My husband didn't kill me! (Great husband stories post!)


When I pre-ordered Cathe's new DVDS, I also ordered all of the Hardcore series and the last two beginner DVDS to take advantage of the free shipping. I didn't quite tell my husband until I had received them. I thought for sure he'd blow up because we've been trying to save lately. He just looked at me and started to laugh and said that I'm completely addicted!

Oh well . . guess I'd rather be addicted to exercise than other things, right?

Two thumbs up for my husband! Anyone else want to share their GREAT husband stories!

Yesterday my car died on the fwy. Not only did my DH come to resuce me he said "well I guess we are buying you a BMW for your birthday." How sweet is that! Then when I apoligized for interrupting his day, he said "you are the most important in my life." Gotta love that man!
That is too sweet, ladies. Actually, I have so many good stories to share, ya'll would gag, I swear. There's no way I'm letting this one go. Of course, I have to put up with a lot of crap, like he is the pickiest eater, he is finicky about EVERYTHING! He eats about five things in the entire universe. Good Grief! Do you know how stressful that is?!!!

What a nice thread!

DH bought me the original club step a few weeks ago. I was going to buy it myself, but he bought it for me. He's just the love of my life and I wouldn't trade him for the world. As Marla said, they all have their idiosyncracies. But isn't that the way? Their good points always have their dark side. For instance, if you loved that your husband because he was a sports fan, you soon are disgruntled because all he does is watch sports on TV, etc. My DH is so accepting of my fitness enthusiasm and my clean eating habits, and actually anything I do. Life is good.
My husband surprised me (and I mean really surprised me because he is definitely not the sentimental type!!) with a diamond anniversary band last December on our 25th anniversary. I was in shock for two days!!! Of course, our anniversary was the day AFTER our college senior daughter totalled her car (thank God she was alright and thank God for seat belts and airbags), so when he gave it to me, he said "here enjoy it, we'll probably had to hock it to buy DD something to drive"!!! Well we did get her something to drive and we didn't have to hock the ring!:+
hubby had a particulary bad day that day but when he came home he said "lets put this check in the bank so you can order your dvds, figures i have the bad day and you get the dvds :)". no matter how much complaining he does he is the one that sometimes points the new dvds out in the stores LOL.
When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
this is a great thread. I could tell many stories, since DH generally puts up with me with a smile on his face, understands and facilitates my need to exercise and calms me down when I am freaking out. One recent thing comes to mind though. My parents have been having financial trouble the last few years; complicating that is the fact that my mom has an eye condition that recently required new and expensive glasses. Two pair actually. She was going to forego getting them. I said to DH, after all my parents have done for me, I want to buy the glasses for her. He never even hesitated in saying "Of course." After my mom got her glasses, she was talking to DH, thanking him, saying how much she appreciated it. He said, Mom, that's what family is for. No need to ever say another word about it.

I married a classy guy. :)


All our DHs sound so great (at least in this thread!). I love that.

My DH thinks my complete ADDICTION to Cathe is the cutest thing. He thinks I'm pretty cute in general, but whenever I tell him anything about Cathe he just starts to giggle.

Of course, I did have to tell him flat out "I already spent my Cathe money this month on the Body Blast series, but the preorder is too good to miss, so I'm asking YOU to please get them for me. They won't be here before Christmas anyway." (This after 5 minutes of substantial hints he wasn't understanding...) I keep sending him emails about the presale because I haven't heard from him that he did order!!! LOL I keep entering any phone number I can think of that he would have placed the order with at the tracking page to follow up.

He's a great guy. He knows I'm the Spender and he's the Saver and he doesn't care. Or make me feel guilty about it!!
Husbands are so great! I just love mine to death! He's such a breath of fresh air after the string of loser boyfriends that I've had in the past . . . oops, did I say that out loud?

>Husbands are so great! I just love mine to death! He's such
>a breath of fresh air after the string of loser boyfriends
>that I've had in the past . . . oops, did I say that out

LOL Chrissy! I right there with ya. I cornered the market on loser boyfriends before I met DH!!



My hubby wouldn't like it. He would be playful about it, but he usually doesn't like it when I don't tell him what I am buying and then wait until I actually bought it. Even though I do it ALOT! LOL! I got to stop though.


I just looked at your picture album and your shots are AMAZING! Are you following a special diet of any sort?

Ok, I don’t have a DH, however I do have the greatest Wife in the world!

To My Wonderful Wife Diane Sue
How do I begin to tell you how lucky I am
to have you in my life?
I'll start by saying what a gift you gave me
the day you became my wife.

You're my best friend in the good times
and my rock in times of sorrow.
You're the reason for sweet yesterdays
and my promise for tomorrow.

I never thought I could feel this loved
until you became my wife.
You made this year and every year
the best one of my life

Loving, Beautiful, Understanding, Caring, Great Wife, Great Mother to our children, Wonderful Grandmother to our grandchildren, Cares enough about her family, that she takes time to take care of herself, SEXY, Romantic, Seductive, Role Model, Great Cook, (Boy I miss that!)LOL She is everything to me, She is the part that makes me whole! The Woman I Love, and that loves me.

I had to pick the dog up from the vet one evening.Earlier that day he had surgery on his paws and when I went to the vet he was in the back room he was really excited to get home.He was so excited that when I pulled in to our driveway, he jumped up on the back sit, hurt his paws and started crying again.At the same time, with all this going on, I turned around and when I did I ran my car into the front step. I beat out the fog light $400 and did something to the grill.At the same time there was a lady outside smoking a couple of houses down, she must have thought I was the worst driver in the world.Can you imagine standing outside and watching someone ram their car into their house?He never said I word when I called him.He rarely gets mad at me.
He also never gets mad at me for ordering workouts.I pay the bills so I guess he knows that I wouldn't do it if I didn't have the money.
Oh, I love this thread! I have so many wonderful things to say about Dan, I don't know where to start!

first, we have been married for over 8 1/2 years, but he still makes me feel like we just met. He makes me laugh until I cry, he has the ability to make me feel like a kid again. He doesn't usually say the right thing at the right time, in fact he usually says the wrong things, but he has the greatest heart and the best intentions. He loves to give me hugs and kisses. He makes me feel like the most loved woman in the world. It doesn't matter what is going on at work, he will call me just to say he is thinking of me and loves me. He offers to watch the kids for me so that I can go out and be myself (and I didn't even complain about needing it!), he doesn't complain when I ask him to help out. He challenges me. We play games together and laugh. In all the years that we have been together, not once has he complained about my faults or asked me to change. He always gives me what I want even if I only mention it in passing. I love him. Most importantly, I know that he loves me.:7 I feel so happy now!

Bill, Dan used to write poems like that! In fact, when I read your post I thought of him! Men totally rock!

I remember when DH and I met, my daughter had just turned 3...Do you all remember those horrible, bright colored letters that stick on the fridge?

One weekend when my DD was at her dad's for the weekend, DH (he wasn't at the time) spent the night and had to go snowplow early on Sunday morning...Well, when I got up this is what was spelled out on the fridge in really bright colors...



2NIGHT 7=15

It was also the first time he said the "L" word (what a chicken! He had to put it on the fridge!!)...

MJ in MN
That's too cute :) My DH and I met when my daughter was three, weird!
He bought the step also with a Cathe tape with it. I about lost it. I felt like I was 10 years old again opening up my Cabbage Patch doll.
However, he gets bored to tears listening to me talk about the website, my workouts, and how many pushups I was able to do. He's just the supplier not the user HA HA!!!
These stories are great, I like reflecting on the positive:7

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