Muscle soreness


New Member
I have enjoyed reading these forums for awhile now but this is my first post - and I need advice. I am experienced at cardio/step but have been lazy over the last year and have exercised sporadically at best. I recently regained my resolve and have begun to exercise seriously again (with the help of Cathe) and for the first time I have started seriously lifting weights and I cannot believe how sore I am. I never had this type of muscle soreness before - should I wait longer than the normal 48 hour recovery period to work a body part if it is still really sore? Is being sore like this normal? Is there anything I can do to alleviate the soreness at all (I do stretch after each workout but that's not helping!) I'd appreciate any suggestions!
Hi 3XMOM!! Welcome!! Are you so sore that you can't hardly move? Or you feel the soreness, but when you do move it's a little worse? I'd say if you can't hardly move(there have been times it hurt for me to sit down to pee) wait more than the 48hr. If you just feeling sore but can move pretty freely, I shouldn't hurt to go ahead and lift weights after 48hrs. I find that sometimes, if I'm still a little sore and I do my workout anyway, I'm not sore the next day. Like, that second workout got the rest of the kinks out.
As for preventing soreness, I find stretching AND soaking in a hot tub afterwards helps to prevent some soreness. The hot water increases the blood flow and moves the latic acid and waste out of the muscles quicker. So at least, you're not as sore.
Well, I hope I helped you some:). And once again, WELCOME ABOARD!!!

I have one thing to add. Make sure you are stretching adequately and effectively after working each muscle. This should help minimize soreness. Also, maybe you started out lifting too heavy. You should be able to complete the specified number of reps with the weight you select, but it should get VERY DIFFICULT with the last one or two reps. If you are really sore the next day, try just some cardio, and another good stretch!
I'm warped, I know, but I don't feel like I've gotten a good workout if I'm not sore. But what I do is only work a particular body part per day on a 4-day split (plus 2 days rest). So then, any body part gets a minimum of 96 hours rest before it gets worked again. Remember, resting a muscle is just as important as working it. It is the resting time that allows your muscles to rebuild, repair and get stronger. Working that same muscle too soon interferes with that natural healing process. My general rule of thumb is, if it's sore, don't work it.

Now this doesn't apply to the classes I teach. In my classes, i use very light weights (15 lb dumbbells and under) and high reps(usully 24 or so). Sometimes that does help work out the soreness.

On the gym floor, I use heavy weights and low reps (6-8). These are the exercises I only do every 4-6 days.
Training creates microtears in the muscles. When your body repairs them, you come back stronger and muscle mass increases. I usually take it a little easy when I am horribly sore but ultimately you'll just be stronger and less inclined to become sore. Those muscles have to learn their job!
I wait

I'm not a trained professional but from my own experience and reading tons along the years, I wait till the soreness goes away to strength train that area again. It's probably one of the reasons I like split routines so much. They allow me to keep working on other parts while some heal. As far as cardio goes, if my legs are killing me, I'll try to do a lighter workout that doesn't wipe the legs out or I'll use the day after legs as a cardio rest day.

You asked if it's normal. I'm one of those crazies that's not happy unless I feel DOMS((Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) the next day...or three;-). I generally change my routine when I find I don't get sore from it anymore. To me..soreness equals progress but like what was said earlier(I think it was Kim?) have to let that heal for it to work.
I'd suggest starting out very light for about 2 weeks then move up gradually in weight. If you are so sore you can barely move then I believe it's too much too soon. Stretching is good to do between sets to stay loose and help flush out any lactic acid buildup.

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