Mix and Match set of workouts


How about a 3-DVD CTX type series that incorporates some or all of the following:

Disc One:
-A 25-30 min. cardio segment consisting of half hi/lo and half high intensity cardio drills/intervals (on the floor, no step). Finishing with shoulder work.
-A 20-25 min. step workout consisting of 4 or 5 intervals. Finish with tricep and core work.
-A very intense kickbox workout consisting of tough drills and combos. Finish with chest and ab work.

It could also feature the following premixes:
-Cardio from each for a 10-10-10 type workout
-Just the drills and intervals segments for a very intense, shorter workout
-A chest, tris, and shoulders premix
-A core only premix

Disc Two:
-A 25-30 min. workout consisting of 6 cardio/leg circuits (3 using the floor, 3 using the step). Finish with back and ab work.
-A 40-45 min. circuit workout (cardio/lowerbody/upperbody - repeat)using either just the floor or the highstep. Finish with tough core work.
-A 25-30 min. step kickbox workout. Finish with bicep work.

This disc could feature the following premixes:
-Back and bis
-Core only
-Step only
-Floor cardio only

The third disc could feature the following workout:
-A new lowerbody workout mixing standing and floor work (maybe some non-weighted toning moves from Low Max and some plyo moves like power scissors or plie jacks).

-An all cardio '15-15-15' premix incorporating cardio from disc one and disc two
-An all upperbody premix
-One or two different abs/core premixes
-A leg ciruit workout combining portions of cardio from the first two discs and the lower body workout of the third disc.

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