Music and timing off


Since the transfer of Live to the new server it seems at least two of the Cathe Lives #213 Ready, Set, Step and #192 Advanced Step Choreography are off. The moves and the beat are not syncing on my Apple TV. Which makes for an extra challenging workout as I just have to liste to the cues and not watch. I’m wondering is it on my end or is there an issue?
Has anyone done this one recently? My question is, is it me or is Cathe not on the beat in this
Workout? I have learned the combos and finished combos and I cannot, be in step with her on
This workout...I tend to listen to the count or beats of the music which is 8 count blocks, and
Doing the steps with the music and if I look to see if we are doing the same thing, she is always a
Beat or 2 ahead of me which messes me up completely! If I don't watch and just listen to the
Instructions and music, I am right on beat, but if I glance at the screen, then I get off step cause
If I am finishing a 4 count move with the music, she has already started the next one, very
Confusing. I bought the download and that's what I am using, so maybe something with the
Download isn't in Sync, but when I was practicing it on CatheLive beforehand, I kinda remember
The count being off a little...anyway, just wondering if anyone experienced this or if it is me
Which it probably is :)

I have experienced the same thing with Ready Set Step... (see my prev. post above) but I don't think
it's the change in server, I purchased the download and it's still off. I love the workout, but I have to
listen to cues and beats of the music and try not to watch. Not sure about the other one you
I have experienced the same thing with Ready Set Step... (see my prev. post above) but I don't think
it's the change in server, I purchased the download and it's still off. I love the workout, but I have to
listen to cues and beats of the music and try not to watch. Not sure about the other one you
I have experienced the same thing with Ready Set Step... (see my prev. post above) but I don't think
it's the change in server, I purchased the download and it's still off. I love the workout, but I have to
listen to cues and beats of the music and try not to watch. Not sure about the other one you
Thanks, I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed the issue. When these workouts first came out they were not “off” so I’m not sure how or why this has happened. I adore both of these live workouts. I just wish they were on the beat like they used to be.
Hi str8shooter,

All of the workouts are still in sync like always. Usually, audio sync issues are caused by several factors and are usually device-related. For example, if you're using external Bluetooth speakers you will have audio sync issues ranging from very noticeable to only slightly off. Also, all digital TV's made nowadays can and will have audio sync issues depending on what you have selected in your settings. For example, if you select as your default to view your videos something like "Vivid" or "Cinema" you can be off as much as 2 to 4 frames. This will be very noticeable.

We usually sync our videos based on the standard-setting on our main test TV, but this can vary depending on the TV model. This drives us nuts too, but unfortunately, we can't sync a video to all the possible TV settings and models a user has - we can only select one. You probably have this problem with all of the videos, it's just the step ones that are probably the most noticeable since your listening for the phrase and downbeat more carefully. Though there is nothing on our end that we can do, you can in your advanced audio settings on your tv change the audio sync between the music and vocals. The only drawback is you may have to change this setting for different workouts. Hope this helps.
I have this question as well. I watch on my my computer right off the Cathe Live playback so not sure if these video setting applies in the same manner as a TV? Any help in getting a computer to have correct audio/video syncing would be greatly appreciated! I'm on a IMac and didn't have any syncing issues before the update either.
An update on my issue, today I did #125, Cardio Boxing, and the audio was perfectly in sync to the video. Just for fun, I went and looked at the one I noticed was really off, so much that I even noted it in my spreadsheet: #207, Cardio Fusion. In that workout the audio is about 1/2 a beat off from the video. So it is not consistent problem where the audio and video are not in sync for my situation which is streaming them on the computer. This seems odd and not a settings issue.
Hi geomom, with a Cathe Live broadcast I'm sure a lot of the broadcasts are off a few frames when it comes to sync. Because these are a live broadcast it's not possible to precisely sync audio to the exact frame every time. We will always be pretty close, but not always exact. Another issue is when we make the recorded videos we have to re-encode them and this can sporadically cause some audio sync issues at our end and at the content delivery end after we upload them. As a test, we're going to try to re-encode #213 this weekend and see if it makes a difference.
Can you test Ready Set Step too? If you could get that one fixed too, I would love
To re download it.. the other step ones I do (Step Sweat & Lift & Express Your
Step) are fine.
Thank you so much! I just love that workout, but can only listen to the music count and cues and not
watch. Sometimes it's ok but mostly, they are moving about 1 or 2 beats ahead of the music count.
Hi geomom, with a Cathe Live broadcast I'm sure a lot of the broadcasts are off a few frames when it comes to sync. Because these are a live broadcast it's not possible to precisely sync audio to the exact frame every time. We will always be pretty close, but not always exact. Another issue is when we make the recorded videos we have to re-encode them and this can sporadically cause some audio sync issues at our end and at the content delivery end after we upload them. As a test, we're going to try to re-encode #213 this weekend and see if it makes a difference.
Thanks for explaining that to me. I would say that for me it is more of an issue for the cardio-type workouts than for weights. I've only really noticed it on a few of the Live classes that it is bad enough to be truly annoying. But any work you all can do to sync them closely is deeply appreciated.
I was watching a little of Ready Set Step and it looked like you got it fixed, or
At least the part I watched appeared that way. If you did,thanks, would the
Download be right too? How would I be able to re download it since I already
Purchased, don't have the link anymore. maybe you haven't had time yet, maybe
Wishful watching on my part :)

Ok, so I went to CatheLive for Ready Set Step and fast forwarded to the
Finished combos and you all must have redone it because it seemed right on
Beat. Great. So if the correction affects the download too, I will need something
To get it again.
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Well, Ready Set Step seems corrected in the actual CatheLive, I re downloaded it
But the download still seems off a beat or two....bummer....maybe the download
Wasn't updated to the new one? It takes me so long to download, I don't think
I wanna try anymore....
Did Ready,Set, Step yesterday and it was on the beat. It also looks like Advanced Step Choreography was fixed too! Thank you so much

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