Moment of Truth Oct 5/05


Good Morning Everyone,

I am up early today even though I don't HAVE to be.My friend is comming over to work out, isn't that nice of me?:) I am introducing her to HST.I am hoping that it isn't going to move to fast for her.The good thing with her is that she use to workout before so I don't have to keep to close of an eye on her.

Wendy- That did sound like sneezing, didn't it? I thought so to when I wrote it and I was to lazy to go back!:)

Charlotte- idday uyoay eseay tawhay iay rtoeway teyrseydaay?:)

Did anyone see The excorsism of Emily Rose yet? Thats what we watched last night.I hate scary movies and I didn't think this was going to be overly scary but I was a little bit wrong.:eek: Some may not find it scary if you like that sort of thing but I can't handle it at all.
So.....guess whose eyes came open at 3 o'clock? MINE! I was so scared.I was being a real weirdo.So I turned on the tube and started watching the Dog the Bounty Hunter...what a state he is!:p Ahrd looking bunch if you ask me.;)
Must and get dressed.I am also starving to :-( I'll have to wait.
Good Morning Everyone, Hi Lori !!

Today is GS Chest & Triceps and any segment of coremax. Triceps and Chest are both my weakest areas, so I look forward to and dread doing them at the same time!!!:eek:

I don't like scary movies either Lori, so no, I haven't seen Emily Rose and won't be watching it!!!!!
I do watch Dog the Bounty Hunter and agree with you 100%, that man has lived a hard life, and it shows!!! (actually, his wife is rough looking too, wouldn't you say?:p )

I didn't sleep that great either last night. I didn't get up until the clock turned 5, but did a lot of tossing , turning and clock watching and I didn't even watch a scary movie!!!! But I do that quite often anymore, and have no idea why.

Anyway......Jane, good to see you are feeling better and able to do weights. Keep us posted on how you are doing. When is your next dr. appointment? Do you have to let him know when it flares up??
I think to feel depressed and out of sorts for one day and then get right back to it is awesome!!! You really are a strong woman!!!

Kali, sorry but I don't remember, do you start at BB&B today?
I love that store!!! Hope you love your new job there!!

Terri, I finally got caught up and read about your son. I'm so sorry about that. Don't know what to say, but it isn't fair and I know the timing is extremely bad.:-( I hope he finds something else fast.

Charlotte, are you finally done decorating for Halloween? I finally put some stuff out around the house. Not as much as I used to when the kids were little, and they laugh at me for doing it now, but I still enjoy it. :)

Hi to everyone else and have a great day!!!!
Good morning everyone... pressed for time, so I have to be short.

Today is GS C&T and I'm looking forward to it too Becky. Oh and of course CoreMax.

Becky - I did let him know this time because it was so severe Monday morning, it really scared me and that's something since I've been dealing with this for six years. I knew to take the prednisone and just called and left a message to let him know what was going on. His nurse called me back and told me how he wanted me to taper the prednisone, so I'll be doing that for the next week. I stay on it as short a time as possible, I don't like taking steroids and I've taken way too many of them in the early course of my disease.

Hello to everyone else on this Wednesday morning, hump day already.

Better get to earning my paycheck!
Hey girls,

Boy I didn't want to get up this morning.x( Staying up watching tv till 11 will get me everytime. today is GS CT and coremax. I can't wait even though those kick butt on me! I did LG floor and bike last night and my legs are sore girls! So I hope to get my workout done in between by daughters jazz class.

Lori- Hope you have fun working out with your friend. Wow! HST is a trip to introduce first thing in the morning. hey, I have completed two days without junk food! Hope you have done well.

I can't wait to watch that scary movie you girls are watching! They scare me but that is part of the excitement.

Late for work, will chat with you this afternoon!

Hi Gals,

I am done my workout but I am suppose to run later.My friend really enjoyed HST b/c of the variety.Every other time we worked out, I kept it simple and just did weights.But we tried something new and she did good.
Its a pretty dreary day here.Its raining and dark outside.I can never really come to life when its crappy out.I will be taking a nap sometimes today b/c I am working tonight and tomorrow night.
I will be around all day.I think I am going to do some cleaning later when I get my act together.Prehaps this coffee I a drinking will help.
Kim- We were posting at the sametime!:) Ive been a good girl but the scale isn't showing it yetx( I went to bed hungry last night.I am getting so use to DH having snacks before bed time and it doesn't even bother me anymore.It use to once upon a time.We have been together for 8 yrs so I guess I should get use it sometime.:)

You're a strong girl to resist like that. Pray for me while at work I will have bake apples surrounding me. I will walk away today saying I resisted those darn things!

Well I'm really off to work now!


Good Morning Lori, Kim and Jane!

I see you ladies were all up early and chatting away already!! LOL :)

So I HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO work out today! No if's and or but's about it! I am in a funk though and truly do not feel like it but I intend to FORCE myself today...and SOON! much as I was looking forward to doing the October rotation w/everyone, I think I'm gonna bail on it and go for the July 03 rotation which is Fat loss and Definition. The past 2 days of not doing anything and eating badly has thrown me off and now I'm just not into the October rotation at this point. x( I need to work on fat loss more anyway! :p ... Plus the fact that this rotation will require far less substitutions and the ones I have to find subs for will be much easier than subbing Gymstyles and S&H! I don't want to start mid week so I am going to concentrate on cardio for this week w/some weights and then start fresh on monday w/this fat loss rotation. :)

I NEED to go food shopping today!!! I can't decide if I want to work out or make my list and organize my coupons before Joey gets up. I won't have time to do both I fear. Easier to do the list and coupons while Joey is awake than to work out so I guess I have just answered my own question. Once I have GOOD food back in the house, I will feel better. :+

BTW-I ate a minimal amount of pizza last night! I actually practiced PORTION CONTROL! YEAY ME! lol :p

Okay, done babbling...I'll be back!:)
Good Morning Beautiful Women,


Yup, all my decorations are up! I was going to put up some cornstalks from the garden, but they are so dried up and tops ripped off from neighboring cows coming over and chewing them. Gosh! LOL!


otgay ouryay mpay. maileay ouyay ackbay...rackety rack! LOL!


Still haven't made those pumpkin smoothies or apple smooties. I will make the pumpkin ones today. I stick my pie pumpkin in the pressure cooker and then I will scoop out the muck and such. LOL!

Have a great day everyone! I will be doing 400 walking lunges in the rain or not, don't care...hate interferences. I won't melt and besides I sweat so much, what does it matter...I will be wet anyways. LOL! I also want to do alot of ab work today. I forget what else I am doing besides more cleaning, giving dogs a bathe and hosing down back of truck.

Hi girls...nice to see that you lazy gals got your act together and pulled yourselves out of bed:)
Wendy - Its a good thing I didn't sign up for the rotation b/c you weren't to long ditching everyone! Some team player you are;) :7

Charlotte- Do I really have to do this again?;) Fine. tgoay ruyoay ilmaeay,ougthhtay oyuay lduoway jneoyay tiay rfistat ghtinay niay hetay rnoimgnay!

Alright,must go finsih cleaning, I haven't gotten to far yet:p
Hi Ladies,

Just a quick hello as I have o go do a deposition today(was hit by a drunk driver 2 years ago) so I will check back later. Thanks all for the kind words about mt son's impening layoff.


adlkjfdlkuasduasofgjhaslfjlsajflsjflksjfl;ksjfl;ajsfl;kjsajfka;l~ O.k., I am in a weirdo mood again. Got to get these dogs washed. Speck pooped in my son's bedroom this morning. Can't see how as she just pooped this morning. FURIOUS though because she just had to go on the new carpet. Now I will cut her nails just for it as she hates it, but they have to be done anyhow.

Hey Lori!!!! :p :p :p

Okay, so I am bad!!! }(
We just got $ from that homestead rebate/nj saver thingie plus DH worked that O/T last week and I was going through SERIOUS shopping withdrawals so I picked ONE thing from the Christmas list I made up and just purchased it! }( I bought 2 risers for my full size step. I considered just purchasing the highstep with all of it's risers but I have the fanny lifter and it works fine for me so I will just stick with that for now. I have been using my short step when I have wanted to use risers and this is annoying after getting used to the big step! I was hemming and hawing over wether to go for the RS dvd or the risers and I figured as much as I want the RS dvd, I have TONS of work outs so I can wait for that...

I didn't work out yet...I did my list/coupons for the store and paid a bunch of bills intead. I will w/o when Joey naps today instead.

Well, time to get my lazy boy outta bed and then off to the food store! :+

TTYL! :)

When DH is not home, I sleep out on the couch. Still freaking out over that Emily Rose movie. I shouldn't have seen it. I have had my own supernatural experiences so it messes with me alot.

Charlotte- Have you really? What kind? Hmmmm...never had any myself.That just proves that you are stranger, then I!:7 :+ Haven't gotten around to figuring out what you typed.I am not convinced that it is words yet.

Wendy- You have stuck your tongue out at me alot you know! Smarten up! How would you like it if Joey starts running around sticking his tongue out at people?:) Example my have to set an example!:)

Well, my friend that I worked out with today just called me. And in the last month she gained 10 lbs.She was only 119 and went up to 130 (or something like that)She is a life time member with Weigh Watchers.Anyway, she is back down to 125 now and she is no where near fat.So she just called and said that she ate 3 cookies and then she signed herself up for WW again and she wanted to know if I wanted to join. I DON'T WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!;( ;( ;( And how are you suppose to weigh something that is all pure muscle ,baby?:) I think she just wants someone to go with her but I told her that DH is on unemployed I shouldn't be wasting money.I can't go there! Its o.k for her b/c she is life time memeber but Im not spending that kind of money to lose vanity pounds! Shes cracked....
One more room left to vacuum!

I posted mine in the ghost story. Though it has nothing to do with ghost. I don't want to scare you though, but it is almost Halloween.

I don't believe in WW. I just think one needs to sit down and eat the right amounts/ratio of good healthy food every few hours and workout. Plain and simple. JMHO


Hi again everyone!

I've had a busy morning....I walked 3 miles on my treadmill while I watched Biggest Loser that I had taped.
Also, baked chocolate chip cookies for my daughter(don't worry, they don't tempt me) and lowfat banana bread for me and dh !:9
I need to bake some more apples too......just remembered that.

This afternoon I think I'm going over to chat with mom. She's been out of town for a few days and we need to catch up.;-)
Also I have a book I'm trying to finish up and may even wash my car.

What's everybody choosing for their allstep workout for tomorrow? I haven't decided but love when we have a choice!!:7
Becky, how weird is this? I just thought about boring my friends copy of the biggest loser while I run on the treadmill and I just finished making chocolate chip cookies for DH and DD.!!:) :)

Charlotte- Go vacuum for goodness sake and quit blaming us b/c you can't do it!:) :) Next thing you know the rolls will be reversed and your DH will be bringing a rat home to make you do the housework:eek: Don't kill it with a shovel though:-(

I need to take a little nap now and it would be ideal for me to run around 3:30 and I have time for this plan but I know something will I won't be able to fall asleep again.I don't think Emily Rose will visit me in the middle of the day though.

Boooooooooooooooo! Are ya scared! Not going to have nightmares, huh?
I DID VACUUM!!! Thank you! ;-) I need a nap so take a few more minutes for me, I won't have the time. I just finishing up last minute stuff and then do workouts. DD wants me to pick her up with friends at highschool in a few hours so I don't have much time.

GMTA Lori,;-)

I decided to go ahead and bake the apples now while the oven was still hot....and am toasting coconut too to use later. Am thinking of maybe using it in a smoothie. Maybe a mounds or almond joy smoothie??? Healthy version only , of course.;-)
Catch a few winks for me too please!!!
I'm wishing I had time for a nap today, but there's just no way.

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