My "diet"?


Hi. I hope it's okay if I ask you you all's input on this. I am really trying hard to lose some weight, but I'm not being successful at it.:-(

I'm exercising around 1 hr a day, usually to a Cathe workout (I wear a heart-rate monitor, and depending on what I'm doing, I seem to burn around 400-800 cals per hour of Cathe workouts)

Now my eating... Well, here 's kinda a rough idea of what my eating has been like lately:
Breakfasts--- big breakfasts--usually 3 or 4 scrambled eggs and a bowl of old-fashioned oatmeal (sweatened with just a little bit of maple syrup)
Lunch--- small; usually it's been an after-workout protein shake.
Dinner--normal sized; it varies, but I try to not eat high bad carbs.
Snacks--if I get really hungry throughout the day--which I really haven't, I'll have a slice of cheese, or some celery or apple with pb.

Of course I haven't been sticking to this plan 100%, but fairly well, but nothing is happening. I am so confused about this, because it seems like so many people I know who wanted to lose weight say things like "oh, I just made sure I took some walks in the evening" or "I just watched what I ate".... but I feel like I'd have to workout INTENSE at least 1 hr and eat really good just to maintain!

Am I just a foil to the eat-sensibly-increase-exercise-and-you'll-lose-weight logic?

Sorry if this is coming across as really negative or depressing. It's just that I'm really confused... I know all this stuff, but it seems like it's not working for me...perhaps I just need to give it more time. And I'm only 21, so losing weight shouldn't be that hard, right? *sigh*

Thanks for allowing me to spill my guts! :)
RE: My

First question that comes up for all us active people: are you eating enough? The more intense workouts do require more fuel, so you may need to increase what you're eating or at least the number of times you're eating.

It doesn't look like you mentioned any fresh veggies or fresh fruits. ??? Is that true? That would be a great place to add in a few calories, tons of healthy vitamins and antioxidants (you need more as you exercise more, to help repair the damage you're doing with the activity), fiber to help keep you full and happy.

If your portion sizes are correct for you, and your calories are where you need them to be (do a search for online calorie counters, there are a ton out there and we've discussed many of them here), then losing weight shouldn't be that difficult at 21. I lost 45 pounds starting at age 23-25 simply because I didn't want to have to fight my metabolism as I age! Great idea, I must say.

Good luck, and let us know how you're doing!!
RE: My

Thanks so much Amy. I do try to get in some veggies and fruit. I usually put cherries or strawberries in my shakes, and usually eat green beans or a salad with dinner...but I do think I should increase my veggie and fruit intake.

I feel like I'm eating enough, but perhaps not... I had been counting my calories for a little white *then I stopped because it got so time-consuming and annoying*, and it was anywhere from 800-1500 on most days. Why does eating healthy/loosing weight have to be so complicated?:p
RE: My

This site will help you calculate what your body needs. Mine says that I need at least 3,000 a day and we workout about the same, just to give you sort of an idea. IMO, you need to eat much more fruit and veggies and you have to eat lunch. There is no substitute for food. If you want to keep the shake, do so but add a few sides with it, like an orange and baked potato or a half a sandwich with tomatoes and dark green leaves. I eat at least one fruit or two veggies per meal, plus a complex carb and some protein and that has helped me to lose a lot of weight and I feel great and have lots of energy. :) I really hope that you can find what works for you. OH, and I don't count calories, either, way too much work and got way too complicated! :p Now I just prefer to eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full. ;)

RE: My

Are you watching your fats? My nutritionist had me limit my fats to 1-3 tsps. of olive oil at lunch and the same at dinner. Other than that, it's best to eliminate butter, margarine, mayonnaise, sour cream, etc. and stick to low-fat cheeses when you eat cheese. It's very difficult to lose body fat if you don't limit these items, no matter how much you are working out.

Just my two cents.
RE: My

The first thing that struck me was FOUR eggs?? Every morning?? If I were you, I'd cut back on those. The body doesn't really need that much protein every day, and it definitely doesn't need that much cholesterol. I'd say two eggs at most twice a week would be plenty. You might want to explore alternatives for breakfast. (My opinion - I'm not a nutritionist)

And yes, definitely increase your veggies and fruits. You said your veggies are mostly green beans and a salad? I know some people just don't like veggies (my family has several of that type), but they're really good, and there's such a huge variety! Get a good mixture of the dark green leafy ones, orange and yellow ones, etc. The deeper, brighter colored veggies typically have the most nutrients.
RE: My

Thanks SO much! :) All this info has been so great!

Missy, based on that link, my estimated daily calorie requirement is about 3,000!!! I almost freaked out when I saw that! I'm guessing then, to loose weight, I'd subtract about 500 from that? Whew--that is still scary! Although, it tooks like it definitely worked for you! (Your pictures as so inspiring me!!!)

About the fat---yeah, I haven't really been watching it... I use olive oil instead of butter for everything (even my eggs..hehe), but I do eat sharp cheddar cheese (woops!).

4 eggs *sigh* I know, lol, I guess it's not good for the cholesterol (although I think I remember reading somewhere that eating oatmeal sops up the bad cholesterol, but don't know if that's really true). In any event, I shall try to cut back on the eggs. (My mom started me on the egg kick--she doesn't have much of her "insides" left due to Crohn's disease, so she doesn't absorb much of what she takes it. As a result, she is trying to eat a lot--and I do mean a LOT--she usually has 5 or 6 eggs every morning with oatmeal! And amazingly, her cholesterol is perfect!)

Thanks again. You guys rock! :) I may be back to pick your brains more :p
RE: My

There is a place where you can put how much you want to lose or what your goal weight is. I think that you are right, it is 500 less per day or something to that affect. I also know that many people here have had luck zigzagging their calories. Sara (Imafitnessfreak) and Wendy (fit_mom) do that and look great, too! :) You could ask them for tips, as well.

Missy :)
RE: My

Personally, I'd need to add some serious fiber to that diet. In my exerpience fiber makes me feel full, gives me energy, and keeps everything working. Someone mentioned eliminating butter, margarine, mayo, etc. To me this would be a mistake, once you eliminate something you like you will crave it all the more. I personally use a dab of Olivio on my veggies and I cook with olive oil. The best thing you can do is speak with a qualified nutrionist rather than us so called experts on this message board. lol! :)
RE: My

Here are a couple of things I could suggest.

I personally sometimes eat 4-5 eggs and oatmeal at breakfast, BUT I eat 1 whole egg and 3-4 whites, scrambled. Also I don't sweeten anything (unless I choose to eat my weekly dessert) and I have gotten used to it.

and last but not least, all the fitness models drink TONS of water. Ok at least a gallon a day. If you're not drinking that much already, it may help fill you up plus wash out any toxins etc.
It will be difficult at first and you will think you are always in the bathroom, but your body will adjust.

I try to average about 1600-1800 to maintain, 1200-1500 if I need to lose a few pounds.

Just my 2 cents, hope it helps.

RE: My

BTW, all fats are not bad for you. I found that when I added almonds, it helped my cravings. Nuts are very good for you but don't overdo.
RE: My

Yes, I LOVE almonds! :) I think I'm gonna focus for a week or so on just upping my veggie/fruit/fiber intake and see how I feel/look. And the water--a great day for me is if I get in over 60 oz, so I've got work to do with water! I'll try egg whites instead of all whole eggs tomorrow, thanks for that idea!

I'm a sponge just soaking all this up :)
RE: My

I would second the suggestion to visit a nutritionist.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
RE: My

I also eat oatmeal and 4 egg WHITES every morning. If you can handle eating only the whites and maybe one yolk (if you really need it) I would ditch eating all whole eggs. I think one thing you seem to be missing are your snacks. You say that you only eat snacks if you are really hungry, but you should be eating about every 3 hours. Eat frequent small meals and it will keep your metabolism burning all day long. Also, as the others said, make sure you are eating enough calories. And try to make them "good" calories. Lean proteins, veggies, fruit and good carbs (no white breads and pastas). Eat whole grains! Eat non processed foods. It makes a huge difference in my opinion. Also, make sure you are always eating a protein with your carbs.

Once I started eating this way I saw dramatic results. However, I have to work hard! Just because someone was able to throw in a 20 minute walk every day and lose 20 lbs unfortunately doesn't mean that it will work for you. But in my own opinion, I get a lot of satisfaction looking at how my body has changed and knowing how hard I've worked for it. It somehow makes it more gratifying.

Good luck and keep us posted.


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