My husband has just gotten back into jogging and wieght lifting. This is after weeks of starting to workout regularly, for example, getting up on Monday, putting in my Kathy Smith Kickboxing workout, completing the warm up and calling it a workout, and then recovering for the next six days. This is his second week of jogging and lifting weights! He is always teasing me about my Cathe workouts, because he knows they are HARD! He took off for a jog while I started my Imax 2 workout. He was back before I had finished Interval 3. I asked him, "Your back already?!" He said, "Yea, I bet that Cathe couldn't even keep up with me." (He was totally joking) I laughed and told him that she would still be going. I had mentioned that I might go jogging with him and he said that I couldn't keep up with him because he was too fast. I dared hime to just make it through three intervals of Imax. He hasn't taken me up on my dare yet! He is a nut!
Angela}( :7
Angela}( :7