Morton's Neuroma


Hey guys,

I was wondering if any of you have experience with Morton's Neuroma. A salesperson at the Running Room suggested that I might have it, and after reading up about it, I'm really disturbed. If you have or had it, can you tell me what it feels like, how you got it treated and how the treatment turned out?



I don't have it, but my assistant at work has it and there are times when she is pretty darn miserable. I'm not sure that she really ever is out of pain, but when she gets these injections, she can barely walk. She has opted not to get surgery and live with it.

I had it removed surgically 11 years ago after living in terrible pain for 10 years! It was the best thing I had done! Being an active sports person, line dancer, etc., I was always on my feet. Now....I have no problems at all with that foot! (AFter surgery, I had to be off from it for a month so I did it during the winter when I was stuck inside.)

I'm glad I don't have to live with it anymore! Life is so much more enjoyable!

Good luck in whatever you choose to do! If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me.

Thanks guys. Patti, can you tell me exactly what kind of surgery you had? I know there is more than one type done. And by off of it, do you mean that you had to be on crutches, or just couldn't take part in activities on your feet, or couldn't walk at all?
I had Morton's neuroma 8 years ago. I was training for a marathon at the time and switched my shoe brand (mistake). Anyway, the toe box was too narrow and created pressure, hence the neuroma. I had a great sports podiatrist at the time and after a course of Celebrex and going back to wearing a shoe with a wider toe box, no more neuroma. I would only think surgery would be applicable to a chronic case. I had a co-worker who suffered for years with a Morton's; hazards of the job of being a flight attendant. She too had the surgery and her only regret was that she waited too long. My advice to you is to get an eval by a foot doc.

I don't recall a "specific" surgery. I just have a small thin scar between the 4th & 5th toes. I think I had to be totally off my foot for 1-2 weeks, then I had a walking shoe for a couple of weeks.

As Sarah commented, my regret is waiting too long to get it done!

I would definitely recommend seeing a podiatrist. He/she will take x-rays of your foot and give you advice of what to do, etc. My pain had been going on for 10 years so I was ready to get it taken care of!

I hope that helps you.

I have Morton's Neuroma in my left foot. I had custom orthotics made, and they didn't help. I stopped wearing shoes that are too narrow for my feet, and I haven't had pain in several years.
What's helped me most is switching to Keen shoes. They are the only shoes I wear now, and I'm lucky that I'm in a very casual dress job and can get away with these shoes. I've heard Dansko shoes are great, too.
I wear Ryka shoes for working out, but they are not the best and I really should look for a better shoe. I have tried New Balance and they've only made my feet worse.
Superfeet inserts might be helpful, as well, but I'd suggest trying Keens or other wide, supportive shoes.

Hope that helps--that numbing, burning, cramping pain is the worst!

I am currently dealing with this. My foot doctor told me to get fitted with some rocker bottom wide toe box tennis shoes. He likes the New Balance. So I did that and used every shoe insert out there (air pillows, gel, spanco) nothing has helped. I have a high arch and most shoes I don't even feel the arch in. He also said no more going barefoot. I just went this past Monday to Foot Solutions and the lady put me in a pair of Chung Shi rocker bottom tennis shoes. They are really strange to walk in but they do relieve the pressure on the ball of the foot much more than any other kind of tennis shoe. They are also crazy expensive. They come in two arch heights and I got the highest one. I go back to the doctor next monday and will find out the outcome of my x rays and see what he has to say bout my choice of shoe. The foot solutions lady said if the doctor does not have me get a custom insert to come back and she can put some kind of bar on the shoe that will help even more. It's been 2 months since I started having pain and with this shoe it is already better but not gone. I would have the surgery in a heart beat if it would take this pain away but my husband is very sick (copd) and I have to wait on him for everything so don't know how I can get surgery and stay off it for 2 weeks.

Thanks everyone. I've been putting up with this pain for about three years now and it really can affect my enjoyment of walking (and I walk a lot!) and hiking.

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