Music Makes the Workout!!!!


Okay, I realized this as I was doing MIC, one of the things that keeps me going is during this tape is knowing that once I finish the hi/lo, which about finishes me, I will be able to hear "I Wish" and "Love Rollercoaster." So I gotta keep going! Some of my favorite Cathe tunes:
MIC's step section
All of Step Jam's (I admit, I like the Techno-Country!)
Rhythmic Step's warm up
Power Hour's warm up and the Back section
The James Bondish music from CTX Step Intervals and S&H L&S
Cardio Kicks (all of it!)
Leaner Leg's step ups section
Imax's music (especially intervals 4 & 5)
The ab music during CTX's Kickbox and Power Circuit

What are your favorites?
I absolutely LOVE Cardio Kicks. The music's awesome, and the workout is totally cathartic to me! I love the 'power drills' section. WOW. The music is pulsating, and she brings the guys up for ' a little motivation'!!! LOVE that!!!!! Now that I can get through the whole tape and know all the choreography, I REALLY look forward to doing this workout.

Circuit Max is another favorite. I don't know what gets me through the first two hi/lo sections-it MUST be the music!

I've only watched MIC step portion so far (only done the hi/lo), but I have to say, I love "Love Rollercoaster' too, and when I heard it on this when I previewed it, I just thought she's so cool for using it!! I am looking forward to breaking this one in :) .

Oh, oh, oh, how could I forget...Power Hour?!?!?!?
This one has SERIOUSLY grown on me (I'm sure it helps that I can get through the whole thing now as opposed to being fried for four days :) ) But the music-it's GREAT!!!!

Lastly, haven't even attempted it yet, but I really like Rhythmic Step soundtrack and look forward to learning the workout.

Sorry for the book, I do agree with you though!!
Music is inspiring!!!
Great topic!

Power Circuit's circuit segment, all the way through - love love love the kickbox segment especially!

Love the ab music during CTX Kickbox and CTX Power Circuit ab routines

I too love the step music in MIC

The warm-up song in Rhythmic Step

The drill music in Cardio Kicks

Hey Kweller, I know what you mean about cardiokicks being cathartic. When Cathe brings the guys up front and we're all punching like crazy, and the music's going "Get-get-get-get-get off on b----" I practically collapse into a laughing/crying mess! Thank God nobody's watching! Do you think that's what they're saying in that song? It's hard to believe Cathe would use a song with the b-word in it.
Rhythmic Step, MIC (step portion), Power Hour and Cardio Kicks for me! Oh jeez, I like the warm-up in Imax... and the CTX Step/Intervals... and... well most of it's just great. ;-)
Hmmm...I *thought* that's what I heard, but I'm usually so euphorically focused on the workout at that point, I just can't be sure! I will listen hard next time!! Okay, since you said it first, I can admit it...I have cried during Cardio Kicks before. During the drills! I was really p.o.'d about something beforehand, but that workout is -okay- religious. I got a really good workout that day and came out *beaming* !!!
Lots of confessions on this thread!!!

(Please pardon my little 'true confession'!)

RE: Lyrics from CK

I think it is actually "get up on this" from Salt and Pepa's "Push It." I could be wrong though, wouldn't be the first time. And then in the power drills there's the "My body's sayin' let's go" part. I agree, CK is cathartic. I love this tape! It is my Thurs. tape and I always feel empowered on Thursdays. But I forgot to mention that I like "Wild Thing" in Power Max.
I like the carribean music in IMAX. I love going at that with the Rythmic L's. Also, Cardio Kicks definetly!!
I pretty much love all of Power Hours and Rythmic steps music.And I love the hi/lo section of MIC.Those are the two that are standing out in my mind now.
I love the music in all those videos too, but I workout with a 13-inch TV with a built in VCR. The sound quality is tinny and I can't get the volume. I have a hard time hearing all those little things everyone talks about. The music really motivates when it's loud and bassy. I envy you girls with the good sound systems!!
Seems like the later videos have music that's better balancesd with the voice- not overwhelming it but loud enough so my ears aren't reaching.

I love that part in S&H back at the second set of pullovers- really motivating. Also, all the music everyone else has described and listed here. Cocomac- I hope you get a nice sound setup soon! It will make all your workouts fresh!
Me too, Connie!

That is my favorite music in the series. It fits that move sooo well. I hope Cathe uses that move in the next series of tapes. I also feel it in my triceps very well along with the back muscles! DOUBLE bonus!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Lyrics from CK

I'm not sure if the drills in Cardio Kicks is a re-done SaltNPepa or not... it almost sounds like Eye of the Tiger beat in the background but I can't identify the lyrics. If only this music were available for purchase... Can you imagine?
Sorry to revive this older thread, but I have been listening to clips of Cathe's videos on the website and the music in PH particularly sounds awful. Is it? Mind you, I'm an old-timer who loves the music in PS because I know all the songs (Brown Sugar, Rock the Casbah,etc.) There isn't a single song I don't know well. Music is extremely motivating to me, and is therefore very important. Did anyone not like the PH music at first and then have it grow on them? I won't buy the workout unless the music is good. Thanks!
I agree on the music, but in addition to the Cathe (or anyone else's workout music), I NEVER racewalk without music. I must have 30 or more tapes! Music is ESSENTIAL for walking. In classes, too, really good music is vital.
I agree that music can make or break a workout, but it's obviously a matter of taste as to what is "good" music! There's another instructor out there with workouts I really enjoy but sometimes the music is not to my taste & I selectively mute it (after I've learned the moves well enough to follow it without verbal cueing!). IMO the oldies are just that & I like listening to new & different music like Cathe uses. It's also funny to note that in the thread from awhile ago I commented that the section of Rhythmic Step where the lady "howls" (JMHO) bothered me. I realized that PH has the same music & I kind of like it. Maybe the "howling" seems to fit during parts of PH (low ends come to mine, & those LUNGES!!)

Something about the song that is playing during the final bench press section of Slow and Heavy really motivates me to give it my all.

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