Morning All!
Deb, your post was entertaining this morning, well, they always are of course, just especially so this morning.
The friend thing is kinda high school, or more like grade school to me, of course I am friends with all of you, I sent a few out, just to see, you know I had to play around. I also hate that page that allows one to "break" friendships!
Horrid. I love that Keegan is such a mommy's boy, how adorable laying at your feet. Agreed, that KB workout that came with the 15 pounder sucked! The one I do is the Extreme one off the dragondoor workout site, its killer, the dude workouts in the sand with sunglasses on.
Robin, picking blueberries huh? Ugh, think I told you guys I was stuck picking those during the summer in order to earn enough money to buy myself new school clothes. Another ugh. And way to go woman! Good for you and your melty self! Yeah! I thought you looked quite slim and trim in the RT pictures and wondered why in the world you were melting at all, but am happy for you chica!
Shelley, what's up darlin? Glad you like Dark Knight, I personally adore those dark, brooding movies, this one might be even more so considering the circumstances surrounding it...poor Heath, such a sad deal. Oh and I adore Maggie G. she was in a very twisted movie I loved called Secretary? She is a cool chick. Can you get that kettlebell at Target? I think I might have an extra KB workout I could send you...*whistles nonchalantly*
Pegster, whoo-eee! That workout sounds awesome, it isn't cardio at all though? The Extreme sand dude one I have is, it really gets your heartrate up, although it probably not steady state, more anaerobic in nature. Love your pic, you are darling by the way!
Shannon, loving your new avatar!
Leanne, will be checking out the Prius today, I want a white one, DH says cause its such a hot car right now, it might be hard to find the color I want...
Hugs and hellos to Allison, Kara, Lainie, and BG!
To answer your question about the boat, its super big as in 125 feet big. I know, its like a floating house. On one deck I am going to insist on being able to have my step (there is storage) and a tv and dvd player so I can at least do my KB and Cathe cardio workouts. We will, over the course of the next year or so, sell the house in Vegas, most of our cars and live on the new boat full time. It was fun playing around with alot of "stuff" when we first got really successful, but am ready to settle into boat life and be done with the rest of it. We have been really blessed that our products have done as well as they have. Well, that and alot of hard arse work and sacrifice.I am just thrilled for DH, having a boat like this was always his dream, and now he has it.
Anyway! Enough of is a Spinervals workout and then maybe a Cathe weight workout, not sure, but probably B&G...BBL to chat!