Moms of young girls...need your advice on Drake Bell....


So earlier this year, I asked you for suggestions for music cds to buy my 7 year old daughter. Shelly...I think you wisely suggested Hannah Montana, and now Teri is hooked. I've even got Hannah in my iPod, so she pops up on my Shuffle at work every now and again (thankfully I can bypass easily).

Teri had been watching Drake and Josh regularly up until they stopped making new episodes (sad...I loved that show too). I asked her if she liked Drake's music and she wasn't sure. I thought maybe I'd grab his new cd for her for Christmas.

What do you think? Would a 7 year old be too young for it? Of course, Teri likes Linkin Park and Madonna and GASP! Nickelback (sorry Shelly). So she isn't JUST into the teeny-bopper stuff. Still, I wouldn't actually buy Teri a Linkin Park cd....
Yeah, the boys wanted to focus their careers in other directions. Drake obviously wanted to pursue his musical thing. Josh is a stand-up comedian, I think I read. It is too bad, they were like the male Lucy & Ethel for kids.

I'll get it for her. What the heck? It's not like cds are ridiculously expensive. Not like the Wii games I get that stink. FYI - Don't bother with the Happy Feet game! El Stinkerino!!!
Nickelback? NICKELBACK????? How could you let her LISTEN to that??? That's going to cost years of therapy to fix, you know. :p

When Sophie was 6 she wanted Rammstein for the musical chairs music at her birthday party. I gently refused.

I've never actually heard of this Drake person. What kind of music is it?
I'm 38! and I LOVE Drake and Josh. VERY FUNNY

My DS is almost 8...loves the show and idolizes Drake. I think I will get him a few Drake songs for Xmas!!
He's sort of the new David Cassidy? Maybe?

I'm not too worried about the Nickelback factor...I listened to Andy Gibb and got through it OK.
RE: Moms of young girls...need your advice on Drake Bel...

HAHAHAHAHA....Rammstein! I actually know exactly who you're referring to....too funny, Shelley!!


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