Muscle fatique/"shakes" after a workout

I was wondering what the deal is with muscles feeling fatigued immediately after doing a strength training workout. And also, some muscles doing little "jitterbug twitches" immediately after a strength training workout and/or completing a set.

I am an exFirmie who is new to Cathe. I never got these side-effects from a Firm workout, but have noticed it happening when lifting weights with Cathe. Is this a sign that my muscles are, perhaps for the first time, getting a REAL workout with Cathe? Also, what CAUSES the fatigue and twitching?
RE: Muscle fatique/

I get it too. It lets me know those muscles are "done" for now. Its just muscle fatigue. After a good weight workout, I can really feel it, its actually kind of relaxing. After all, the work is DONE!! You'll get stronger and it will go away or take you longer/heavier to get to that point. If you look closely at some DVDs you'll notice Cathe's muscles shake at times, too. I know in the pullovers in Muscle Max for sure. Its just your muscles working. As far at what causes it - aside from your muscles having no more to give, I don't know. I always thought the twitch was from the muscles trying to relax again, but being "all wound up" and excited and having a hard time relaxing and releasing. Kinda like a cramp, but not as bad. But I may be wrong on that point. Just my thoughts?

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