Muscle Max vs. Muscle Endurance?

well, I have become quite the Cathe Fanatic & am seeing great results! I've been thinking about getting Muscle Max, but I already have Muscle Endurance/Bootcamp. Are both total body workouts similar or would it be beneficial to get Muscle Max as well just to switch things up a bit? Please let me know what you think of the two DVDs. Thanks!
MM is a great work out. Yes, it is a total body work out like ME and BC, but I do think it would be beneficial to get MM, just to switch things up a bit.

¸ .• ♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•♥´ (¸ ;.♥•Jennie•♥

Smoke free since: 2/05/08
In Muscle Max Cathe uses heavier weights and fewer reps and also uses the band. I think if you don't already have the Gym Style series, Muscle Max would be a good addition to Muscle Endurance. Muscle Max also has upper body premixes which I use a lot when I don't want to do the full body workout.
I agree. If you don't have the Gym Styles, go for MM. But if you don't have the Gym Styles, I'd go for those first. And yes, MM is an excellent workout and I think it's more fun than ME(I'm not a leg press fan).
IMO, both workouts are good and have variety to justify owning them both. I love MM and I love BC. ME is a learned love.

Have fun!!
Plus, Muscle Max also has a great ab / core routine. Following is a reprint of a post I put to Cathe back in 2005 after I'd done MM's ab routine for the first time; I titled the post "Liar Liar Abs On Fire":

Miss Cathe, I have a bone to pick with you:

In your Muscle Max ab/core routine, when you are doing bent-knee reverse curls after about a million straight-leg hip lifts, you do eight . . . and then you say "another eight" . . . AND THEN YOU SAY "let's do eight more" just when my abs are subconsciously saying "oh goody time for another break!".


*clear the throat*


Well . . . what do you have to say for yourself?

You seem to have this fiendish desire to torture the abs to the max by tucking in "another eight" about fourteen times, relying on the probably valid premise that we all bank on there being no math on that particular test. And then about 2000 bicycles. I just finished MM abs about an hour ago and they're still barking at me.

Keep up the good work.


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