My 50K


Well....sometimes you just have a bad day..:(...It started out good, but the 3 mile downhill after 5 miles, my legs told me they were done. I needed to have a 13 min pace by 21 miles and I had held about 11 min until the uphill at 8.8 miles. That hill killed me, I knew I would never make the 21 mile cutoff time...I was drinking my sports drink, taking my electrolytes, eating what I normally do in 50K's and doing everything right but my legs were shot. I got to a water station at about 13 and told them I was pulling out, but I needed to go to the next aid station to do that which was 3 more miles. I will say that part of the course is absolutely gorgeous, steep banks so you had to watch your footing. I walked alot as I didn't trust my legs on the rocky single track trail. You all might have laughed a bit as I was stepping over this downed log and looking at my watch at the same time I crossed....I hit the upper log with my head...yeah, at this point I needed that!!![/img] any of you runners know I am racking my brain to try and figure out why? I have had some stress, I trained hard....I think next is a 30K in Oct...I think I can handle that...I hope....I sure should have gone with those cheetahs to Sonoma...I could have done a half.....Thank you Laurie for starting that post last night and for all of you here I so appreciate your good wishes...You are an awesome bunch...[/img]
Oh Carole, I think we all have those runs! I always say there are three parts to a good run - lungs, legs and gut (for me anyway). If even one of those is "off", it can throw the whole thing out of kilter.

I'm sorry it wasn't a good day and that you hit your head. I'm sure the 30K will be MUCH better:)
I am sorry that you didn't have the run you wanted, but I think what you have accomplished is amazing and warrrants a big ^^^^5!!
I am sure you will kick a$$ in your 30K!
Good luck!

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
Great effort Carole !!!!

I'm not really a runner but with my short runs on the treadmill and even with step, I have those days where I get started and I just know it's not going to happen on that day. I don't always figure out exactly why either- it just happens.

Sorry for your disappointment , and hope your head is okay.
I am sorry it didn't go well for you. I have never competed in anything but do know that there are those days where you think everything should be in your favor and it just does not go that way.
There is always next time. I know you trained hard for this.
Diane Sue
I am sorry to hear your run did not go as planned. You know though, you knew when to pull out and your body just maybe was not up for this one. Our bodies do so much for us workout wise and they tell us when we need a break and maybe you need a week off from training and just do some fun activites or lighter workouts. I honestly don't know how you do all of those long runs... truly amazing.

I think also when we go through some stress mentally our bodies react to it. Take a break and have some fun, you DESERVE it!

Take care:)

Hey Carole - I still have to say GREAT JOB! I know it wasn't what you expected, but you saw some beautiful countryside, got it a pretty decent run (a lot farther than I can run! :p ) and most importantly, you knew when to quit. I think that's important for all of us to note. You didn't push it because you knew you were having an off day, which means you'll bounce back and kick some butt on the next one!

sorry about your run but you did the right thing to listen to your body. Believe me, lately I know how that feels with your body not letting you do what you know physically you can do . Your still a great inspiration to all of us cheetahs!!!

You're still amazing in my book. So it wasn't your day for a 50K.
What you did accomplish and what you will accomplish is incredible! You are such an inspiration to me. I know you will continue to reach your goals. Try not to focus too much on not reaching your goal today. I'm seeing the big picture here, and in the big picture, you totally rock.

Carole, you ROCK Girl!! My heart goes out to you that the run didn't go as per plan but you had the gumption, discipline, spirit and drive to train hard, put in your miles and give 'er a go. That in and of itself is amazing and testament to the great stuff that you are made of!!!! I hope the bonk on the melon didn't hurt too much x( :) I hope you have a nice long epsom salts bath tonight or something else to soothe your testy legs, when's your next massage.....not soon enough right?!:)

Thanks for posting, I've been talking to the Girls about you all day wondering, glad your safe and good to yourself, you deserve it!

Take Care

You are a fabulous woman and an awesome athelete. It takes more than completing every run or beating your best time to prove takes knowing your body and listening to it. I wish it would have been the run of your dreams, but some days are just not meant to go as planned, are they?

Hope the head's alright. We're cheering for you in your 30K.

Take care:)
Thank you.... are right on the nose there. I know that from marathon running...luckily my head is hard...:)

Maeghan...I will definitely focus on that 30K...I can run less now...:) are right it can happen in any type of workout. I will get past the disapointment fast...:)

Diane are so right...there is always next year...:)

Susan...I had the feeling if I continued I might fall...and a break now is well deserved.

Shannon....I do love the positive side...:)...there will always be a better day...:)
Yes, I am very safe...:)...OMG I do need a massage!!!!! I know I will be fine....thank you so much for all of your positive, helpful posts, I know you mean alot to many of us here...:)

Laura, I do know you know the feeling...I do feel I did the right thing are sweet. And no, some days just don't work out...but we do learn from that.

Amy....I really didn't think about the big I see it...:)
Aaaawww Carole. I'm so sorry but atleast you were smart about it and you KNEW that you needed to call it quits and did just that. Good for you for not being stubborn and hurting yourself! Well..ummm...errr...that's right-you actually DID hurt yourself anyway!:p I'd have hit my head too! TRUST ME! LOL :7

Here's to that KNOWING that your 30K will go smoothly!:)
The true measure of a gifted athlete is not how they handle victory but know. You are more awesome in my eyes, and every one else on these boards then ever before! I mean that with every fiber in this broken down ol runners bod!!! Your attitude is so
INCREDIBLE :eek: :eek: :eek: I didn't know you had ANOTHER 50k in Oct.!!!
The weather will certainly be alot more forgiving! Onward cheetahgirl! You remain our hero!!!


Hi Carole:

Sorry it didn't go the way you wish. Good you listened to your body though. Hope you can get that well deserved massage.

Hope you are getting some well deserved rest.

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