My husband didn't kill me! (Great husband stories post!)

Aww Bill that is so sweet! Diane Sue you are one lucky lady! I don't have any stories I can think of(I'm sure I have some, but drawing a blank at the moment), but I can think of a few for the reverse situation! ha ha!:7 That's what keeps the relationship interesting!

You guys have great husbands.
I bought my daughter a new civic this week.
I was $8000. from being totally out of debt.
He didn't flip when i broke it to him.
I told him the good news is I probably won't buy a new truck for a while now??

DH (Bill)
That was the sweetest poem. Now I am sitting here with tears in my eyes and a smile. You know how precious you are to me. I couldn't have a better, more understanding and loving husband.
your DW (Diane Sue)
I have been so busy I didn't catch this thread. I recently posted about my DH preordering the new Cathe's dvd's for me. He is such a special person to think of these things when he is in another country. He just sent me some african violets last week. He calls me or talks to me everynight online meaning he loses sleep to do so. He stays up late to talk to me at my lunch time. He is so thoughtful. A very romantic man. He still will hold my hand when we walk through stores. He is my lifeline. I can not imagine my life without him.

Great I idea Chrissy

Diane Sue
;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( You guys are so awesome! ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
I hope that after 32 years of marriage, we are just like you guys!!!

Hi Bill!

I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how things are going for you? Hope all is well. I know you miss Diane Sue soo much. Hope your time there goes by very quickly.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Bill!

Okay, I wasn't going to post to this because I didn't know where to start and I could just go on and on about my wonderful DH. But thought I would share this.

I read in the tub when I take my bath after dinner. This is my relaxation time. There was a really bad storm here last night with lots of lightening. DH asked me if it was okay to share my bath with me. He turned off the lights and brought in a lit candle and we just shared the bath watching the lightening and relaxing together and chatting about our day.

This is just one example of the many ways he makes our life together so special :)
RE: Hi Bill!

I don't have a DH, I have an SO and I just have one thing to say about how great he is.

He puts up with my PMS every month and SMILES;)
RE: Hi Bill!

RE: "I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how things are going for you? Hope all is well. I know you miss Diane Sue soo much. Hope your time there goes by very quickly. "

As far as dealing with the training of the Iraqi Police, there is some progress. They are a bit slow to adapt, but we're getting there.

I'm lucky, I chat daily on Yahoo to Diane Sue. It's nice to have the Web cam were I can see her too.

I did have two of my guys drive into an explosion yesterday. We were lucky the Armor on the SUV held up well, and no one was hurt. Just another day in Iraq. LOL
Husbands and SO's are great!

I love hearing your great husband and so stories! It's so nice to spread the positivie around! Thank you for sharing all your stories!

RE: Hi Bill!

That is ridiculous Bill! Slow to adapt, yeah I kinda, sorta know that. All I want to say, at the bottom line, because, I don't want to offend or piss people off, at least in my eyes your are a noble man. Just for the act that you are working out there. Sure, I believe in democracy & women's rights over there, but I'm not a volunteer up there because I'm just too chicken. So thanks once again.

As far as Diane Sue and you go, puh-leeze!!!, I'm not even surprised!

> I don't have any stories I can think of(I'm sure I have some,
>but drawing a blank at the moment), but I can think of a few
>for the reverse situation! ha ha!:7 That's what keeps the
>relationship interesting!
I just realized how what i wrote must sound! I was referring to me wanting to kill my dh for some things HE has done. I had a fresh story in my mind at the time of that post! ha ha!

I too have many things I could list about my dh. I won't make you gag either. :7 What gets me the most is when I see him interacting with the kids. He's such a good dad! I always tell my MIL what a wonderful man she raised! I'm not kidding. He helps in the kitchen, cleaning, taking the kids to different activities, etc.

Ok, I'll stop!;-)

RE: Hi Bill!

My BF always opens doors for me, holds my hand, calls me often during the day just to tell me he loves me, puts up with my crap, tells me I'm beautiful, and drives 75 miles to see me once or twice during the week even though it means getting up at 3am to drive the 75 miles back home! He took me on a cruise when we'd only known each other 3 months :eek: and is not afraid to kiss me in front of his friends and the kids! He's The One for me!


P.S. This is such a cute thread!
RE: My husband didn't kill me! (Great husband stories p...

I told DH that I lost the locket and can not find it and he didn't get mad. He said if it doesn't turn up, he'd replace it. He's sooo sweet! :+
RE: My husband didn't kill me! (Great husband stories p...

This thread is so nice! And for some reason I didn't realize Bill was married to the gorgeous Diane Sue! You guys are so inspirational. :)

My SO is not quite a DH yet, but he is so wonderful. Recently I LOST four Cathe DVDs while traveling for work (I still have no idea how I did that, but needless to say, I don't take her on my work trips any longer!), and I was really upset about it and he insisted on buying me another set right away. I said, "But what if they turn up?" and he said, "Then you'll have a travel set and this will never happen again!"

He is a great guy & so sweet to me and my kids. My youngest (who is 6) asks him to sign his homework papers as "Stepdad" "even though you're not really yet, but I feel like you are." How beautiful is that??

I had a really bad day at work a few years ago. I was up for a promotion against one of my good friends (I actually got her the job at this place and had been there 3 years longer than her), I thought for sure that I'd get it - more experience, better relationship w/ other employees, etc. Well, I didn't get it. It was humiliating! I was so upset, I spent the rest of the day crying in the ladies room. I called DH (fiance at the time) and told him about it, he immediately gave away his Red Sox ticket for that night to come home and comfort me. Now, if you knew what a fan he is it might seem more impressive, but I know, and I knew he was a keeper when he did that for me.
In my profession I had to take a series of really awful exams. Years ago there was one where I thought for sure I had passed it. I found out at work that I had actually failed it, so of course I had to call my DH and tell him. When I got off the bus that evening after work, he was waiting at the bus stop with a big bouquet of flowers.

One year for Christmas he surprised me by setting up the arrangements for me to take a kickboxing class of Cathe's. He came with me to the gym (he didn't take the class, but he worked out while I was in the class) and of course took pictures of me and Cathe afterwards.


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