My Cardio Endurance STINKS!



I am very disgusted at the moment with my endurance to do Cathe's step/cardio. I love doing it, but I just can't get very far into any tape without my HR going sky high! We're talking over my max. Tonight while doing C & W, it was maxing out during the warmup!!! I'm just really kind of bummed about it.

I have used the simple formula to calculate it 220-age (38) - 182 max. My HR consistently goes near max and many time over. I can always tell when it's over b/c I start getting the pains in my side and then I slow way down.

Do any of you have suggestions? I so want to build up to where I can do tapes without having to just stop & let it go back down some, but the minute I'm back to tapes, it's right back up there.

I know this is hindering my weight loss progress too. I have also been told maybe my heart beats faster than norm.. My resting HR is around 73 or so. This is when I'm sitting totally relaxed.

It's making me more mad than anything! I have no health problems and am about 25# over my goal weight for my height. I am new to Cathe since the beginning of January, and had not worked out for over a year. One thing I noticed though, was even before when I did workout, I think my HR always did the same thing. I just didn't know b/c I didn't have a monitor.

Any help? suggestions? I have moved my step back to 4",(started at 4, then moved to 6") I really don't like it on 4". I think my legs probably get a better workout at 6".

I decided tonight that I will start a journal of how long it stays in the target range, per tape - maybe I can see progress in the endurance if I have it logged. I don't know, but it's my best thought.

I had that same question about running. So I got all these books and you know what the answer was? Run more. So I guess what I am saying is that you will have to work up to it and exercise more. Your body will adapt and your heart rate wont be so high.

Hi Kathy - I agree with Jennifer. I had the same dilemna, too. Doing interval cardio really built up my endurance. Intense Moves is also the video I used. It is tailored so that a beginner or advanced exerciser can use it. The tape grows with you. You can do intervals of 15 seconds to 1 minute I believe. It's a fun tape and is only 40 minutes long. Another good interval tape when I was building cardio endurance was Energy Sprint by Karen Voight. Good luck! :D
Hi Kathy!

Don't despair! I agree with the other writers that Interval training definitely helps.

I found when I first started doing Cathe tapes I got very winded fast (don't have a heartrate monitor, but can tell when I am winded and can feel my pulse racing!). I would just pause the tape and walk around the room until my heartrate fell, and then continue on. So you could pick a tape or two, decide you are going to complete the warm-up and Step section #1 and #2. Then you just pause the VCR whenever your heartrate climbs to let it fall a bit, and continue on. You can then time how long it takes you to get through, and watch as the time drops because you start to take less and less breaks.

I remember I used to have to stop after section 2 because I was always exhausted. Recently I have been completing the tapes all the way to the end - that has been a real accomplishment for me.

Hang in there! You are doing more than most people even try to do, so be proud of yourself!

I know I HAVE to be getting better, I just know it, but some days it just seems like I am not doing any better than I was on day 1.

Maybe I should watch for Intense Moves. I'm kind of on my Cathe only kick since I discovered her, and would prefer to stick to her. I guess I just need to realize it's OK to take breaks, march, walk, whatever to lower the HR. It just seems like as soon as I'm back on the tape, the HR is right back up!

Does anyone know any good Cathe tapes to practice on? I see Jodi mentioned the step tapes, and I have quite a few of them now too. I just feel irritated when I can't keep up, and I know I really shouldn't, after all, if I could keep up from the start I don't suppose I'd find much challenge :) And, we know Cathe is all about challenge!

Thanks for the tips, I may look for Intense Moves, I'm sure I could find it somewhere.
RE: Intervals, intervals, intervals

I second the emotion for interval workouts.

Interval Max

Interval Max 2

Step & Intervals

The circuit segments from CTX Power Circuit and Body Max also contain 1-minute "power blasts" before each resistance cycle

MIC hi/lo and CTX 10-10-10 hi/lo segment contains some real tub-thumping hi/lo power-blast intervals

and let's not forget


Plus, most of these intervals contain plyo disciplines that force you to go deeper into the knees on the landings (plyo jacks, vertical jumps, plyo scissors, box jumps, side-to-side slalom jumps, etc.) while reducing the contribution of the calves and feet. Any plyo or high-jump oriented interval is going to totally train your leg muscles for greater power, and that in turn will help your endurance like you would not believe.

Just my $.02 -

I was the same exact way at first. I could barely make it through 10 minutes!! For me, the CTX cardios really increased my cardio endurance. Also, it didn't take long at all to build it up. It only took a few weeks of doing CTX and then I was able to get through IMAX and Body Max with no modifying. I couldn't believe it!!

Danielle :+
RE: Intervals, intervals, intervals


We are not trying to KILL poor Kathy!!!LOL!! Jeez, if Annette's suggestions on cardio won't help, I will be the first to say nothing will!!!:):)

Number one, I still think your main problem is that 6" step!!! Don't fool yourself into thinking you don't get a good workout at 4"!! Really, if your HR is too high and you feel you are having difficulty completing a tape, why would you want to keep it at 6"?? If you leave it at 4" you can concentrate on making all your moves more dynamic..jump higher..keep very long levers...all that. That is what I do when I work with a 4" step. Did you do IMAX on a 6"?? I remember you saying you did not like it..why??

I think CTX cardios are also very good at building endurance, but your HR being too low and working at too low a level is not the problem for you right now. Right now, to your body, The Wedding Tape IS Interval MAX. See what I mean?? SO... my advice would not be to go KILL yourself with all these other tapes that are harder, but to get to a point where you feel more physically comfortable with the tapes you currently do. That may require lowering your step.

AND, I say ditch the HRM. Again, my HR is always high for Cathe tapes and frequently beeps that I am at my high end in the warmup. Who cares?? If I feel like I am going to die I slow down or lower the step. I do Cathe cardio about every other day so the intensity level does not bother me. I used to get shin splints from it, but I must have strengthened my legs or something because now I never get them...
I am just saying everyones HR gets high, and if you know yours is always on the high side even when resting than your maxing out is no different than me being at 20 BPM lower than my MAX, see??
Don't beat yourself up that you are not in good shape. If you can do any Cathe cardio you deserve a pat on the back!!

Ok, I am just dying now...which tapes have you tried?? CTX Power Circuit?? (MY current FAV, next to IMAX 2!!) Tried Cardio Kicks yet?? Do tell..... about Leaner Legs??

Add some long slow days too.

You've been given a lot of good advice, and I agree on doing some interval training. I would also recommend a day or two of long slow training where you keep your heartrate at the low end of your target zone, but go longer. This is what elite endurance athletes do. They don't go all out every day. They use the high heartrate days to increase cardiovascular endurance, and the long slow days to consolidate their gains.

"Heartbeat Training for the Compleat Idiot" is a good guide to this type of training.
Hi Kathy,

I'm with Jane on this. An endurance athlete (runner, cycling, etc) establishes an endurance base by doing lots of moderate intensity work before they ramp up. Lance Armstrong spends his winters keeping his backside on the saddle & his effort moderate (along with lots of weight training).

Another technique that competitive athletes use is to alternate hard & easy workouts.

At this point, lower your step so that you can complete workouts without killing yourself. Don't worry about what others are doing, you only have to challenge yourself.

The standard formula for heart rate zones assumes a resting heart rate of 70, so you're not far off. Can't imagine why you'd quit using it since you're physical symptoms (stitches) suggest the high exertion level your monitor is giving you.

If you do follow the interval training advice, please sandwich the interval training with rest or low intensity days.

Go by how you feel, not what your HRM says. The 226-your age formula is notoriously inaccurate. People's heart rates vary too much. My HRM always says I'm way above my max, even though I feel fine.
I've had to and am still doing some building up to Cathe. Here are some things I do. Ditched the HR monitor. I got too focused on it and like you have a tad higher resting rate as it is.

I also will do tapes that are non intervals with both a 4 inch and a 6 inch step. I'm lucky enuff to own several steps but you can switch pretty fast. The way I do it is 1/3 on the 4 inch then 1/3 on the 6 inch and then back to the 4 inch for the remainder. This has helped me build up a lot on even her straight out step tapes.

These are my little tricks. Hope they help you too.
RE: Intervals, intervals, intervals

I feel like this could be my post! I have such a hard time with my endurance, I have been using Cathe's tapes for about 1 year and I am still having to take breaks on most of them. I don't have a HRM but when I do the heart rate checks in the videos I am always over the 85% zone. I just don't seem to be improving at all, I even get winded walking up more than 2 flights of stairs! Do you have any other hints on improving cardiovascular endurance? Thank you thank you!!!
RE: Intervals, intervals, intervals

A-Jock -

Out of those tapes you mentioned, I have IMAX, Step & Intervals and am getting Power Circuit.

I can try working more on those types of tapes. I was going to do CTX thru once I get my PC tape. Maybe I'll try the above mentioned tapes a couple times each before moving on to CTX.

It just seems like I should be further than I am.. maybe I'm further than I realize too, which is probably the case.

Thanks A-jock. I'm going to look for a cheap copy of Intense Moves also, it looks like it must be a good tape.
RE: Intervals, intervals, intervals

Janice -

I tried Imax 1x and I was in a non-workout mood that day, so it wasn't a good day to even attempt it. I'll have to get it back out, as per the suggestions for interval training.

I guess I can put the step back down, it's mental that 4" isn't as good as 6", but I guess you're right and I need to focus on getting thru the tape first.

I'm getting CTX Power Circuit, it shipped today. I liked Cardio Kicks and CTX Kickboxing (only done each one time). Oh, and I haven't gotten the nerve for LL !! :) Scared of that one too. I was kinda thinking when I did my CTX rotation, it would come up and I'd have no choice but to do it!! I hate legwork, unfortunately that's my problem area.

Sold Body Max, I just had a feeling that wasn't going to be me.. Dont like Cardio Circuit, again way too intense for me now, but keeping for future (hopefully!).

I think I have gotten some good ideas here and will try intervals more.

Oh, and the reason I like the HRM, is because i would like to stay in the target range more, so to burn more fat! That's my goal, along with toning.

I wonder what is a normal resting heart range? tonight i put the monitor on, laid calmly on the bed and it was averaging probably 68 or so.

Thanks! - good hearing from you.
RE: Add some long slow days too.

I also have a glider thing I could do and definitely keep my HR in the low end of the zone. I suppose this would be a good option for that idea.
Thanks everyone, I'm going to back off the 6" step. Try more interval training & maybe squeeze the glider in some to keep my HR a little lower.

I don't think for me right now, doing any kind of Cathe would keep it low at all!! Oh, well, maybe if I followed her tapes with the VCR on slow motion :) now, there's an idea.....
Hey Kathy....everybody has already given you great advice...but just so you will get better. Cardio has always been my downfall...I just do not like it. Give me a barbell and I am a happy girl. In fact, I cut out cardio altogether for a while, 'a al Body RX', but now I do believe that the best way to get leaner is doing both cardio and weight training. Anyway, I had very little endurance, I also have asthma, and always had a hard time doing cardio, just do what you can, and you will build up....if I can anybody can!! My goal is always just to go a little longer each time...even if it is just the smallest of amounts. Right now I am doing CTX an loving it! Imax still gets me....only can go up to interval 5 or so....but I am very happy with that. And oh by the way....did Leaner Legs the other day...and OMG how true the horror stories....but even that was kinda fun. Just hang in there!! Donna.
Hi Kathy,
Everyone has given you some good advice. I just wanted to add that last year around this time I had been working out with Cathe for maybe 5 or 6 months and it seemed I was not building any endurance with my cardio workouts and my heartrate was maxing out 190's sometimes and I could feel it besides looking at my HR monitor, also got lactic acid buildup in legs. I went for a physical around this time and had bloodwork and found out I was very anemic. Since then I have been on iron and my Hemaglobin has come up almost to normal and my heart rate is back where it should be depending if I am doing interwal workouts or not. Just thought I would share that with you. I didn't notice any tiredness more than usual when I was anemic either. I don't know if the applies to you but you might want to check it out.

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