Muscle Fitness mag. out of business?

I got the new oxygen magazine yesterday, and I read a article about how MF hers went out of business. Did I read this right? Does anyone know why? Hadn't bought it in a while, but I really liked it.

That was a dissappointment. But oxygen seems to be good itself.

Just curious to know what happened.

I had a subscription and I received a note telling me that the magazine was just having a hard time and was not doing as well as it would have liked.

IMO...the magazine was doing pretty bad, but I started to like the last few issues when they changed the staff around a bit.

They indicated that current subscribers would be receiving the regular Muscle Fitness magazines for the duration of their subscription.

I'm bummed, as I just started buying it lately. I guess the only one I really look forward to any more is Oxygen. Fitness is so/so, but I love Oxygen. I also just started buying Women's Health.
I had a subscription and I did like the magazine. I am supposed to receive Muscle and Fitness but haven't received an issue yet. Oxygen tends to be a little hoochie for me. All the girls wear the strangest high heel sneakers. Also too many add for me. I am back to Shape and Fitness I guess.


I am a subscriber to MF-Hers and I have received a copy of the regular Muscle & Fitness probably 3 weeks to a month ago. You may want to follow up and find out why you haven't received your yet.

I was a subscriber to M&F Hers also, and finally had to e-mail them as I had received nothing. They said they are sending me a check, because I didn't want the magazine they were offering. I have never been able to find a copy of Muscle & Fitness so I didn't know if I would like it.

Hi Kim,

I really like Muscle & Fitness Hers, too. M&F Hers is now being published 4 times a year: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, per Weider Publications. It isn't available as a subscription anymore, so you have to look for it at your local newstand/bookstore (CVS carries it). Have you tried the magazine, Fitness RX (not Fitness)for women? It's a magazine that's published every other month and has fitness advice on women's health, nutrition, beauty and sexuality that's based on scientific research and there are alot of articles on excercises, with photos. I like it and there a few of the regular ads or filler stuff. I like Oxygen, too, but it seems more geared towards the body builders type. For me, I like being fit and well toned, but I'm not aiming for the physique of a female body builder.

I just bought the regular M & F and throughout the magazine they had articles they called Muscle and Fitness Hers articles. I can live with this since they (M&F) seems to have toned down the sexist remarks, at least in this issue. They still had to have the cheesecake photo. Hopefully that feature will disappear or at least have a corresponding male beefcake. I like to read M&F, but rarely find the fanatical body builders attractive. Muscle is good, but too much looks weird, even on a guy.

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