Muscle soreness???


How do you all deal with rotations and muscle soreness? I have been doing ME once a week for 7 weeks and I still need a day off after. Before it would be 2 or 3 days but now I have gotten it down to 1. Cathe suggested that I throw LL into my new rotation and I know that will cause at least 2 days off due to muscle soreness. I personally really hate to miss my cardio days, so I was wondering what everyone else does. Do you work through the pain or take rest days as needed and just wait to adjust? I would try to work through it but the bad pain is usually in the hamstrings and I don't want to further strain them(done it before-thought I was OK to workout and only made my hamstrings hurt worse). Maybe I am doing something wrong.


Hi Sarah,

I know what you mean about being sore. Not necessarily from ME, but being sore is something to contend with. Hamstrings are my nemisis.

I have come to terms with the fact that when I work them, they reject me. It's just the way it is.

I tend to do a cardio workout after getting my lower body going, it kind of warms up the muscles and tends to make the soreness subside. This is just the way that my body handles the soreness.

I know I haven't really given you much to go on, but I just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone.

Jamie :)
Thanks for the reply, Jamie. It seems that my hamstrings are the problem as well. Years ago when I would do MIS all the time, it never hamstrings were always a problem.

So you think doing some cardio right after you work the legs helps to lesson the soreness the next day? I have heard that it tends to break up some of the lactic acid build-up. I should give it a try. It just seems like my hamstrings are more strained than sore. Oh well, like you said, at least I am not alone:7
Muscle soreness sucks!! Cardio usually helps mine, unless it is very acute, as your sounds Sarah. If your hamstrings feel "strained", which to me sounds worse than "sore", my personal opinion is you should do very light cardio such as walking. No time to tackle IMAX!! If you are just sore, then Rythmic Step is OK, or something of that nature. I treat IMAX 1 or 2 like a weight day....there has to be NO soreness going on in the legs for me to do those tapes. I want to feel like a winner, not a loser!!
Recently a new friend joined me when working out to Cathe. She is frustrated because she is a begginner and is experiencing quite a bit of soreness. She asked me how long it takes the soreness to go away. Me and my other friend just looked at each other and both laughed and said, "Never".

Ain't that the truth....
That is too funny. It really never goes away! Well, I will just have to moniter it and use judgement on what workout to do. I do agree though, that either Imax video would probably not be a good choice!:7
You know, although the soreness comes back every time I change up my routine, it's a "nice" kind of soreness these days, the kind of soreness that tells me the change was good for me. It only lasts a couple of days, and light exercise really loosens things up. When I first started lifting, it was NOT nice. Not nice at all! I felt like I'd been run over by a truck. I had to use two hands to brush my teeth! Sort of lay the toothbrush down on the sink and rub my teeth over it. And I walked like I'd been too many weeks in the saddle. Yikes! I had almost forgotten about that until I read this post. So Janice, I hope your friend knows it will get better. Either that, or we become confirmed masochists, I'm not sure which.

I started taking Aleve twice a day. It's made a HUGE difference in the amount of muscle soreness. I can actually hop out of bed the next morning instead of slowly inching my way out! My triathelete friends live on those things-couldn't do their workouts without it. Now I know why!!!

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