my friends problem


HI everyone,
Hoping to receive my terminator DVD today but it is pretty stormy here and no one is going anywhere:-(
Anyway back to the problem at hand.I figured I could throw this one out to you guys cause someone always has an answer.
My friend just had a baby in Oct , she gained 40+ pounds.She dicided to breast feed and up to this point she has lost all of her weight and is smaller then she was before she got pregnat.I was talking to her yesterday and she said she didn't want to lose anymore weight.All of her clothes are falling off of her and she eats 5 times a day.She thought about adding some shakes in there somewhere to get her added calories.And I was thinking of a way that she could put an extra meal in there somewhere.
The other thing is , her baby is pretty sensitive to alot of food.So, she eats healthy all the time.CHicken,rice,cereal,fruit.....nothing bad for her at all.I really don't know what to tell her about how to stay the weight she is now.To me she looks good but some people are telling her that she looks drained.She probably just looks tired probably doesn't have anything to do with her weight making her look tired.
Anyone got any suggestions about what to do? How she can fit more calories in there.Maybe she should start lifting weights again.
Thanks ,
Hi Lori, I don't have an answer to your friend's problem. But I did want to cheer you up and let you know I received my DVDs from CKSales yesterday. You're in Nfld right? I'm in Nova Scotia, so it can't be long now!!!! The Terminator is fantastic (sorry to increase your agony waiting) Cindy
How nice of you to remember.I think we are getting the storm that you guys had.I have my videos but I still wanted the terminator DVD.Thanks for the heads up.I think mine got shipped on the 1st.Sometimes it only takes a few days and then sometimes in can take up to two weeks.Hopefully, it will be here tomorrow before I do my workout.

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