My aching neck


The last two leg workouts that I have done that involved putting the barbell on my shoulders are FitPrime-Weights First and Leaner Legs. Both times, my neck is killing me within 24 hours (particularly the right side of my neck) and I have NEVER had this problem before. What could I be doing differently that I am not aware of that is causing this problem all of a sudden? I don't use a bar pad with these two workouts and it has never been a problem.
Make sure that you are holdng your head and neck in a neutral position. Also make sure that the barbell is sitting across the meaty part of your shoulders and NOT across the back of the neck. Most people hold the barbell up way too high on their shoulders when they first start. Make sure your chin is up and you are looking forward...not down to your chest with eyes cast downward.

If you look at Cathe she holds it down and across the back of her shoulders as opposed to up high on the shoulders and across the back of the neck. She keeps her chin up and looks straight ahead.

I noticed that if you are holding it correctly, your shoulders blades will "touch" your spine.


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