Moving On Confidently, STS I'm Ready


I feel so much better after reading responses from my previous post. I want to especially thank fitaerofan - you really know what I am talking about and I am so impressed with how you are exercising and doing well - I wish that wrist a very speedy recovery - and thank you to vee, you are so on the mark with your suggestion of light, moderate, heavy (heavy for me anyway)- I will be great with STS - I'll do it in a way that works for me (I guess I was just having a little pity party there after reading the 1RM and thinking I could not do it perfectly)- and Shana Banana you are right about a doc who will work with me - I finally found a doc in January who was into exercise and understood, but he left the practice - so I am on the search for someone new. Again thank you to everyone, your support is much appreciated - you have boosted my confidence - so much so I just kayaked this morning down a creek that was a little more challenging than my usual quiet water run - yee ha

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