my knee is bad help


ok so Ive been off my knee for like 5 days .. my calf muscle is freaking out now.dew to my limp I think. I talked with a sports injury person,I forget his actual title .. Anway he said NO step !!! At least forawhile ... Gees No nothing for awhile except an old granny paced walk .... I'm so scared that I'll gain back my 55 pounds I'm so bummed .Any rotation ideas for me for upper body /walks Help I feel like giving up But I cant .. I'm at a loss without cardio .. x( x( rest those knees ladies . I guess when my knee caps started to bother me it was my body warning me !!any ideas would help thanks
I sort of know how you feel. I have "significant" arthritis in my knees and Step is really starting to get to me but it's my favorite cardio. I worry what I'll do when I decide I just can't do it anymore!! ..... I don't like hi-lo, kickbox, Turbo Jam. Can't give you any ideas but I understand where you're coming from. ;(
I know knee pain well and since I am going through a hard bout with it right now, all I can say is go to a Dr and have it looked at if it continues to hurt. I have a condition called Patellofemoral Pain syndrome which is common in women, however women who use their knees more can do a lot more damage just as I have done. I have torn cartlidge in my knee and now need to have surgery to remove all the torn cartlidge so just a FYI you might want to get it checked out and only walk if you are still in pain. It's not fun, but your knees are important.
I don't know if this will help but I can share my experience with knee pain. A few years ago I was in a car accident and banged my knee pretty bad. It was hurting to the point I couldn't walk up the three steps to my front door. I finally saw a dr. and he said it was calcification, I banged my knee so hard the bone grew a bump. He gave me anti-inflammatory drugs which did nothing for the pain. Then I mentioned it to my chiropractor and he told me they adjust knees too. After about three adjustments the pain went completly away. Every once in awhile it starts to bother me when I do more step or whatever and I just go in to get it adjusted and it's fine. Hope this helps.

Hello...I know where you are coming from. My mom has the same problem. A suggestion.....sit on the edge of a chair with your step in front of you. Sitting in a chair helps takes the pressure off of your knees but you can still move your legs at your own pace. You can lean forward, backward and side to side and still get a work out. Do what you can. Keep eating healthy. Don't get discouraged. It worked for her. Hope this helps. :) :) :7
You may be able to swim because there's no impact at all. You can swim laps and burn up the calories while also keeping cool as the weather hots up. How about cardio bike?

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