Moment of Truth/Fall check-in Thurs 10-6

>I love that state of delirium where you are so tired but you
>can't pass out! Everything is funny. It is just like being
>on pot, only without the paranoia!
>How much are you curling now, superwoman???

Yeah, that is why Lori always thinks I am on weed or something. That is just my personality, but when I get so overtired I swear I am just worse! DD friend asked me too yesterday why I was running around like in a hurry. I said, "I always walk fast or run" as if in a hurry even if I am not.

I am still at 60 pounds for curls, but I have to go down when I am not on the preacher bench at 50 which I can do with perfect form standing straight up and arms straight down and then up to shoulders again. I can't do it with 25 db's though for left arm. My left arm is not as strong as my right so I am trying.

Im Awake:) And I feel well rested.I probably had 6 hours of sleep at work:eek: and 3 at home.But I feel like a million bucks right now.I don't look like one though.My hair is nuts when I get up first thing:)

Poor Charlotte all by herself:-( Your mother didn't teach you how to play with yourself, did she? I guess you culd take that either way but I definitly meant the clean way:) And what are you do'in, meeting up on little kids? Man social services is gonna be taking you away!:)

Missy- I don't know if the obsession is with electrioncs or anything that cost a fortune.We have lived in this house for 4 yrs and so far DH as bought 2 dirt bike,3 trucks,1 jeep,1 snowmobile,1 bowflex...thats all I can remember of the top of my head.He traded his bike in to get the snowmobile and all of the vechiles were back and forth, we didn't have all these vechiles at the same time!;) We have lost alot of money by him buying and selling, its nuts.I said to my friend, why do we feel bad about going into the city and buying $500 worth of clothes? Its doesn't take us 3 yrs to pay it off like it does their toys?
Well, enjoy it atleast it is something for everyone to enjoy.Imagine how big Bob the Builder will look to the kids!:)

Wendy- i hope you got your work out in! I hope your not still seating here!

Hi to everyone else!
Joey went down for a nap and the fedex guy came with the pkg that DH was expecting which I missed yesterday cause they came when I was food shopping and it requires a signature in person! SO....Off I go to work out! }(


It is a good thing I was not eating or I would have choked! LOL! Now I am going to finish watching Killer Clowns from Outer Space while I eat my spaghetti and then hopefully I will fall asleep because it is not easy for me to sleep as I will feel like I will be missing out on something. LOL!

Sleep? This hour of the day? I thought this was 'your time' to workout? You don't even workout, do you? Your one big bluff:) :) Oh, and the movie...WTH is that? I hope Emily isn't in it..boog-ady,boog-ady..boooooooooooooooooooooo!! Sweet Dreams, princess:)

Uh, excuse me...but today is my rest day...thank you!;-) }( :* See, you have already disturbed me because I know you were gonna have something smart to say. The movie is a joke, but I already knew this as it will bore me to sleep. I only got 6 1/2 hours of sleep. For me, that is terrible as I tend to sleep 9 hours or more. WAAAHHHHH!

Okay, Leaner Legs and 20 mins of the Low Max step only premix are done! 52 mins and over 500 cals later!!! }( :7 }(

I'm makin' myself a turkey sandwich on wheat toast now and maybe I'll have some applesauce too....

I plan to do a section of Coremax later on.

O.k, I GUESS you are aloud to have a rest day.I didn't think you knew how to take those;) Lord knows, I don't. My rest day is Sun and I know I am gonna be twidling my tumbs.Especially since next week is my busy week at work and I may not fit all my workouts in.But I will try!:) Well, I hope your having a good nap sucky baby and I hope that spagetti doesn't go straight to your thighs while you are sleeping....BA HA HA HA!}( }( }( }(

I just finished my workout.I only did C&W, I know shame on me.My inner thighs are to sore from yesterdays run to muster up enough energy to run for another 30 min.And tomorrows workout is gonna be pretty tough so I will save some energy.Tomorrow is LM and GS BBS and S&H BBS.I guess I will have dirty hair again tomorrow!
Must go get a shower, not sure what I am going to do b/c I had somethings to do but DH took MY car, with MY wallet in it and MY security pass for work.SO I can't go to work and get my pay check to pay some bills and get poor DH a card.Ill have to track him down.Maybe he is at his girlfriends house.....hahahaha:)
Great Leg workout Wendy!!

I had an enormous salad with chicken breast on it, cottage cheese and
an apple for lunch. Will have a smoothie later on.....
Breakfast was a piece of homemade l/f banana bread with peanutbutter on it.
Am HUNGRY today for some reason!!! that's something new!!! ha!:p

Enjoy your lunch!

I slept for 2 mins, I think. My rest days are important. I actually like to take 2 rest days in a week. The more rest I get, the better my workouts are. I am not the type to go on a month stretch without a rest day...NEVER! That just wears you down and make you weak, in the end...susceptible to colds and aging as well. LOL! So yup, I am sucking it all spaghetti. I use wheat noodles so I ain't worried. More carbs, the better...just got to eat the right ones, ya know all of that? That was the most lamest movie I have ever watched.
My hiney is sore from the walking lunges. Everytime I do those walking lunges, it is always the same...very sore there. I am trying to get it as hard as a bowling bowl...two duckpins. I don't know what workout I am doing tomorrow. I will decide in the morning. It is good you are listening to your body and not pushing yourself if your thighs are already sore. It would only be overkill. Your muscles need to repair themselves. Good job!;-)

You remember when I got all the heat for doing this crazy rotation anyway? And I kept saying...I know how to listen to my body, but no one was listening to me:-( There you go, I just proved it:) Im not deaf, I can listen:)
That wasn't a very long nap.Sort of like the one I had yesterday.
Those walking lunges are hard on the ole' cheeks.But it feels so good.:)
I cannot sleep. I have too much on my mine....DD lovelife! Oh, I have to but out, but simply cannot. The drama is pulling me in and keeping me up. I want her to meet someone like what sparrow posted about sweet dh. That is the guy I want for my DD. I know I shouldn't tell you all this, as I am ashamed, but she got a loveletter today and I had to put it against the window to try to read it. I only got bits and pieces of it. Shame on me. I have to know though because she wants to go out with another boy and I don't like that boy for her. He is a nice boy, but he is not right for her.

Tut,tut...I use to hate it when my mom spied on me but she said, if it was left in my pocket and she was doing laundry, then she would read it. I guess she was right.
I have a 9 yr old as you know and I can't imagine what I am going to deal with.SHe use to be boy crazy the last couple of years, chasing them around and always playing with boys at school and never the girls.But this year and the end of last year she as made a complete turn around.I was thinking , what in the world is she going to be doing 5 yrs from now!
I don't think what you did was totally wrong b/c you didn't actually open the letter and you knew you weren't going to see to much.You were just being curious....see what happens when you take rest days? hahaha

You wait until your girl turns 17! I am not trying to scare you, but it is hard watching her grow up right now. Really hard! Her new boyfriend has his own car and drives. I know what happens in cars. LOL! So you can imagine how horrified I feel at times.

Wendy, what in the world did you post on that "this is neat" thread?:+ LOL... From the responses, I'm afraid to click on it!!:p

On to my workout now....
Tee hee...that's for me to know and for you to find out! ;) Click on it!...I dare ya! :p

BTW-I'm pretty sure I forwarded it on it you via email!
Hey girls,

I just got home and picked up the kids with their friend staying over. I am majorly sore from GSCT. My lats,shoulders tri's and chest are tender to the touch. Gosh, I couldn't move today without hurting! And just think I have two segments of coremax to do! And my abs hurt from holding them in yesterday!

Kali-how was your first day at work? I hope you enjoyed it!:) Did you workout this morning before going to work? I wish I could train myself to get up early again to exercise.

Oh! I forgot to tell you ladies that I was able to do full toe raises!:p I do it very slowly, but it is better than Monday at PT when I couldn't hardly do it! I still feel a little pain when I come down, but I have to quit babying it. I can't wait till I can even do Lowmax. Just a step workout low impact would tickle me pink right now!

So how is everyone else doing today?


DITTO to everything you said about soreness! I dont' know why either, because I've done this workout before (it's been a while), with heavier weights! Yesterday , towards the end when Cathe was using #10 for her triceps, I had dropped to #5 !!!! And still I was shaking like a leaf! Today I am sore, sore, sore! I even just posted a question about how to treat such sore muscles because I am hurting!
My abs are hurting too, so I skipped coremax today and can't IMAGINE doing GS BBS tomorrow! OUCHHHHHHHH!!!!:eek:

I wonder what the deal is ?????

Just wanted you to know you are NOT alone!!!!

Lets have a DOMS party!!!}(

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