My funny husband & working out


My husband has just gotten back into jogging and wieght lifting. This is after weeks of starting to workout regularly, for example, getting up on Monday, putting in my Kathy Smith Kickboxing workout, completing the warm up and calling it a workout, and then recovering for the next six days. This is his second week of jogging and lifting weights! He is always teasing me about my Cathe workouts, because he knows they are HARD! He took off for a jog while I started my Imax 2 workout. He was back before I had finished Interval 3. I asked him, "Your back already?!" He said, "Yea, I bet that Cathe couldn't even keep up with me." (He was totally joking) I laughed and told him that she would still be going. I had mentioned that I might go jogging with him and he said that I couldn't keep up with him because he was too fast. I dared hime to just make it through three intervals of Imax. He hasn't taken me up on my dare yet! He is a nut!
Angela}( :7
RE: My funny husband & working out

Trust me, most men have a very warped sense of how "masculine" they are! If your husband was joking about it, he deserves a pat on the back for realizing his limitations :D My boyfriend hasn't worked out in almost 2 years, but still thinks he is the strongest man alive. I finally made him work out with me to the upper body section of BodyMax... Well, Cathe kicked his $^%!! Even I lifted heavier weights than he did :) And just when I thought he had come back to reality, about two or three days after the workout he was totally convinced that his muscles were much bigger and he was at least 2x stronger(not joking). He made me laugh so hard. I guess we women would be too seriuos without them :)))


Angela~that is too funny! LOVED the part about him getting back while you were ONLY on Interval 3 and he said Cathe couldn't even keep up with him! :7 :7 My hubby regularly works out with me now doing Cathe's strength tapes and also BootCamp. He was VERY humbled after he finally gave her a try. He had no idea how hard I worked using her tapes before he gave them a whirl. He, now, cannot quit singing her praises. They have actually made him feel sooo much better about himself. He's not even worried about being Mr. He-Man...just getting healthy. Keep us posted should your hubby decide to take your dare!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Ha!

My hubby won't go near Cathe anymore. He didn't admit till just the other day that she is "too hard". Cathe just takes him out of his comfort level...which she also does to me EVERY single time I work out!!

I can totally relate to what you guys are saying about the men. However, my bro would joke with me about these videos, but I swear, if it really came down to it, he would do them and he would make it ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Now, my brother doesn't even work out. Cardiovascularly or with weights, but somehow I swear he would do it, just to spite me. AND he probably would not sweat as much. My sister did Cathe with me. She sure didn't look like she was dying, but she was still "learning". She looked like she breazed through IMAX 1, even commenting that her heart rate was not high enough!! But a few weeks later when previewing Boot Camp, when Cathe says "You can do anything for a minute, right?", My sister says, "Oh, NO, Lady!! Ain't NO WAY I can do THAT for a minute!!". So, I guess it must be hard for them, but they just don't want to let on.

How come no one can't just do the tape and say "Damn girl, you gotta be in awesome shape!!!" That would be so good to hear. Atleast once.

But yeah, tell me something I don't already know...:):)

I know Angela!!He sounds like he has a good sense of humor though!

My husband would NEVER admit to it being so hard!!
He hasn't worked out in years and still flexes in the mirror!
He tried Cathe's PS back and bi's with me one time for about 5 minutes. He picked up this huge weight and was struggling with it! I try to encourage him to start working out again but he's just not interested right now!

They are sooooo funny!!
RE: My funny husband & working out

LOL Angela! What at cute story. Your husband and my boyfriend should work out together!

My BF knows that Cathe's workouts are very hard and he puts on NO airs about being "able to do them if he tried." He is lazy only when it comes to exercise, but doesn't pretend not to be. But every so often he surprises me... like just the other day he called me at work one morning to tell me that he had gotten up 20 minutes early for a short jog. Also to mention the fact that he was half dead after a half mile and that his glutes and hamstrings were painfully tight... and did he stretch afterward? Of course not. It's times like those that I want to lecture on the importance of warming up and stretching afterward but I don't want to harp so much that he won't do it again.
RE: My funny husband & working out

Sounds like our husbands are from the same egg!! My husband will just stand and watch as I do my Cathe tapes. He shakes his head and walks away. One day I asked why he was shaking his head. He said he couldn't believe I could do that stuff. It looks so painful! When he watches IMAX2 he says he'd bust a gut if he tried it! He too is slowly starting to workout again. He went and bought himself a very expensive bike this week with hopes of getting out and riding it often. He's also been down to the fitness center at his Corporation a few times the past week. Every lil' bit is better than nothin' at all!! Susan
RE: My funny husband & working out

I enjoyed reading everyone's funny stories! Sounds like our men(or should I say boys;) ) are a hoot and a half! Al was again joking with me tonight when he asked if I wanted him to help me learn a move I was having difficulty with...goof ball!:p
I hope everyone has a great Friday and a terrific weekend!
Are we married to the same man? My husband bought a new pair of sneakers on Monday and they managed to get taken out of the box.They probably jumped out of the box by themselves:p

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