Moms of toddlers check in-April 14


We never had a post last week so I figured I'd start one this week. I had a stomache bug last week, starting Sunday night and still making me feel icky most of the week. Thankfully the girls didn't get it. I'll post my workouts later.

We set up the Dora playhouse we bought as an early b-day gift for Ashley, the kids have been using it as well as our swingset.Finally spring weather. I have to start motivating myself to walk to the park. We are heading to NY on Wed. to celebrate passover this weekend. How are all you other mommies doing?

thanks for starting the post, elyse. i kept almost starting one last week and never did. hope the girls enjoy their swingset. i wish i had gotten one last year as finn is such a monkey and love to climb. i think we will be moving in 1 year, though, and the kind i'd get is unlikely to be easily dismantled. i will try to hold out. sorry for the stomach bug - that is awful! glad you are better now. now, to pick your brain, what sharon twombley would you recommend i try??? i am guessing you have most of them?

hope everyone else is well. finn cut his 2 year molars but has not been too fussy. we are in the process of setting up his new room so the nursery is set for the new baby. i have just about 10 weeks to go, and now i am starting to get motivated to do stuff:) i will post workouts later too.
Morris-wow-only 10 weeks to go! I don't have sharon's newest but have her last 2. I recommend al body cardio-more cardio than all body attack.Like them both though. We didn't get the swingset until last August when Alexis was close to 4. I am glad we waited. We did have a plastic tree swing before that. I also bought a few little tikes stuff at yard sales. They are pricey new but worth it if you can get them used. Ashley loves them and they are safer for her. We have a climber with small fort, slide and another climber.
Hey ladies! I"m still here, not checking as much as I use to, I guess just the season I'm in. ;) I've been working 50+ hours/week + the commute and trying to stay positive. Absolutely NO activity on our house. :( I miss my boys dearly.

I've been working out at 5am, prior to work. Mostly Amy Bento and some Tracey. Having fun with those!

Morris, it's hard to believe you're so close already! It's not going to be long and you'll have your precious wee-one in your arms. :)

Chat with ya'll later. :D


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

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