<- - - moon river wider than a mile

<-- is unclear on the concept of "too many potato chips"
<-- wishes that were true
<-- cannot adivse anyone to eat a pound of green beans, no matter how much garlic is involved
<-- just spent $34 at the produce market and can't figure out how
<-- is off to cook some of that produce!!
<-- tells Jes <-- didn't work out today either and <-- took it really easy all week so <-- understands the guilt
<-- promises <-- to jump back in tomorrow
<-- wants to know if you think <-- should finish a 3rd week of S&H or jump into Gym Styles for the first round?
<-- hears vegetables calling <--'s name...
<--is glad Jes had fun today and prays her brother will be safe
<--woke up early this morning when electricity went off at 630am and woke up this family of light sleepers
<--ran about 7.5-8 miles this morning and saw a suspicious car in a secluded area so <-- decided not to go near it and cut run slightly shorter than <-- had planned :eek:
<--hopes Susan's dh is okay and that he stays safe as well
<--DID notice the moon last night and jokingly asked dh if he was going to turn into a werewolf }( (he didn't)
<--tells Pinky <-- hates scales also because it didn't say what I wanted this morning x(
<--has been feeling tired all day
<--'s eyes are heavy and should go to bed soon (<--thinks Gosh, I'm old!)

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