Moms 2 Be Check In: June 12, 2005


Hi everyone,

These were my workouts for the week:

MON: Step Blast; Basic Step abs add-on
TUES: Body Fusion; Muscle Max Lower Body Premix
WEDS: Step Works
THURS: High Step Circuit
FRI: Kick, Punch & Crunch (flipped around so I did the combos between the intermediate and high intensity drills); KickMax leg drills
SAT: IMAX3 step-only; Muscle Endurance (no core); BS abs add-on
SUN: rest

I hope you all had a great week, whatever workouts you managed to squeeze in.

Hi everyone! I am coming out of lurkdom to join this checkin.
I am eleven weeks pregnant as of yesterday. Since week 5, my workouts have been anything but regular due to 24/7 sickness (never just morning sickness in my case! ;( ). I had only two bad days this week, so hopefully it's going to continue to get better!

These were my workouts for the week:

Sun: Supersets

Mon: KickMax warm up, combos 1-4; followed by IMAX3 step-only premix and cool-down/stretch

Tue: Felt awful - rest day

Wed: Step and Weights - 61 minutes premix from SB/SJP

Thu: Nausea ruled the day today - another rest day

Fri: Stationary bike - 16 miles - had to stop and rest every ten minutes or so, but I refused to give up!

Sat: Boot Camp - modified Cardio #5 by doing mountain climbers while holding on to my high step.

I look forward to reading about everyone else's week.

Baby #1 due 12/30/05
Welcome Adrienne! I am in total empathy with the m/s! I've been waiting for it to let up, myself, and had to chuckle at your Friday comment - it gets so frustrating sometimes! :)

Last week was pretty much a disaster as far as w/o's - DD#2 was up all night crying Sunday and Monday. Tuesday appt showed a double ear infection plus her eye teeth are all coming in (kind of a chicken and egg deal as far as what caused what...) DD#1 is back on breathing treatments for a bad cough. This, plus I had to work late two nights and go in early (6:00 am) two other days. I was just beat from lack of sleep and mentally wiped out. I think this makes the nausea worse, too, so all I managed was a quick walk at work a few days. Do you get credit for running around after a 3 yo and 18 mo? ;) It may not be weight work, but, boy does it keep you moving! It is also responsible for smaller portions at meals - you don't get a chance to finish anything! :)

Today, I did Circuit Max and loved it - if I can work out earlier in the day, it seems to be better.

Has anyone heard of or used 'Pregnancy Without the Pounds'? I just found it online but am a little skeptical. I don't know if it would be worth it or not, but wondered if anyone else had gotten it. Is anyone doing a 'program', or are you playing it by ear?

Thanks for all the responses to the pre-preg. goal question!

Melanie – I, too, have to say that my goal was to get pregnant, and that was absolutely above anything else. I can’t even describe how lucky I feel to have my two girls, and now to have another baby on the way… Impressive running, too – I smiled at the ‘first in your age group’ finish – my personal plan is to train for the Senior Olympics. I will never be very fast, but I may be able to outlive all the faster people and have a shot at it when I’m 80….

Sandra – Wow - another great week's w/o’s! I can see why you had already met your pre-preg goals! How old is your daughter? You mentioned swimming lessons, and we have our 3yo signed up to start next week, and I’m not sure how much to expect her to learn.

Sunnydelite – have you had back problems before, or is this preg. related? It’s so tough when you can’t take anything decent to get some relief. :(

To everyone else – hope you’re having a great week!
Hi everyone--

Sandra--your workouts look great as usual.:)

Adrienne--welcome! I am at 10 weeks today, so you and I are a week apart. You must be due around January 1. Seems a long ways a way, yes? (nausea makes the time drag I think)

Gracenote--You are amazing with all you are doing, especially with the nausea. Yes, I think it all counts as working out.

I started the week out feeling a bit better, but Friday and Saturday, NOT. I am gaining about a pound a week and there's not much I can do about it. I'm not anxiety eating or stress eating. I am hungry and I could even eat more if I let myself. I am eating healthier foods this time, but that is because that's what I've been craving.

My workouts
Mon-The Viper
Tues-IMAX 3 step only, Low Max 1-4
Wed-MM upperbody push/pull premix, All Step, cardio only
Thurs-KPC, even the abs(which I often skip--shame)
Fri-Body Fusion and I thought I was going to die I was so exhausted
Sat-IMAX 3, with some modifications as I tire so easily
Sun-rest and nap....

I hope everyone else is doing well. Look forward to reading about your weeks, even if I don't comment:7 :7

#6 due 1-8-06
Good morning ladies! Last week was a good one workout wise. Since the hot humid weather has hit my area my sinus problems are very minimal and I am starting to feel so much better. Almost like my old self again, but with a bigger belly. :) I can't even begin to describe to you how bad my allergies had been for about 3 months and how miserable it had made me. Hopefully everything will continue on the up and up.

In any case, here are my workouts:
Monday - 20 min. walk & L&G ankle wt. premix
Tuesday - PUB up & C&W Timesaver Step
Wednesday - Musclemax LB premix
Thursday - 40 min. walk
Friday - rest
Saturday - rest
Sunday - 40 min. walk

It has helped tremendously spliting my workouts into 2 sessions. Thanks again everyone for the premix ideas! Maybe it is my long absence from regularly working out or maybe the extra baby weight my body is carrying, but my legs are so weak now. I will need to work harder on them. Even step wears my legs out quickly, so I may need to try to continue with my walking and giving step a rest for the time being.

Sandra - Great workouts as usual! I've been noticing my hips are loosening up too.

Welcome Adrienne! Great workouts despite all the morning sickness. I hope it ends soon for you.

GraceNote - You had a very hectic week! I hope the little ones start to feel better. You have earned some well deserved rest.

Maggie - Great workouts! I'm gaining about 1 pound per week too.

Well, I hope everyone has a terrific week!
Hi ladies. Everyone's workouts look so impressive. Keep up the good work!

Sandra: You're workouts are lookin' good, should that surprise me though? :)
Kristi I'm glad to see that you are back in the swing of things!
Welcome Adrianne - it's great to have you here.
Gracenote: I hope that things calm down for you soon and your family is feeling better. Kudos to you for keeping up with your workouts during all of this. And yes, I agree, that running after the kiddos should count as a workout.
Maggie: don't worry about the pound per week, you're doing great and your body knows what it's doing. Keep it up!

Hopefully this week will be the week things start to calm down. I got in one walk this week, that is it! We have had very hot, humid 90+ weather. Not something I'm used to the beginning of June. It was way to hot to walk during my lunch, we had swimming lessons every night and I was just too tired to get in a workout in the evening. Those are my excuses. :p We've started our summer hours at work which means no more walks for me - I'll only be getting a 1/2 hour for lunch. We come in a 1/2 hour early, take a 1/2 hour lunch and get to leave an hour earlier so I'll be outta here at 2:30! YAY!!! The weather is "supposed" to be back to normal by the end of the week so it'll be in the high 70's and swimming lessons are OVER. So I think with the cooler weather and the extra hour at home I'll definately be able to get my workouts in.

We had a very busy weekend. I had to take my son to swimming lessons on Fri night and then DH took us to Cracker Barrel for dinner, Saturday I cleaned our downstairs which took me 4 hours. I was on a role - I even scrubbed the floors by hand. I washed my car (inside & out) and washed my DH's truck too. Then we went to a wedding. My back was killing me from all that housework! Yesterday I took my son swimming and I am so sun burned. Just a note: do not let a 4 year old put lotion on your back!!! He didn't get my entire back covered. My chest is also crimson. We had a great time though - we went on the waterslides (my midwife said they were ok). Then I took him to the amusement park. He went on a few rides, I got a funnel cake }( and we rode the swings (aka the flying trapeze).

Who else besides me with be having thrill ride withdrawal this summer? My midwife told me that I can pretty much ride anything that my son can but there are still quite a few rides that we went on last year that I don't think are acceptable. We only live 25 minutes for an amusement park too!

I think that I have rambled on enough! Have a great week ladies!

Monday: rest

Tuesday: L&G from standing legs portion and KM standing legs portion - total 35 mins

Wednesday: Gym Style Legs -65 min ( I *think*)

Thursday: rest, but walked about 3/4 mile to and back from the pool ;-)

Friday: rest

Saturday: my own upper body weight workout, most of PUB and other stuff - 40 min

Sunday: Low Max, the whole thing! 69 min!!! It's the first time I've done the whole shabang and I was very happy I could handle it!

I feel good about last week, but I still would like to get 5 days in. But it's a week to week kind of a thing. Otherwise I've been feeling well, but I've had a weird experiance this week. On friday I got these stabbing pains IN my groin/vaginal area that came off and on all day starting at 9:00 am. I called my dr's office at 3:00 and waited for a nurse to call me. While I was waiting for her to call I started googling stuff and found that my pain was described as how it feels to dialate!!! So of course I freaked. Well thankfully that only lasted 45 min and the nurse called. She said take Tylenol, lay down and if they go away it's probably ligement pain/muscle spasims. They went away, so I guess that's that. I found out from other mama's that this was a "normal" experiance for mom's in subsequent pregnancies - you feel it more than in your first pregnancy. Now that that went away, my left hip has been hurting, along w/my left leg. Pregnancy sure makes you feel like a broken down car sometimes, LOL. But this little princess is worth all the aches!

Sandra: You're making me feel like a slacker LOL, good job!

Kristi: You look good too, you gals are champs!

Adrianne: Welcome aboard the preggo train! I look forward to getting to know you!

Gracenote: You need a big mommy break! Wow you have been dealing w/a lot lately. I hope things get easier soon!

Maggie: Don't sweat the lbs, each body is just programed for some much weight gain, I'm convinced of this!

Oh, and I get updates from Pregnancy w/out the Pounds and she just gives normal exercise advice on them, not what someone who is "advanced needs" IMO. I'm waiting for the new Fit To Deliver book to come out this month, Cathe suggested this book, so it's worth a look at least. HTH!
Wow-you all are so amazing! I have never bothered checking in here since I have not been working out at all since the beginning of the pregnancy.

How in the world do you do it? By the time my commute to work, full day of work, then horrible commute home....then cooking dinner and cleaning up is over, I am beat! I do stay active on the weekends cleaning and mowing, edging and sweeping the landscape.

I bought about 5 different pregnancy workouts but have only done 2. They seem quite worthless, just a lot of stretching. My doctor does not want me doing any of my other workouts because I am such a klutz that she is worried about my falling. She actually had me bring in all of my DVDs so she could see :) I should at least be walking but it is past 8 by the time my evening is over and I do not want to walk alone that late. DH is usually upstairs working after dinner. I am already up by 5:30 so getting up any earlier than that is not going to happen.

So, excuse my excuses and just delight in the fact that I am in so much awe of you all!
hey ladies! mind if i start checking in so i can get back into working out consistently? i'm currently 18 weeks and 5 days pregnant. i haven't hardly worked out consistent since i found out i was pregnant and i need to get back to it. here is my plan for the week:

Mon - this morning i did light weights, upper body and some leg lifts. i'll walk this evening.

Tues - Slim Series Mix It Up w/ the lightest band
Wed - Wallking
thurs - Firm Vol 1
Fri - OFF
Sat - OFF
Sun - Firm Vol 2.

i'll report back after my walk tonight to help make myself accountable.

Wow- some of you I couldn't keep up with even if I weren't pregnant. Anyway, here was my week:

Monday- good 1 hour at the gym
Tuesday- nothing
Wednesday- Intervals from CTX, 20 minutes yoga
Thursday- 1/2 hour at gym
Friday- swim 1 mile (although 20 lengths were with flippers, so not as hard as a regular mile)
Saturday- nothing, except clean the house
Sunday- 1/2 hour walk, upper body/abs from BodyMax

we had our ultrasound and I was delighted that the baby looked okay. I was really happy to learn we're having girl #3. My other DD's were born in September and October, so we are ready to go with clothes.

Have a good week.

Kristan, due 11-1 with number 3
Kristan congrats on your little girl! I'm glad she looked ok! Your lucky to have your clothes already - I have to go shopping }( , DH would love it if I didn't have to!
Hi all... i haven't been on the boards in a while... so much has been going on, and i'm just trying my best to stay stress free to keep the little one happy... (BTW, I just hit 19 weeks, due Nov. 10th) Just over the last 2 weeks, my energy has FINALLY picked up, and I'm now ready to work out more than once (UGH) a week. :) My doctor says everything is a-okay. Overall, I feel great, and I'm not even showing that much yet, which i think is genetic. My mother and sister were late bloomers too. Anyway, I'm really ready to work some muscle training back into my routines and am wondering if any mommies out there have been brave enough to try S,J & P, even if modified. I know there's probably way too much high impact to do the entire workout (not that I could before I was pregnant), that's just one of my favorites, and i'm wondering if anyone can suggest any modifications...
Sassyella--Modifying hi/lo aerobics is very challenging to me and I don't even try it (modifying it, that is), so I can't help you there.
But maybe you could do the step and weight portions from SJ&P combined with some of the step from Step Blast (may be there is a premix?) to give you a bit more cardio to make up for skipping the hi/lo.

I hope others have suggestions.

Thanks Maggie. It has definitely been my new challenge to find just the right mix/modified versions of routines that will keep me motivated and active, but not overdoing it...
Hi Sassyella! Great to see you here!!

Yes, there are some very good premixes with SJP that you can do:

1. Step & Weights (46mins): SJP step portion followed by the weight segments

2. Step & Weights Circuit (44mins): SJP step combos individually circuited with the SJP weight segments

3. SB/SJP combo - Step & Weights (63mins): Step Blast combos 1-3 followed by SJP weight segments

4. SB/SJP combo - Step & Weights Circuit #1 (81mins): Step Blast combos 1-3, and Challenge, circuited with the SJP weight segments

5. SB/SJP combo - Step & Weights Circuit #2 (68mins): Step Blast combos 1-3 circuited with the SJP weight segments

6. SB/SJP combo - Weights & Step Circuit (61mins): SJP weight segments 1&2; SB combo #1; SJP weight segments 3&4; SB challenge

Hope this helps!
Gracenote - You absolutely get credit for running around after young children!! That's exhausting stuff! How are your daughters doing? Poor girls; they're really having a bad time of it right now :( I can't believe you did Circuit Max! I had to give up all that hi/lo stuff ages ago. My bladder just can't handle it. My daughter is going to be 5 in July, so I'm expecting her to be able to actually learn something in these swim lessons. When I enrolled her as an infant/toddler, it was really just water "play". I simply wanted her to like being in the water and feel comfortable, and that's pretty much how it went.

Maggie - you had another week of very intense workouts! How do you manage to workout with all those kids? Do you have someone come in and keep an eye on them while you're working out? Or do the older ones keep an eye on the younger ones? Did you workout during your previous pregnancies?

Kristi - thank heavens your sinuses are doing better! I don't suffer from allergies, and I'm very thankful about that. My legs are much weaker than they used to be, too. I think the extra weight we're carrying is making them work harder, so we don't have to actually lift as much additional weight in our leg workouts. I'm using about 50-65% of my previous lower body weight loads, and feeling it just fine.

Dana - you had a fun week, for sure. I got a chuckle about the "4 year old putting lotion on your back" warning. We live 15 minutes away from West Edmonton Mall (officially world's largest mall), and it has a huge indoor amusement park. From Sept to June they have "toddler time", where kids under 5 years pay $5 for unlimited use of the rides and play areas. I've been taking DD there almost weekly for the past couple of months. We've had a bit of a problem with a few of the rides, as she can go on them only if I accompany her. But the signs specificallys advise against expectant women climbing aboard. I love the rides, and want to take her on them, but am not going to chance it.

Julie - isn't LowMax a blast? I love that workout more every time I do it. That was a freaky thing you experienced with the ligament pain the other day. I'm glad it was just your body adjusting, and nothing more.

Leighann - your excuses seem quite valid to me! Don't be so hard on yourself; women with young children and who work outside the home are the most stressed portion of the North American population. You're doing great with whatever you are able to fit in. I agree with you about the pregnancy workouts. I've never found one that I genuinely like. I have much more fun just modifying Cathe's workouts!

Luz - welcome!!! We have a couple new people this week. It may be time to update the Due Date list again!

Kristan - congratulations with girl #3!!! I'm glad the u/s went so well!

I enjoyed reading everyone's workouts for the week! I love knowing that there are other pregnant women out there working up a sweat. Thanks for keeping me motivated!!!

All the best,
Sandra--thanks for posting all those SB/SJP premixes. I have not really played with all of the available premixes on that DVD yet, but it looks like I will be.

Yes, the older kids watch the younger if I workout during the day. I homeschool and it is pretty intense, so it is a welcome break for me and for them. My hubby watches them at night, if I do not have time to do it during the day.

I worked out for the first 3 pregnancies gained 65 lbs each time(due to uncontrolled eating) and lost it all within 18 months. I did not work out for baby number 4 because he had a heart defect and I was scared. I gained a whopping 80 lbs and did not lose it all before becomeing pregnant with #5. I did Cathe with #5 and only gained 45 lbs due to a bit more control with my eating. I lost 25 lbs of baby weight and 43 lbs after that, bringing me almost to me original size.

I am determined to gain 40 lbs or less this time, but I think that I am genetically preprogrammed to gain lots of weight, so 45 might be more realistic. I get unbelievably hungry. I could probably eat 3000 calories a day or more if I let myself. As it is, I am struggling to keep it under 2500, which is a lot I know, but I am hungry.

If I gain a pound a week, I will meet my goal.

Now I am going to go and eat.

long winded
Maggie:p :7
yes Sandra, thank you so much for that... i guess i probably should've mentioned that SJP and SB are two of the few workouts that i only have on VHS. :( So no premixes for me... man, you're making we want to get the DVD just to make it easier... :)
Yes, I have to say that of all of Cathe's dvds, the SB/SJP dvd is my absolute favourite, for all of those premixes. There's many more, but I thought I'd just limit the list to the ones that you sounded interested in. If you have some spare change for another dvd, it's a great purchase.


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