

Hi Everyone,
While sitting here waiting for the BIG Preorder announcement...LOL
I was reading about mosquitos and mosquito repellents. (I guess I need something else to do, right? :D:D)

The article had some interesting and sorta strange ideas. I was wondering if you tried any of them?

One was Vick's Vaporub...? A person who spends lots of time in the woods recommended it. :D
The Marines are said to use Avon Skin-So-Soft bath oil mixed equally with alcohol.
Or a recipe using:
20 drops Eucalyptus oil
20 drops Cedarwood oil
10 drops Tea Tree oil
10 drops Geranium oil
2 oz carrier oil (like Jojoba)
mix together in a 4 oz container. Apply to skin, avoiding the eye area. Test on small area of skin for sensitivities

Another suggesstion was Clear real vanilla. Not the grocery store vanilla extract but pure vanilla. It can be found in health food stores or in Mexico.
Mix half vanilla with half water. It is said to also work on ticks.

Eating bananas is said to make mosquitos like you. It supposedly has to do with the way the body processes the banana oil.

And lastly, Marigolds planted around the yard wards off bugs as they don't like the smell.

What have you found that works as a repellent for mosquitos? With all the scare of West Nile virus, sounds like mosqitos can cause more than just a little discomfort.
Hi Wanda,

We live in what I think must be the mosquito capitol of the U.S. - Scott, Arkansas - a low-lying agricultural area on the Arkansas River. There is alot of standing water around, and hence, lots of mosquitoes. At times, they're so thick you have to wave your hand in front of your face as you're walking through the yard. Several horses in our area that were not vaccinated died last year.

Avon would not officially acknowledge the mosquito repelling aspect of SSS for many years, because they feared it would detract from it's image as a beauty product. However, they finally figured out that they were missing out on a lot of sales and have developed Skin So Soft Bug Guard. It comes with and without sunscreen and in different fragrances.

From what I've read, mosquitoes are attracted to the warmth and carbon dioxide that humans and animals give off. The most effective *serious* mosquito system I've seen sends out carbon dioxide, moisture and heat to attract mosquitoes in large numbers. They are sucked into a collection bag where they eventually die off. Of course, this is very expensive, but maybe it will come down in price someday. You can read about it here:

Yep, as you can see, I've got too much time on my hands today.

Other mosquito repellants include a little electronic box you wear around your neck and which gives off a sound like a male mosquito (only the females bite mammals, the males stick to fruits or something), and dragonflies! Dragonfly larva eat mosquito larva, and the adult dragonflies eat adult mosquitos! I'd much rather have a herd of dragonflies in my yard than hear the city truck spraying who knows what in the trees and bushes at dusk!

Bats also eat enormous quantities of mosquitos, and aren't the bad guys they've been made out to be. A bat house or two in your yard can help curb the mosquito population.
Thanks Angela and Kathryn, for sharing your insight about mosquitos. It has been a very long time since I checked out Avon's products. I will definately look into their Skin So Soft line. Didn't know they made a repellent. I must also see what it takes to draw dragonflies into my yard. I'm not so sure about a bat? LOL I guess I've seen too many scarey movies. :D:D
There is only about two months out of the year that I can be outdoors, I don't want bugs, no see um's and those pesky mosquitos to ruin it. :p

Have a great weekend.

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