Hey Carole - I may just be on for B&G and Drill Max on Monday - depending on when my UPS man arrives!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
I don't know Lorrie....Christine has me worried about B& I might have to do that one last....I do hope Mr UPS comes early Monday...}(
Hey Carole... I'll get mine on Monday too. I'll finish out the week of the rotation I'm doing, rest day on Tues and then start the Nov rotation on Wed....since I start my rotations on Wed, I'll start with B&G on Wed followed by BM2 on Thursday and so on. (Hopefully I can still walk on Friday) She has put a 20 minute run between some of the workouts and a stretch. They will seem like rest days! I can't wait to start!
Jane...that sounds like a good idea! I am also considering her rotation too, but a bit modified as I will run 4 days a week. But now if I get the DVD's early monday, I might be compelled to compete with Shelly!!! So I could be just a bit tired on tuesday....I can't wait to get the workouts either...:)

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