my horrible experience at the therapist...(long)

I dont even know where to OB/GYN wanted me to make an appt with a physical therapist for some exercises that would help my severe pelvic i made an appt with a local PT office near me...the PT was also a chiropractor..he did the eval and asked me how far along I was and how much weight I gained so far..I told him i'm 28 weeks and I gained 35-37 so far..I know so much of it is water weight because my feet and legs have pitting edema...ok, granted..i know its alot but his eyes bugged out of his head..he was like mortified i gained that much..he was so pre-occupied with the weight gain...he kept making faces when i told him i exercise as much as I can with the pain and proceed to get me a pair of shorts to do the eval..saying "i think i have a pair big enough"..he came in with a 2XL and handed them to me...I was swimmming in them...I was nearly in tears when I left..he said why havent you worked your abs? I said because I was told not to due to the possiblity of separation..he gave me another look...I am 38 and have had problems in the my OB dr didnt want me to exercise the 1st tri..I did..but took it easy and then did what I far Step Heat and power90x are my main workouts..of course modifying...he just kept saying i need a program to follow and did not believe my diet was clean or that i exercise..i'm so poor husband is so supportive and told me i look great and not to listen to such an @ss..but you is so hard..i'm not a little girl..i know that..i'm 5'9'' and weighed 180 before pregnancy...i looked very muscular and i was...I've been exercising for over 12 I dont wanna go back there and need an excuse to tell them..i'm so freakin meek and let these things get to me so sorry to vent but i had to get it out..btw, the therapist found my one foot is shorter and i have a 10 degree tilt in posture (forward)..he also said I should get my thyroid checked since i am on medication for hashimoto's and my weight gain might be from far the baby is perfect and everything else is to the book...I just feel so bad now...he looked at my stomach like it should not have been is wrong with people?
I have never posted on this forum but have followed it for a full year during the course of my first pregnancy (at age 40) which resulted in a beautiful baby girl born 5-19-05. After reading this post I just had to respond.
I'm outraged that the medical profession continues to treat pregnant women as "cookie cutter" clients. You deserve much better care and I'm sorry you were subjected to such ignorant and rude comments.
I too saw a PT (female) for back and sciatica problems during my 3rd trimester. She was supportive and kind. She never once mentioned weight or my appearance and helped me to regain some fitness as the pregnancy progressed.
Please remember can trust your body to gain the weight it needs to produce that wonderful little creature that you will soon see. So - no more worries and find a new therapist!
What an awful experience. I would tell your ob of your experience and ask for a new referral. Does your doctor feel your weight is ok? If so he/she should back you up. Also, call the pt office and be honest why you are swotching. Lastly, go with your gut, you know yourself and know much of the weight is water weight, besides given that you are an exerciser you will lose the weight after the birth of your wonderful baby.
I am extremely p*@@!d for you! Really mad, I mean! I want to kick his chauvanistic @ss for you. (I can make it fast and quiet and PAINFUL and won't leave evidence, you should consider it!)

Call your ob, tell her/him what happened. Meanwhile, find another therapist, or get a referrel from your doc. Get advice from people you know who have seen one and are pleased. Call his office and tell him you won't be back and tell them why.

Your husband is right on. I know it is hard to ignore what the said and just let it go, especially with your body changing the way it is and your hormones are wacked leaving you vulnerable. You are lucky to have him to support you! It sounds like he loves you alot.

You deserve so much better from a therapist, though! You are so worht it!

I am sorry you had such a bad experience and I feel for you. I always gain alot during pregnancy (and a lot of mine must be water too, because I always lose 25 lbs in the first 2 weeks). Some women gain a little and some women gain a lot. At my 6th baby, I am beginning to think that there is a genetic predisposition--a tendancy to gain a certain amount. I mean diet and exercise play a role, but I get so unbelievably hungry....primal hunger that never strikes me like this when I am not pregnant--I don't even get hungry like this nursing my big babies.

I am constantly getting comments about twins and how big I look (I'm 5'4, shortwaisted and carry it all out front.) I don't think that people really believe that I am active during pregnancy.....x(

Anyway, I'd get a new referral also, because that man was just rude. I hate it when people reduce me to tears like that. Pregnant women come in all shapes from the little cantaloupe women to people like me who look like they've stuffed a stability ball down their shirt and it's all within the realm of normal. He really ought to know better. How unprofessional.

Please find another therapist and keep us posted.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone..i am going to see my OB dr today and let him know what happened and then I am going to cancel my appt for Friday....I havent felt too good the last day or so and had a pretty bad night...stomach pains..hope all is ok...Missy, I might take you up on your offer! :)
What a jerk!!! I would let my doctor's office know what happened and get a referral for a new PT. That type of behavior is unprofessional and totally uncalled for. I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that.
The nerve of that guy! This burns me up. I will gladly kick his @ss for you too! Please don't take his comments to heart. I agree with what everyone else has said about telling your Obgyn and not going back. I am a firm believer that your body will gain what it needs for a healthy pregnancy. A big hug is coming your way! ((HUG))
So I went to my OB/GYN and told him what happened..he was like..what does he think he is, an ob dr? He said I dont have to go back and to do what I've been doing..that I seem to know best..and..he said I am not too big!! yay! I think I lost weight from the last visit..maybe a pound or 2..he also said my ankle edema went down and looks great..he was really upset that the PT was that way...I love my OB dr..he is so caring..made me feel better...I still wanna kick that PT's @ss!
See? Don't you feel better? Your doctor knows what's what, because he deals with pregnant women all the time. I hope you find another PT!

Thanks Maggie..ya know..I made it this far..i only have 4 more weeks at work..I am not even gonna sense in doing it now when all this time I dealt with c-section is scheduled for aug 19th and my last day at work is july 29th..

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