Moms-to-Be Check-in Week of 11/8


HI Everyone! Last week it was a slow week for posters! If you are pregnant, we'd love to hear from you (the more the merrier). My workouts have basically been walking...

Monday: one hour walk
Tuesday: off
Wednesday: KPC (cardio conditioning)-with modifications
Thursday: Gym (20 minutes recumbant bike-that position felt weird), 20 minutes lower body
Friday: 20 minute walk
Saturday: walked around NYC all day-man were my feet hurting by the night;(

Imani, I read your post about being frustrated about weight gain. You are right, we are told day in and day out to lose weight, exercise, etc. And, sometimes it is hard to see us lose what we have worked hard for, but just think about what your body is doing right now. It is so amazing! You are supporting a life inside your body. You'll lose the weight after the baby-we'll be there to support each other then too. But, right now, just listen to your body and don't worry what anybody tells you. I have to listen to big boob comments on a daily basis (my reaction is that "at least the baby won't starve"). I know I'll get back into the shape I was before. And, we should be very proud of the exercise we do squeeze in weekly. If it wasn't for posting weekly, I wouldn't do the exercise that I do manage to do.

On Wed, the "big" ultrasound happens, so I will post back then and let you all know what we will be having!

Have a great week!
p.s. Jen V: I told my kids I am pregnant today. I wanted to read Our Teacher's Having a Baby by: Eve Bunting, but I would have to order it. I read Chrysanthemum instead, and we talked about the music teacher who had a baby.
They are so excited! We made a prediction graph for them to guess if the baby will be a boy or a girl (most picked a girl). They wrote about it (on their own choosing) in their journals today. I even had one little boy tell another teacher that I am having the baby on Wednesday. Obviously, he wasn't listening when I said I am finding out what I am having on Wednesday:7

Thanks for the comforting words (and thanks also to Jen V. who posted on the other thread). I guess I just need to be patient with myself and concentrate on the miracle that is occuring inside of me. Plus, I ordered the HardCore series so I know I'll be able to lose the baby weight quickly! Last week was really busy so I only worked out 2 times at curves. Sunday we went to a Broncos game and I had to walk up to level 5. That was practically a workout too!

I finally get my flu shot this week. Not much else planned for this week so I hope to get in some good workouts.

Jen, have fun with the ultrasound! I can't wait to find out what we're having!!! Mine is scheduled for Dec. 20th so we'll know before christmas.


15 weeks
>p.s. Jen V: I told my kids I am pregnant today. I wanted to
>read Our Teacher's Having a Baby by: Eve Bunting, but I would
>have to order it. I read Chrysanthemum instead, and we talked
>about the music teacher who had a baby.
>They are so excited! We made a prediction graph for them to
>guess if the baby will be a boy or a girl (most picked a
>girl). They wrote about it (on their own choosing) in their
>journals today. I even had one little boy tell another teacher
>that I am having the baby on Wednesday. Obviously, he wasn't
>listening when I said I am finding out what I am having on

How cute is that?

I told my kids while I read the story Arthur's New Baby. Once of the first questions I was asked was whether or not I'd come back to visit with the baby afterwards! I definitely will, but not as soon as they think!;)

My workouts this week:

Sun. Cathe CTX Upper
Tues. Kathy Smith LW#2 Lower
Wed. Kathy LW#2 Upper and my own modified Ab work
Sat. Cathe Step Blast (Without challenge at end)

I am so proud to have done Step Blast. I used just the 4" step, and took out the jumping, modifying anything that would get my heartrate up too high. I had the energy to do it because I did it Saturday morning to start off the day. I felt so energized, that I'm making more of an effort to do more cardio this week. Perhaps it is also the timing, as I'm well into my 2nd trimester and feeling less tired.

I too am glad to be able to check in with you guys, it has helped me get over the workout blahs.

Jen V.
17 weeks
I'm having a boy! The ultrasound went well, but since he had his head buried very far down (almost like he was ready to come out), and was facing my back, they couldn't get any head shots, so I will most likely have to go back for them. We saw two arms/hand, two legs/feet, and a bunch of other things that all look normal. What a relief. It is SO real now!

That's terrific! Did you keep a photo of the ultrasound? My first ultrasound is a week from Monday, I can't wait!:7
Congrats Jen!! My husband and I are kind of hoping for a boy (eventhough it really doesn't matter to us). We'll find out on Dec. 20th. Gosh that seems like such a long time from now.

Have a good weekend everyone!

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