Muscle Max question...

Ok, this is probably a silly question, so excuse me ahead of time! :)

I am new to using DVD's for Cathe, have used VHS until now. On Muscle Max, what is the difference between the Mix and Match and Chapters option. They both seem the same to me.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the mix and match option is for people with pre-programmable (is that a word?!) DVD players, so that they can create their own workout with different sections of the workout in the order that they please. The chapters option allows you to start the workout at whatever stageyou want. :)
Chapters are just the way the workout is divided up, and you can skip from chapter to chapter, or go back a chapter (the way movies on DVD's are chaptered as well). If you have a programmable DVD player, you can make your own mix of the program by selecting the chapters you want to play in any order.

the "Mix and Match" feature uses the chapters, but is not the same as the chapters. If you choose the "Mix and Match" feature, you are taken to a menu screen that lists segments of the workout (usually, but not always, corresponding to the chapters. Some mix-and-match selections are actually more than one chapter). You choose the segment you want to use first, it plays, then you are returned to the menu screen to choose another segment, it plays, then returns you to the mix-and-match menu, and so on.

Having to go back to the menu screen after each segment can make a cardio workout rather choppy, but it gives a nice break in a resistance workout.
With Mix and Match, if you select the "push-ups" chapter it will play the push-ups chapter and then take you back to the Mix and Match menu. If you select "push-ups" from the chapter menu, it's as Shaz said, it will play the push-ups segment but then continue to play the workout from that point.

I use the mix and match feature ALL THE TIME. I find it really handy for upper body work when I want to work two sets of something back to back or work my triceps right after chest (as Cathe typically likes to work triceps last).

Hope this helps!

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