My husband ROCKS!!!!!!!!


Oh what I pittiful night.My sister called earlier, to tell me to hurry up and decide which trip we are going to go on this year.The one that we had orignally thought about booking is now booked.She called with 2 more prices.In the end it is going to cost us around $3000. to go to Mexico.We had to come up with the money by the end of March.I thought that it may be cutting it close, due to all of the holiday bills that are here.
Anyhoo, we decided that it wasn't possible.In the mean time this was suppose to be our honeymoon.I was so upset.I cried,and I cried (to myself of course)Two hours later I said,"I can't beleive we are not going.We are never going to get to go anywhere cause next thing you know, we will have a baby and we won't be able to go anywhere for a long time." And then the tears started to roll down my pittiful cheeks again:-(
He says, yes we will...
Me: no we won't
Him: yes we will cause we are going.
Me: what do you mean?
Him: I called her back and told her to book the trip.Don't worry I will get the money some how.
Well, I thought I was going to kiss him all over.Which he would of loved I am sure.I am so excited,I can't believe he did that.Isn't he awesome:7
Anyone else with some men stories?
A very happy ,
That was a real upper, Lori!

Hubby and I live in a split-level townhome, and I work out in the lower level. One night as I was gutting my way through I-Max, I heard rustling upstairs and on the stairs. Hubby never rustles while I'm working out, only eats and reads the paper or watches TV, but once I get going on the workout there ain't no stoppin'. Anyway, I finish my workout and clean up the lower level.

THEN, as I walk up the second level of stair up to the upper level, I see a trail of Hershey's chocolate kisses, a little pile on each step going up, and a bigger pile of chocolates on the top step. And there was Phil, sitting on the couch with a big ole' happy *&^%-eatin' grin on his face.

I'm the luckiest duck in the world.

Thanks for starting this, Lori! I always love an opportunity to tell happy stories about DH!

Annette Q. Aquajock
Well, after your lovely stories about your super hubbies, I'd like to add that the last week we have had snow four times.
While I have been taking my shower, my husband (Mr Wonderful) has been going out and cleaning off the car. Each morning when I thank him, he just smiles and says that he knows how much I hate doing it! I guess that's love! And yes, I know how lucky we all are to have such great husbands!
I beleive it was you that started the post a little while ago, something about 10 reasons why we love our husbands? It was a good posting cause I know that we probably like to complain about them sometimes as much as we want to appreciate them.I would die if anything ever happened to him. I think I would have to live the rest of my life alone cause I would never find anyone else like him.
Now, I only have 4 monthes to try to find my abs before I hit the beach on Mexico in a bikini.And then I will drink my abs away:9.......I have never been very far in my life time.This trip is going to be amazing! I will post some pitcures of myself when I get back so everyone can see what a great time I had and what I look like.But now I have to work on this bod.Wish me luck.But then again hopefully the intensity series will do that for me.:D
RE: Lorihart - vacation abs

The ab routines on the Intensity Series do indeed look like beautiful killers.

My fave ab routines on top of what I know the I.S. will provide are:

The CTX-Kickbox ab routine (LOVE the prone and supine planks AND the straight-leg curl-downs/curl-ups!)

The CTX-PowerCircuit ab routine (LOVE the prone planks and the supermans)

The CTX-Kickbox planks and curl-downs/ups combined with the Slow and Heavy traditional ab routine

The CTX-PowerCircuit planks+supermans combined with the CTX AllStep traditional ab routine


(Also, CardioKicks for the upper body power drills, and upper body cardio drills in the first cardio segment)
RE: Lorihart - vacation abs

Do you have the videos or are you waiting for the DVD's? I am so tempted to call and order the videos but I think I would regret it in the long run.Besides for that I am doing the PS rotation now so that will keep me busy for a little while.
Speaking of husbands,mine just flew out.He is gone to Montreal to see the Rolling Stones.I think it is their last tour.What a lucky duck.His work got the tickets for him(he works with Labatts) and one of his buddies who works with one of the airlines said that if he could get him a ticket for the concert , then he would fly him up.Pretty good deal ,huh? Now I am all by my lonesome:'(
RE: Lorihart - vacation abs

Lori - I'm waiting for the DVD's. It's weird - now that I've gotten used to an all-DVD Cathe collection, I can't go back to those clunky VHS cassettes. What a snooty-tooty I am.

IMHO, if you already have the DVD's on order, don't get the VHS's at this point. You can wait a couple-three more weeks.

Enjoy your lonesome time to max up your workout time! :)

(Easy for me to say - I was never a Stones fan!)

He is definitely a keeper! It's a great idea to go now, before you have your baby. I love, love, love Mexico. Where are you going? When are you going?? Sounds like heaven!!
RE: Lorihart - vacation abs

You're not missing anything Lori, IMHO. :)
The Stones are missing Bill Wyman now I think and they really haven't had a good song in like, over 20 yrs. now. They were really good back in the day though.
Also, I think they have been doing the "last tour" thing for 20 years too!! lol!!
If you want to see the greatest rock band EVER, next to the Beatles, go see Aerosmith. They have an awesome live show and still make good new music to go along with a catalog of hit music they have done thru the years.
USA Trevor :) :-jumpy

(I have to call myself USA Trevor now-----there's another Trevor on this site now from the UK!) :)
Aqua and Trevor,
I know I am not missing anything.I'm not a fan of the stones either.It's just the fact that they are legends.But I didn't want to go anyway.I'm quite content to stay at home with you guys.:7

I beleive that we are going to the Maya Riveria? I think that is what it is called.We are going May 7th for one week. One week will be long enough for me.I have to leave my 7 yr old behind with my mom. I will be ready to come and see her then.

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