Moment of Truth Check-In 8/23


Good Morning Ladies.

My results since beginning a new rotation and eating plan on 8/16:

I am down 3 pounds. :7

My body fat is down .8%. :D

My measurements are all headed in the right direction except for my legs which have gotten bigger so I am going to lighten up on weights there.

I did not take my measurements when I started this new plan but this is the deal since last taking them on 8/01:

chest/back: .43 inches lost
waist: 1.5 inches lost
hips: 1 inch lost
thigh: .75 inches gained
calves: same

:7 :+ :7

Hope everyone is doing well this morning!
You look great. Yoor kids are adorable. My gransdon is 19 months and still barely any hair. Someday I will be able to cut it. He sits in my chair and taps his head at the shop all the time.
Do you have a body fat scale or using as caliper.
I have never measured . I kinda go by my clothes. Everyone tells me You don't need to loose weight . I just want rid of the fat over the muscle.
40 and refuse to get old.
Hi Anne.

Thanks. :) I use the omron bf analyzer. It's not totally accurate but atleast it lets me know I'm headed in the right direction. ;)
Good Morning Ladies,
Sounds like you gals are off to a great morning:) Yesterday wasn't the best for me so I am really starting clean today. Its so hard to get into,isn't it? But when you get the swing of things and start feeling better about yourself its so much easier.
I will be having a coffee shortly and then I am going to get a run in. It is a crappy day here so it will be easier to get my house work finished. I am also going to get some groceries which will make eating a little easier over the next couple of weeks. Lots of chicken and broccoli for me , I think:eek: :)
I will check back later,
Hi Ladies.

I'm still in awful pain from PLB on Saturday. It hurts to sit and to walk steps. Unfortunately, I had to climb stairs a lot yesterday, so it probably set back my DOMS healing. I guess I'm looking at another rest day. But then, I have a big hearing in court tomorrow so I'll probably work very late tonight anyway. Sigh.

Just butting in here a bit, but I wanted to say, Nancy, when I am sore like that, doing some light cardio or a stretch workout usually eases up my DOMS.... good luck!

I am going to post in this check-in but my measurements are home. I have been measuring (no scale, though, I think they are evil) since June.... once a month but maybe you will inspire me to go to weekly measures!

Good luck!

Good morning ladies,

Having a sleeping and lazy morning. Knowing this is the last morning I can sleep before going back to work. Just so much for me to do today.

Someone posted they were doing one of the older tanktop rotations since they couldn't do cardio right now. Well it gave me the idea to try it also. so I am going to do it, but wonder how hard it will be to do PS,cst&bba in one day and do PUB two days later? It is basically upper body three times a week. I probably will start on it today. any body with some input, please feel free.

Another thing I need to do is eat clean. Today I will start fresh and getting in a healthy diet. Stress has been the killer of both my diet and exercise.

Sorry so long,

Hi Everyone!

Wendy,your doing AWESOME! All that since 8/1, that is really encouraging!

Lori, It is hard to get into isn't it? I find if I can stick with it the first two weeks, then it gets easier... And that is were I'm stuck, I haven't been able to make it more then a week in a LONG time!

Nancy, I definitly agree with Maries advice to get some lite cardio for you DOMS, I've had alot of DOMS lately (just starting weight work) and have found that just warming up the body and getting things moving eases up the pain alot.

Kim, enjoy your sleepy morning!! Can't offer any advice on your upper body rotation, but it sure sounds tough!

Yesterday was my first day trying to eat clean, I did ok, not perfect. My DH had dessert after dinner, MY FAVORITE, so that was very tough, and since this is a TRUTHFUL check-in, I will admit I did have one bite of it... but if this were last week I would of gobbled the whole thing, so I guess that is an improvement. Thank god for this check in, that is what made me stop at one bite. Well I'm off to Imax 2, I hope everyone has a great day and great workouts!!
Its me again....just finished my run and it was a good one. I really enjoy running outside b/c time goes by faster. But on the threadmill I can do interval running that can be timed, that I wouldn't do outside.On the threadmill I will do 2 miles at a normal pace and then I will mix each mile up after that, with alot of really fast running in there.If I were outside there is no way I could or would be able to do it.
So I got a 5 mile run in. I am now going to get my day goinf, even though it is 12 in the afternoon. I have a very busy day ahead of me.Groceries and more cleaning. DH also wants to start at the laundry/aerobics room. He as flooring to put down and we are going to finish the walls in there. Maybe after it is done, I will post some pic's of my workout room:)

Carolyn-You know, I even find it easier after the first day of saying no. I don't think I crave things as much as I think I do.I am getting closer to 30 and they say that things start to slow down after that;( Maybe I can't eat the sweets that I use to be able to and still get away with it. It HAS to catch up to me at some point.What usually throws me for s loop is when I have an outing. Which is this weekend. I have wedding on Fri so it will be a late night, with a couple of drinks involved.But I can diffently control the drinking and the eating.
I will check back later,
Hi Guys. I think I'd like to join this check in too!
You can never have to many accountability partners!

Alright. Here are my measurements from 7/9 when I started to 8/23. I weigh and measure every Sunday.

Hips-40 1/2
Thighs- 24 1/2
Bi's-12 1/2
I didn't measure my calves the first week. So as you can see I have a LONG WAY to go to meet my goals. My goal is to weigh 130 by New Year's 2006.
Wendy-you are doing great.

Lori-hang in there. Once you start eating clean, it grows on you. Believe me. I never thought I could eat healthy. I thought working out was enough. *See Charlotte's motto*

Nancy-don't work too hard. I have still have DOMS from PLB from FRIDAY!! And I did Dead lifts again today so I am really in trouble tomorrow!

Kim-enjoy your sleepy morning, but let's not make this a habit!LOL! ;-)

Carolyn- we don't have to be perfect. A little treat now and then is ok. You'll definatley burn off whatever you ate last night doing IMAX 2!!!}(
Have a good afternoon All!


Just got vacation pics added!;-)
This morning was LL and tonight will be some cardio. I'm trying to add on 10-15 min. extra leg/butt work every day now. Hopefully this will help.:)
Diet's pretty good.
Have a good day.
Hey Again! Well, Imax 2 is out of the way (thank god)! I haven't done that one in at least three weeks, and I just payed the price. #9 just about finished me. Lori, let me tell ya, IT TOTALLY CATCHES UP WITH YOU, hahahah. I'm 37, and for years I got away with eating pretty much what I wanted with just cardio. I hit 35, and hmmm had to cut back a little, 36, had to work out a little harder.. and now 37 geez I can't seem to get rid of those xtra lbs. But as others have said it's all in your diet. So here I am. Good luck with your outings this weekend. Just know that first thing Monday morning I'm going to ask you how you did! Ha ha maybe that will help, huh? Kali, you really inspired me, you've done GREAT since July 9th! 13lbs. and just about two inches off everything, you need to share what your doing, or what changes you made. I haven't done any cleaning yet today so I'm going to run, I love that everyone seems to be checking in through out the day! See ya ~Carolyn~

I did really well with exercise and diet yesterday but today has been tough - I've already had 1100 calories :eek: - I have PUB planned for today but I had to get up at 4:30 am for work today and I didn't sleep well, so I may put it off until tomorrow.

The scale says I've lost 1lb. this week and my pants feel more roomy which is very motivating :D

So far this week I've done:

S: Power Hour
M: Low Max
T: PUB (?)


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