still under my caloric daily goal of about 1500-1600, so I guess it's ok.

I set this as wallpaper (great idea!) no problems whatsoever, and it worked wonderfully.

Thanks for that pic - I agree, everytime I look at those abs, I will be running toward my workout room!!

That is an awesome idea! I would love to have a body like this. It is incredible the changes they have made to their bodies in the last year or so.

For those that want to use this & don't know how to use it as wall paper, all you have to do is put your mouse cursor on the picture & right click. This brings up a menu, scroll down to "Set as Background." Voila! When you reduce your windows, you will have Cathe & the gang on your background.

Pretty cool, huh?

Glad it worked for you.

Having this pic as my wallpaper has done more for my mental motivation than anything!

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