Most Bizarre New Kitten Question


Okay, Ladies, This may be the most bizarre post ever, but the women here seem to know everything, and I am stumped..........

We just got 2 kittens, brother and sister. They were born the end of December. The girl is a calico, the boy is an orange tabby.

Now to the problem--the female calico smells so bad by her bottom area!! I don't know what to do about it, and the vet was of little help when I called her this week.

Both kittens are eating the same food--hard kitten food and approx. 1 can of soft kitten food a day.

Anyone ever experience this with their kitten/cat????


I would stop the canned food for a few days and see if that helps. Also, you may want to take her to the groomer's for a thorough bath.

Good luck!
I would take her to the vet (another one, not the one who wasn't interested in helping you) and get her checked for an infection. Cats glands can get filled with fluid and absess (we have had that happen to ours) and they have to be drained and given antibiotics. That could be what is causing it. Whatever it is, I would definitely get it checked out!
I just wanted to say that I do not feed any of my cats soft kitten or cat food because of the stink. It has helped them and their teeth. My Coon lived to be 18 years old and never ate mushy can food.
Is it possible she is in heat. That could give off an unpleasant smell. I have 4 cats ( I am crazy) My girl Bella went into heat at 4 months.
Another problem I have is my Rocky sometimes pees on his foot he is a big maine coon and kind of clumsy. I have to wash him off with a damp wash cloth. He likes it. He also likes to jump in the tub.
Thanks so much for you thoughts and advice.

I am bringing both kittens into the vet on Monday--I pray nothing is wrong, but I want to be on the safe side and get it checked out ASAP.

I'll let you all know how it goes..............


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