

You said on another thread that your body fat is really decreasing using the CTX series. I'm just wondering *how* you are using the CTX series. As is? Wt. work 2X wk???? What? I NEED to know!:+

Hi Robin!

I'm doing a tape a day and this week I started doing additional weight work for the bodypart I happen to be working that day (using Pure Strength). Here is my rotation:

Monday - CTX Step Intervals and PS Chest only
Tuesday - CTX Power Circuit and PS Back only
Wednesday - CTX All Step and PS Shoulders only
Thursday - CTX Kickbox and PS Biceps only
Friday - CTX 10-10-10 and PS Triceps only
Saturday - PS Shoulders and Abs (but I'm thinking about doing Pyramid Lower Body instead!)

I'm pretty sure that doing the intense cardio 5x per week is really helping that fat to melt off. Plus being able to focus on one bodypart daily is great because I'm able to give that muscle my all without wearing myself out.

I hope this helps you out :)

Cheryl :)
What a neat idea Cheryl! Maybe I'll try this after I finish my current PS/ Cardio rotation!
Hey, thanks!

You are the 3rd person who's posted 'best' results with the CTX series in the last 24 hrs. So, I'm going around asking *how* it was used, since I know that most folks tweak this series. I notice that you aren't using Leaner Legs or PS Legs. Are they just too long? Or this isn't your problem area?

I've already been thinking of doing this same thing almost...I was planning to use the S&H series with it.;)
Hey Robin,

I mistakenly typed "Shoulders & Abs" when I meant " Strong Legs and Abs" (sorry!), so I am doing strength work for my legs. I'm thinking about doing the new lower body pyramid workout from the Intensity Series instead. I haven't worked up the nerve to do Leaner Legs...I'm so intimidated by that workout, but I plan on doing it one day!

My legs are not really a problem area. My goal for my legs is to add more muscle. I'm an apple so I really have to concentrate mostly on my upper body and abdominal area. CTX is really doing the job.

Cheryl :)
Hi Cheryl,
Nice rotation that is exactly how I use my CTX tapes. I will do the entire tape cardio/weight work and then add on extra weight work for that particular body part from PS or S&H and then I'll do the ab work and cool down on the CTX tape. I posted these and other rotations of mine on the rotation forum.

don't be intimidated by Leaner Legs. I bought the CTX series last Spetember and stayed well away from LL because everyone here said how much of a monster it is, and I've worked instead with PS legs and PLB for legs.

So last night I took the plunge and did CTX All Step and LL right after, using, for the first time out, the same weight loads Cathe uses, and I really and truly do not believe that it is any harder than PS legs or even Power Hour for that maatter. The low ends on PH kill me. If you can do PS legs, you can do LL. Preview it and convince yourself of this fact. The single leg lunges are particularly efffective. You can do this, "yes you can!"

Go for it!

Oh, I see ... you do use PS Legs. Listen, LL is NOT harder than PS Legs, IMO. Don't fear it.

So, you're an apple? Me, too. OOOOOHHHH, so many tapes/rotations. I just got the Intensity Series and of course, I want to do the CTX Series right now!:+

I'm going to do LL today. :) I'll let you know how it went for me.

I want to do the Intensity Series sooo badly, but I'm sticking with CTX for now!


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