MP3 players


Is anyone knowledgeable about these? My daughter and I are interested in them. We have done some reading on the 'net but just wanted to hear if anybody has one they really like or dislike. We bothe want one for outdoor exercising. ( distance walking & roller blading)

May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)

May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)
I have a RipFlash Trio from Pogo! Products. It combines an MP3 player, FM radio and digital voice recorder in one. I don't use the voice recorder but I liked the idea of the radio. I did a lot of research before I decided on this one. It can store about 2 hours worth of MP3s, is very small - dimensions are: 2.32 x 3.30 x 0.37 in. (WxHxD) and weighs less than an ounce. It can strap around your arm, but you have to buy the case and armband separately. I use it when I'm walking and haven't had any problems with it so far. You can check it out at their website:

I have an Intel MP3 player, which, for the most part I like. (I don't think they make it any more.) The only annoying thing about it is its "random" feature. It's really not that random. If I have it on random, then turn the player off, then turn it back on again, it starts over playing the exact songs in the exact order. Sometimes I just go into the computer and rearrange them to get a different random order.

If I had to do it all over again, I would buy an Ipod. They make them for both MAC's and PC's now, and I know several people who have them and absolutely love them. They hold a bazillion songs, too.
Thanks for the info.
Is two hours of playing time enough and how easy is it to get musice from your PC to the MP3?
For example, could I buy Cathe's music CD from dynamix and put it in my PC and them transfer it to the MP# player easily ? How long would it take?
Excuse me, but I am very lo-tech here. :)
It all depends on what you want to use it for. For me, the key factor was small size and he ability to wear it on my arm. I was willing to sacrifice playing time to get that. If you want longer playing time, check out the Ipod - it's generally considered one of the best MP3 players, even more so now that it can be used on both PC and Mac. This would have been my second choice.

It's very easy to get music from your PC to your MP3 player. Get some software called an MP3 ripper - I use MusicMatch Jukebox - you can download a free version of this from their website. You use MusicMatch Jukebox to convert or "rip" the music on your CDs (like Cathe's music CD) to MP3 files. You can then use the software that comes with your MP3 player to transfer the MP3 files to your MP3 player. To rip the MP3 files from the music CD will take as long as it takes to play the music CD because the MP3 file is created as the song is being played. To copy the MP3 files to your MP3 player is just like copying a file from one folder to another and usually takes only a couple of minutes.

Hope this helps,
I use Windows Media Player to copy the cd to my harddrive. Then I either use MusicMatch Jukebox or the software that came with my player to copy to my MP3 player. Maybe it depends on your computer, because it only takes me less than 5 minutes to copy an entire CD onto my hard drive, then about the same time to copy the songs to my MP3 player. Have fun!

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