Music Used


Please keep in mind I don't know if this can even be done ~ would it be possible to have a selection say within the same screen as music louder, vocals only and normal, to ALSO have a selection of "Instrumental Music" OR "POP Music" ?
I only suggest this since I LOVE the music in the BB Series. Love it! So much more than the PS series. However, since not everyone likes listening to songs like "The Eye of the Tiger" etc., but would rather just an easy tempo in the background.
This could only be a DVD option though.

Susan C.M.
I LOVED the music in BB, particularly the 2 Prince songs in Step Blast. Anything with vocals I love. I also love the instrumental stuff from CTX. Basically, I've never been disappointed with Cathe's song selections!!!!
I like this idea, though I wouldn't call the instrumental music I like "easy tempo" but rather, "music with a driving beat"!
I also feel the music on the BB Series is great, especially when it's applied to the cardio segments. I find it fun and energizing. The first time I did Step Blast and SPJ I have to admit there where a few times when I had to back it up because I was distracted by the music, but the second time around I enjoyed the music turned up to have fun.
:) Your idea of choosing "Instrumental" or "Pop" would be a great DVD option. Kelly.
>:) Your idea of choosing "Instrumental" or "Pop" would be a
>great DVD option.

If it were possible, that would be so wonderful.

"She's living in sin with a cowboy, and hell--he can hardly even walk!" --J.R. Ewing, "Dallas"
Besides some of the problems I’ve mentioned in some other recent threads there really isn’t that wide of a selection of music that is available for video licensing at any price. Most companies that own music rights simply are not interested in selling their rights for fitness video productions.We spend more on our music than just about anyone in our industry, but the selections are really pretty slim and it is getting harder to purchase good new music. This, plus the fact that technically you really can’t just add another music track to a DVD and have any hope of the beat of the music matching the routine makes having dual tracks something that just wouldn’t work. We do offer a vocals only option on our DVDs, so you can play your own music if you don’t mine being off beat.:)

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