Moment of Truth Oct 1 !!!!!


Good Morning Girls!

Wow...where is everyone? I guess I am the only one working on a Saturday morning:-( Its gonna be a long day again.Not much on the go and nothing to watch in t.v. I am thinking about making some cookies but if I do that then I will eat them:eek: :)

We had a couple of drinks last night.I only wanted to go out if we were gonna be home by 12 ish.DH looks at me around 12 and says..."are we going out?" Im like, I wanted to be home by 12 not go out at 12.So I said good night to everyone and I went to bed:) Im sorry but I have to work and I can't stay up and keep people company, they were just gonna have to make their own conversations!:)

So no workout yet today.Today may be my rest day and tomorrow not.Or when I get off at 6:30 I may end up doing something.I needed to catch up on sleep today, there was no way I could get up at 5:30 to workout.

Anyway,I hope everyone as a great Sat.Which I was out doing family things but I am stuck here all day.Oh well...I get next weekend off:)
Good Morning Lori and everyone who straggles in later!:)

I hope you all are sleeping in and enjoying it !

My dd's birthday dinner turned out good and we had a lot of fun. I stuck to my decision not to eat any of the meat, potatoes, etc.. I really wasn't hungry for any of it and I stayed busy getting things for people, etc, so I just had some applesauce & iced tea. HONEST!! But still being honest, I then had a piece of caramel apple cake (which I DID replace applesauce with the oil in, to lighten it up) and some ice cream. YUM YUM!!! I was VERY happy with my decision when later on dh & sil were both holding their stomaches and moaning about how they ate waaaaaay too much and felt like there were gonna bust! :eek:
I felt fine and even ate some peanuts before bed.

I enjoyed the stepblast 1,2 & 3 workout yesterday and a 30 min. run. Today calls for Kick Max Blasts & KM leg conditioning drills and I dont' have Kick Max! What would be a good sub? I have Cardio Kicks, KP&C and CTX Kickboxing. Any ideas?
Also a 20 minute power walk and abs from coremax.
Very doable for me today because dh is golfing today in a tournament, so I'll have the time.

What's everyone doing this weekend?
I intend to RELAX! Monday I have to start working on my daughter's baby shower!!!! Her friend is giving it, but asked me to do all the food and bake the cake and it's coming up fast!!! (middle of october)

Have a great day everyone!!
Good Morning Lori and Becky,

Lori~I hope your day at work goes quickly for you.

Becky~Good job not eating that tastey dinner!

Well, I was sound asleep about 7am only to be woken up by the phone. DH's aunt who has been sick for a while has passed away. It's quite sad but she is so much better off. Her quality of life was GONE. She was suffering and was not going to get better. :-( Now we have to wait to hear about funeral arrangements. The worst part is...DH's father is away on a cruise to Canada. This is HIS sister! DH's sister called us to let us know she passed but also frantic because she didn't know you had to know the name of the ship in order to get in touch with a cruise passenger. We figured it out so she is calling him now. He's going to be so upset even though he knew it was coming. He'll probably cut the vacation short and come home for the funeral. I am surprised he went to begin with but I guess he figured she'd been sick like this for a while so she'd probably be around for some time yet...;(

So today is my rest day...BORING! lol I appreciate my rest days-I really do!!!-but sometimes when I have nothing to do I am tempted to work out anyway! LOL It's actually FUN for me! Am I strange? }(

Well, that's about it for now....BBL Ladies!:)
Hey Becky and Lori... Lori don't work too hard, I have weekend work also and I don't like it very much. I'm off this weekend though.

Becky... as a sub for KM..... those KM blasts consists of 10 high impact blasts that last for a total of 15 minutes. It isn't an interval blast-type thing, it is all out blasts for 15 minutes straight... and the leg conditioning drill section is 18 minutes long and is standing leg work. You could sub the blasts only premix off any IMAX... check the premixes and see how long the blasts only premix is, you only need 15 minutes.

You could sub L&G standing leg work for the leg conditioning drills I would think or any standing leg work for 18 minutes.

Becky I'd like to have those recipes for those cakes you made and listed yesterday, the caramel one and the spice cake, I think there was another? That spice cake and the caramel one sounds wonderful. Don't worry about having a piece of cake though. I didn't stick with my pristine eating last night either. I didn't go off the deep end, it was somewhat controlled. It wasn't PMS'ing either. DH came home and opened the jar of honey-roasted peanuts in the cabinet that had been up there for over a month. I had a handful and they were sooo good... I had a little more, then a little more... LOL... anyway let's just say I had more than a serving but DH made a dent in them too. I started to feel very bad about this right after, then decided "no way". I got my journal and wrote some and felt better. I decided through this little exercise of writing in my journal that a few handfuls of honey-roasted peanuts is not going to derail everything. I looked at my exercise calendar, which is very colorful, and it made me feel better to look at September. (I color-code my workouts, red for cardio, green for strength/endurance, blue for abs/core, purple for stretch/yoga, and pink for circuits). Looking at my exercise calendar for Sept really gave me a boost.

Then I got up and weighed this morning and hadn't gained a pound so I am doing well. My problem I believe more is the fact that my personality makeup is so that I tend to be an "all or nothing" type person. I am either exercising and eating absolutely perfectly or I am all the other way. Through journaling, etc., I am trying to allow myself some middle ground and not beat myself up over it.

Gosh, I have written a book but you know, even if y'all don't have time to read all this, it felt good to put this down for public view. It helps.

Gone to get coffee and breakfast and start this beautiful day.:) :)
Good morning Wendy... we were posting at the same time. I am so sorry about your DH's aunt. I will remember your family. I hope they get in touch with your FIL soon. Take care.
Thanks Jane and I'm glad that you didn't torture yourself over some peanuts. Honey roasted are the best! :9
Hi Girls,

Seems like your waking up...slowly but surely!:)

Becky - I know what you mean about the family holding unto their bellies.We had supper at my MIL's on Thursday night, I hanestly couldn't eat another bite, while everyone was still stuffing their faces! They looked at me like I 10 heads b/c I wasn't eating anymore.SO while they were rubbing their bellies, I was feeling just fine.I think I would rather be hungry then stuffed!

Wendy- So sorry to hear about your Aunt.Its to bad your FIL trip is gonna be cut short but with those sorts of things you never know.You can't sit around forever.

Jane - I think you posted that you eating was o.k? MIne as been pretty good all week and my workouts vigorous and I was up 2.5 lbs today.I wasn't impressed but I know its nothing b/c my clothes feel fine and my stomach is flatter then it is most of the time.I am REALLY thinking of not weighing myself as anyone else? Just measurements and clothes...the scale is such a stupid thing and it totally tells you how your day is gonna go.

Anyway...I will check back again later!
Thank you Jane,

Hmmmmm KM seems kind of hard to sub ...... I should have paid attention to what was coming up on the rotation a few days ago and given it more thought. I feel like I'm not very organized with my workout today at all. For sure will get out and walk today. It's going to be 82 and sunny.:) Coremax is no problem either. Just not sure yet about the leg stuff. Maybe I will do Imax blasts for 15 minutes and then 20 min. leg workout. from legs and glutes or another leg workout.
You gave good advice,I just thought it was more cardio and I could just sub cardio kicks or something similar.

I ran an errand this morning and left without remembering to take advil and omg , I came home 20 min. later, doubled over with cramps. I have them very bad if I forget .....if I take my med it is very manageable. My dr. just says take it BEFORE it gets bad , because once it does , its takes a while to feel better. So right now I am drinking raspberry tea, have a heating pad across my belly and took 3 advil. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ When it all kicks in, I WILL workout!!!!!!:eek:
Becky, I'm so sorry you are having problems today. Raspberry tea huh? I'll have to try that, I actually have some of that in Bigelow brand I believe. I don't take anything extra for my cramps but I have to take 15 mg. of Mobic, which is a prescription anti-inflammatory) a day for my rheumatoid arthritis (in addition to my shot and other meds for it) so this must take care of any cramps. LOL.... I have two pill organizers, one for morning, one for evening!!! My husband says I am the healthiest sick person he knows...LOL... I just call it maintenance!! LOL.....:7 :+
LOL Jane,
I had to laugh at "the healthiest sick person he knows"! EVERYBODY said that when I was dx'ed with cancer! My friends just shook their heads and unfortunately many people went by the thought that "if she can get it and she workouts out all the time and eats healthy, then why should I even BOTHER????" ACK!!!! Bad way to be thinking!!!!!
I thought it was much more the thought that ANYBODY can get cancer (or other illnesses for that matter) but THANKFULLY I WAS in very good shape when it happened because that helped me get through treatments and surgeries much better than I think I would have , had I been a junkfood junkie-couch potato type!
That's just MHO of course.

I'm feeling better. Even just ate some oatmeal, bananas and walnuts. I love that combo, and you reminded me of it in your post the other day. ;-) mmmmm
Good Morning Ladies.

Becky, I believe that you did do so well because you were in good shape and because of your attitude. I have had family members live w/ breast cancer for years, and others who were dx'ed w/ cancer and died within a couple months because they had no hope. They didn't believe. And if we don't "believe" we can do something or get thru something, we won't. I'm so glad you're dinner went well.

Jane, I know what you mean. I am the same exact way as you already know. Journaling does help. And when we "tell" or "write" down our thoughts, they start losing their power over us. I learned that in the program and it is God's honest truth. When "we" share things with others, they help us carry the load just by knowing what we're going thru. :)

Lori, good for you not going out last night. Hope you have a good day and aren't too cold up there in Antartica!

Wendy,so sorry about DH's aunt. But like you said she is in a much better place now and does not have to suffer anymore.
Next Saturday at this time we will be getting ready to meet in the middle!!!! YAY!!!! :7:7

Terri, hope that tooth is out and you're feeling better!

Hi Kim! My GS's will be here Monday! Can't wait to try them.
Doing the rotation all together will be fun! This month sure was.

Hi Charlotte, Nancy, Shannon, Jessica, and Missy! Hope I didnt' miss anyone!

I'm going to get ready to go. I'm probably just going to get a walk in later. I'll talk to you all tomorrow.
Have a great Saturday.
Hey ladies,

Well I have a busy day ahead of me. I'm going to eat breakfast, then go buy my son some jeans for school and then my dh will take a computer to one of my friends. He put one together for her and is ready to be finished with it once and for all. And then the neighbor down the street will be having a gathering of neighbors for various B-days. Busy,Busy, Busy! I'm going to get the bike in sometime today.

Lori-I'm sorry you have to work on a sat. morning. And don't make those cookies! Cause I would definitely eat them all! I don't blame you for going out so late, I would be dead on my feet. Have a good day!

Becky- I'm glad you dd b-day dinner went well. And you resisted the meat and potatoes. I don't know if I could of done that! I don't know what you can sub for Kickmax and the drills, but I'm sure some of the ladies around here will come up with something.

Wendy- I'm so sorry about you dd's aunt. Even though it was coming, its hard when it actually happens. I prayers go out to you and your family. and try to enjoy your rest day.

Jane- I am the same way about my exercising and eating. If I eat bad I don't want to exercise and if all is well then I will do both. Did I make sense there? But I know what you mean.

hey to charlotte,kali,terri,nancy, shannon, and sorry if I miss someone.

Hey kali, you will love GS and it is so exciting to be starting this rotation. Especially all of us going through it together.

See you later girl!

Ok Ladies I am leaving for my Dental procedure in a few minutes. I am beyond scared and sshaking like mad. I just hope they can TAKE the tooth today! I don't want to be in stress mode anymore:( So wish me luck!

You all sound like you are doing so well today. Jane-you sound so organized with your workout journal and all. I dream of being that organized.

Lori-I will gladly come work for you and you go to the dentist for me:)ecky-I hope you feel better now.

Wendy-Enjoy that rest day! Sorry to hear about DH aunt:(

Kali- I like the survivor comment you made.

Kim-Have a nice day off and I hope you have a fun day

Hello to all who foloow

Hey terri,

I will be thinking about you today. It will be over soon and you will be as good as new. Check back in later, to let us know how you're doing.

Terri - Im sorry but that doesn't sound like an even trade!;)

Kali- The artic is not to cold today:) Its sunny but there is a bite in the air.Its amazing how much more energy I have when it is sunny.Yesterday at work i was almost dead! I was so tired.But today its sunny so I feel ALIVE! ALIVE I say!:)

I did bring a Redbull for later in case I crash!:)

Your not gonna be happy with me.I am making cookies but I won't eat them.I will just roam all over the airport passing out cookies!:)
The over here sucks so this could be a full day thing!

I want your job!!!
Are you at WORK baking cookies, watching movies and sleeping????
I wanna get paid to do that too!!!!!!!

I just finished GS floorwork (in place of leg conditioning drills) and I have to take dd to work. When I come back I'll do coremax and I am skipping blasts. I just don't feel up to BLASTS! I will cut our grass (that is an hour of walking and pushing) and if DH wants to later in the day, maybe we'll go hiking.
I think that's as good as it's going to get for me today and it's really not that bad.

Jane, I meant to say I really admire the way you are handling your eating. I NEED to start doing the same, as I sabatoge (?) myself all the time with food! I think you are very smart and it's working for you and I copy everything else from you ....:)P heehehe) I guess I might as well copy the writing too! HA!!!

I will get those recipes to you later.....just out of time!!
Becky, take whatever you need and make it your own. That is what I do. When I see an idea posted on the forum and I think it will work for me, I use it. That is what it is all about, sharing. I copied the color-coded workout calendar from Pinky. I love to look at my calendar and see how my workouts are laying out. Especially with this September rotation, it is very colorful!!:+ Just another motivational tool. I seem to need a lot of those!!! I have decided to count yesterday as a day I deserved not as a day I wrecked everything. I have numbered my days of good eating in my journal so yesterday was day #34 so I went 33 days of pretty perfect eating. If I go 33 days and not over-indulge, I'd say I am doing pretty darn good. This has actually turned out to be a very positive experience. I can have a little extra sometimes, I don't have to be perfect all the time. Hopefully I can carry that over into other aspects of my life. I am such a perfectionist I drive myself insane sometimes!!
Ha! Becky it sounds like fun doesn't it? He really hasn't even me any work to do while some of the others (who have been here for years!) are bogged down with it.I don't really want any of their work load b/c I am sure that they have a way of doing things and I don't want to interfer with their stuff.He as given me a bit of computer work to do but I can do that in a matter of a couple of hours.
So yeah...the days can be long so I have to do something! But everyone around here loves to eat so I make the cookies and when I come back on Wed night there will not be one left! The girls think my plan is to make them all fat so that I look better then them!

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