Mother's Day, I Hate Cardio


Ha, do all of you really think that just cuz it is Mother's Day, you body doesn't care that you skipped working out???????
Well, it does and I am here to tell you that since it is Mother's Day, embrace your cardio just as you would embrace your children. Love it as much as your family. I am having a hard time typing this. Forgive me. I think I have lost my head.
But hey, I did cardio, so there! Power Max. Boy, do I feel worn out. Give me liberty and (or) give me weights (sorry, that is meant for teh 4th of July)
Have a great day!!!
Oh Kate you are too funny! I did embrace my cardio by doing Cardio Kicks, just the injured version and got pissed every second because my damm knee is just not good and I look like the lady in "sit and be fit" while I am trying to do cardio. I swear I can't wait to get this knee surgery over with and get back to it. I also did CM #1 and GS Back, Shoulders, and biceps. I figured if I can't do the cardio all that well I might as well make up for it in the weights and core work. It sucks.

How is everyone today? Thanks Michele for the good wishes from yesterday!

I hope everyone is doing great! Dana, Char Char,(Kate, I can't remember if you have kids or not..sorry!) and anyone else who is a Mom..happy mother's day! It's a great day to be a Mom so give the kiddos a little extra squeeze today!

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